• 车辆近海工程结构桥梁的焊接等。

    Such as vehicle, offing building structure bridge.


  • 车辆近海工程结构桥梁的焊接等。

    Such as vehicle, offing building structure and bridge.


  • 超导磁体产生磁场物理性质使用造成对象车辆漂浮固体表面

    The use of the physical properties of magnetic fields generated by superconducting magnets to cause an object (as a vehicle) to float above a solid surface.


  • 某些特定条件下车辆速度变化MVEDRs可收集撞车临近撞车事故时的各种数据

    Triggered by certain conditions, such as changes in vehicle speed, MVEDRs collect a variety of data during crash and near-crash events.


  • 山顶响声车辆响声、又火焰烧碎衪的响声、好像强盛摆阵豫打仗。

    With a noise like that of chariots they leap over the mountaintops, like a crackling fire consuming stubble, like a mighty army drawn up for battle.


  • 典型城市交通情况下,雷达测量值添加上每个受检目标(车辆)横向速度分量是很有意义的。

    In typical city traffic situations the additionally to the radar measurement even the lateral velocity component of each detected target such as a vehicle is of large interest.


  • 费用包括每车2使用赛道及维修区,所有其它费用油,饮食车辆冲出赛道须拖车之费用须由车主自已负责。

    Entry fee only includes the use of the Circuit for the 2 days, other cost such as Gasoline, Food and beverages, or Towage fee if the Car have to be tow out of the Gravel Trap.


  • 基于视频图像交通监视系统中,路边建筑树木等物体引起的静态阴影运动物体车辆引起的运动阴影,导致车辆检测错误主要因素。

    Passive shadows resulted from roadside buildings or trees and active shadows caused by moving vehicles, are one of the factors that arise errors in video based vehicle detection.


  • 有了这个系统每个车辆即时状态油耗量,负荷位置,都可以监测到并发送到国家数据库

    With this system, certain vehicles' real-time status, such as gasoline consumption, load and position, can be monitored and sent to a national database.


  • 除了增加替代能源生物燃料利用以及提高车辆效能巴马指出美国必须提高国内石油产量

    As well as increasing the use of alternative energies such as biofuels and making vehicles more efficient, Mr Obama said the us must raise domestic oil production.


  • 许多急救车辆消防车救护车灾害使用道路

    Many emergency vehicles, such as fire engines and ambulances, will be using roads during disasters.


  • 沃尔沃工程师们预计,车辆可以彼此警告湿滑路面危险情况,一些汽车导航仪甚至已经可以相互警告交通堵塞了

    Volvo's engineers envision cars being able to warn each other of hazards such as slippery roads. Some GPS units already tip each other off about traffic jams.


  • ,提供管家负责,帮助排队登记机动车辆帮助干洗衣物,这样事务过多员工就会将精力专注到工作上。

    For example, concierge services are available to stand in line at the registry of motor vehicles or to pick up dry cleaning so that overextended employees can focus on their work.


  • 它们甚至比以往交通环道(曼哈顿市区建于上世纪哥伦布环道)更加高效安全(现代设计包括使靠近环形路的车辆减速系统,以及禁止行人进入环形中心区域)。

    (Modern designs include mechanisms for slowing traffic down as it nears the roundabouts, for example, and do not allow pedestrians onto the centre of the circle).


  • 车辆流量变化个区域传导另一个区域的方式极其复杂一些模型元胞自动机算法研究这个过程发生十分有用。

    The way the flow transitions from one regime to another is hugely complex but a number of models, in particular those using cellular automaton, have become useful in studying how it occurs.


  • 实地调查者注意到,许多木厂已经关闭仓库空空路上运送木材车辆明显减少

    Field investigators also noted that many saw mills have closed, warehouses are empty and the traffic of timber on the roads visibly declined.


  • 这项技术已经飞机上使用50而且已经一些车辆使用(大部分只有有限的信息车速显示)。

    This technology has been available in aircraft for 50 years and is already available in a few vehicles (mostly with limited information such as speed displayed).


  • 这些王和他们的众出来人数海边,并有许多马匹车辆

    They came out with all their troops and a large number of horses and chariots — a huge army, as numerous as the sand on the seashore.


  • 这会成为稳定的收入补充甚至彻底取代燃油税(目前某些国家英国德国是一项车辆特许)。

    They also promise to be a steadier revenue stream to supplement and even, one day, replace the petrol tax (and in some countries, such as Britain and Germany, the vehicle-excise tax).


  • 人们花费很多美元每年项目四轮驱动车辆

    People spend many dollars each year on items like boats and four-wheel-drive vehicles.


  • 维修安装铁路车辆部件压缩机空气轴承联轴器气缸管道

    Repair and install railway car parts such as compressors, air valves, bearings, couplings, air cylinders and piping.


  • 其他一些公司浅蓝光学(Light Blue Optics)平行显示来改进车辆后视镜以及挡风玻璃包括一个一流的全息版本的产品。

    Other companies such as Light Blue Optics has also tinkered with head-up displays for rear-view or wing mirrors as well as windshields, including a nifty holographic version.


  • 打磨组装预制金属零件打造重型工业机械设备建筑养殖加工机械,铁路车辆飞机发动机

    Fit and assemble prefabricated metal parts to build heavy industrial machinery and equipment such as construction, farming, and processing machinery, railway vehicles and aircraft engines.


  • 车道左转车辆右方进入十字路口的车辆占用时,应当减速或停车,不能任何方式绕行通过阻碍你的车辆

    If your lane is blocked by a vehicle turning left or a vehicle edging into the intersection from the right, slow down or stop instead of pulling out to go around the vehicle.


  • 针对持续雾霾天气各地出台不少措施改善空气质量限制车辆出行,淘汰老旧车辆等等

    Thee persistent haze weather, around the introduction of a number of measures to improve air quality, such as vehicles, the elimination of old vehicles, replacing oil by gas and so on.


  • 速度航向信息车载GPS差分设备可以车辆各种传感器(计程仪车速罗盘)进行校准工作

    Information such as speed, heading, GPS difference equipment can also be the vehicle of various sensors (such as log, speed meter, magnetic compass, etc.) for the calibration work.


  • 另外可能性车辆安全系统安全带气囊,这可能某些年龄段性别不同司机的影响程度不同。

    Another possibility is that vehicle safety systems, such as safety belts and airbags, may be more effective for some age and gender categories than for others.


  • 常见使用生物燃料电源的车辆许多车型能够运行生物柴油醇类乙醇丁醇

    The most common use of bio-fuels is in powering vehicles, with many new car models able to run on biodiesel or alcohols such as ethanol and butanol.


  • 介绍重庆单轨交通系统结构型式跨座式轨道结构型式及特点,单轨交通车辆结构型式及特点。

    This paper introduced the structure of Chongqing monorail traffic system, such as structure trait of overpass abutment railway, of monorail traffic vehicle.


  • 介绍重庆单轨交通系统结构型式跨座式轨道结构型式及特点,单轨交通车辆结构型式及特点。

    This paper introduced the structure of Chongqing monorail traffic system, such as structure trait of overpass abutment railway, of monorail traffic vehicle.


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