• 成长绰号脂肪名字我的姓。

    I grew up with monikers such as fatty bom bom to my name and fei chai after my surname.


  • 一些使用蛋白酶抑制剂患者出现不寻常副作用脂肪增生心脏问题

    Unusual side effects, such as the growth of fatty pads and heart problems, are occurring in some users of protease inhibitors.


  • 我们知道最好营养宠物不但能满足营养需要而且避免了过多养分脂肪时间食用给爱犬带来危害

    We know that the best nutrition for your pet not only meets nutritional needs, but also avoids excess nutrients, such as fat and salt, that can be harmful over time.


  • 选择烧烤而不是油炸食物避免脂肪调味品蛋黄酱别人一起吃薯条减少分量

    Opt for grilled foods instead of fried, avoid or scrape away high-fat condiments like mayonnaise, and share those French fries to keep portion size down.


  • 首先奶油替代品人造奶油会含有很多的脂肪

    First of all, butter substitutes like margarine contain just as much fat as butter.


  • 大多数海鲜产品都含有蛋白质脂肪的特点,但是也有例外鳗鱼等

    Most all seafood is high in protein and low in fat, with the exception of a few, such as the eel.


  • 然而许多鱼类鲨鱼鲶鱼旗鱼含有三分之一脂肪鲑鱼棘鲷(红鱼)则超过50%。

    However, many fish, such as shark, catfish, swordfish, and sea trout, contain almost one-third fat, while salmon and orange roughy contain over 50%.


  • 同样重要包括一个来源欧米加3脂肪亚麻亚麻籽

    It is also important to include a good source of omega-3 fats such as crushed flax seed or its oil.


  • 研究的目的这些植物多酚是否能够对抗动物脂肪细胞

    The idea is to see if these plant polyphenols could be translated into fighting fat cells in animals, i.e. humans.


  • 要么来自补充剂或者包含食物中,含有牛奶蛋白质冷冻巧克力甜点脂肪矿物质

    It either came from calcium supplements or was hidden in foods like frozen chocolate desserts containing milk proteins, fats and minerals (as opposed to whole milk).


  • 午餐减少热量脂肪,吃蛋白质高质量碳水化合物全麦面包制成火鸡三明治带有水果沙拉一杯牛奶

    Lunch: This meal should be light in both calories and fat, with some protein and high-quality carbs, such as a Turkey sandwich on whole grain bread with a fruit salad and glass of milk.


  • 脂肪不能少量健康脂肪橄榄油牛油果坚果改善胆固醇程度其它好处

    Don't get too skimpy with fat. Small amounts of healthful fats like olive oil, avocado, and nuts improve cholesterol levels and have other benefits, too.


  • 上等神户牛肉甚至含有25%的脂肪,那用于日式火锅的蝉翼的切片看上去牛排,而像精致无比的花边。

    The highest grades of Kobe beef can contain up to 25 percent fat, and the thin slices of it used for shabu-shabu look more like delicate pieces of lacework than steak.


  • 植物蛋白为主的高蛋白饮食豆子小扁豆坚果不仅脂肪的含量较低而且膳食纤维含量较高

    Higher protein diets based on plant proteins like beans, lentils, and nuts are not only lower in fat and sodium, but they're higher in dietary fiber.


  • 但是某些条件下模仿一个寒冷环境这些母体细胞诱变从而产生较多棕色脂肪

    But under certain conditions, such as those mimicking a cold environment, these progenitor cells can be induced to make more brown fat.


  • 每个列表中的食物列项(淀粉类、水果类、乳制品蔬菜类肉类脂肪反映数据库中的每种组群食品的主要营养素和量值。

    The serving sizes of the foods in each list (starches, fruits, milks, vegetables, meats and fats) reflect the mean macronutrient and energy values for each of the groups in this database.


  • 我们看看使用饱和植物油和使用饱和脂肪黄油财政收益

    Let's first look at the financial benefits to using unsaturated vegetable fats versus saturated fats like butter.


  • 身体中总是糖分较高的胰岛素水平,没有办法持续消耗脂肪

    There is no way that you can keep burning fat if sugar is always present and elevating insulin all day long.


  • 参与者使用范围19级别评价食品10种特性整体味道脂肪含量看法

    The participants used a scale of 1 to 9 to rate each of the products on 10 attributes, such as overall taste and perception of fat content.


  • 事实上脂溶性维生素维生素a,DE,K维生素b12身体吸收最佳方式是以饱和脂肪的形式被吸收。

    In fact, fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamins a, d, e, K, and B12 are best absorbed by the body in the form of saturated fats.


  • 你要谨记尽管体重重要但它无法完全反映机体组成身体脂肪/肌肉含量

    The major point to keep in mind is that, while weight is important, it is not a total reflection of your body composition such as the amount of body fat and/or muscle that you have.


  • 木薯麦芽糊精一种食物淀粉用于脂肪粉末化,坚果黄油熏肉脂肪

    Tapioca malt dextrin, a food starch used to create powders out of fatty substances such as nut butters and bacon fat.


  • 这项研究似乎表明我们可能会更加珍惜努力劳动换取的食物即使是那些我们并不喜欢的食物,脂肪、低热量食品。

    The study seems to suggest that hard work can even enhance our appreciation for fare we might not favour, such as the low-fat, low calorie variety。


  • 过去饮食往往倾向于少脂肪(也就是说相比脂肪,更偏爱蛋白质合成碳水化合物淀粉)。

    Diets of the past would tend to have been lean (that is, to have favoured protein and complex carbohydrates like starch over fats and sugars).


  • 此外蛋白质来自脂肪来源鱼类豆类大豆

    Also, protein should come from low-fat sources like fish, beans, chicken, and soy.


  • 豆科植物豆荚扁豆含有蛋白质纤维熨斗没有脂肪胆固醇

    Legumes like beans and lentils are loaded with protein, fiber, iron and calcium and are free of fat and cholesterol.


  • 雅各布森餐馆完全时间主动向顾客提供食物中热量脂肪营养成分的含量很多餐馆都没有做到这一点。

    Jacobson said restaurants have had more than enough time to voluntarily provide nutritional data such as calorie, fat and salt content but many do not.


  • 肥胖很多慢性病相关糖尿病关节炎脂肪睡眠呼吸暂停高血压胆固醇等。

    Obesity is associated with many chronic conditions such as diabetes, arthritis, fatty liver, sleep apnea, high blood pressure and elevated cholesterol.


  • 肥胖很多慢性病相关糖尿病关节炎脂肪睡眠呼吸暂停高血压胆固醇等。

    Obesity is associated with many chronic conditions such as diabetes, arthritis, fatty liver, sleep apnea, high blood pressure and elevated cholesterol.


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