• 的搭档托雷斯般充实,震撼我家梅西

    Be my Torres Fernando, keep filling me like Ronaldo and shake me my little Messi.


  • ·波所言:“转化认同痛苦开启我们所有可能性。”

    As Robert Earl Burton has said, "Transforming and not identifying with suffering opens up all our possibilities."


  • 伯斯自己的,关灯小时节约能源不会造成多大区别“。

    As Roberts himself noted, the energy saved by turning off the lights for an hour "won't make an enormous difference."


  • 近年来,我国四川东北部相继发现了一系列含硫气田寨气田普光气田等。

    In recent years, some gas reservoirs with different H2S-content have been found in northeast of Sichuan Province in China, such as Luojiazhai and Puguang gas field.


  • 公司氏公司这样的制药业巨头销售iPS细胞产生心肌细胞,用于筛选试验药物有害副作用

    The company sells heart muscle cells derived from its iPS cells to pharmaceutical giants such as Roche, which are using them to screen experimental drugs for harmful side effects.


  • 北京重建计划获得了一些建筑师支持哲文相信,计划使现在人们体会过去感觉”。

    The rebuilding of old Beijing has earned the support of architects like Luo Zhewen, who believes the projects will allow "people today to experience the feel of the past. ""


  • 提供了无与伦比风格约翰逊杰夫夫特马克博尔顿资源链接新闻以及顶级设计师采访

    Unmatched Style also provides resource links, news, as well as interviews of top designers such as Roger Johansson, Jeff Croft, and Mark Boulton.


  • 调查一致显示,男性天黑后街上感到安全。可参见欣德朗法洛的著作(1978年,127)。

    Surveys consistently find that men report feeling safe on the street after dark. See, for example, Hindelang and Garofalo (1978, p.127).


  • 后来这些小道被美洲的土著部落肖尼部落用做攻击对方的通道。

    Native American tribes such as the Cherokee and Shawnee later used the trails to make attacks on each other.


  • 希腊人使用一些古代场所尼克斯德·阿提库剧场

    Greeks still use some ancient sites, such as the Pnyx and the Theater of Herodes Atticus.


  • 一些仙人掌能长那么高。真正需要大多数沙漠提供更多水份所以沙漠鲜见的。

    Some cacti, like the saguaro, grow to tree size, but true trees need more moisture than most desert environments can supply, so they are scarce on deserts.


  • 喷发中的火山莫山(背景)莫山()通往地下世界门户不仅形成印度尼西亚景观而且形成了它信仰和文化。

    Belching volcanoes such as Mount Semeru (in background) and Mount Bromo (at left) are portals to a subterranean world that shapes not only Indonesia's landscape, but also its beliefs and culture.


  • 底特律市卢斯郊区安静街道旁,栋空空房子

    ON a quiet street in Romulus, a suburb of Detroit, is an empty house.


  • 大多数西方国家离婚法庭停止归咎责任,有时甚至忽视家庭暴力虽然这点某些司法管辖区会影响判决,里达州

    In most other Western countries, divorce courts have given up attributing blame. Even domestic violence is often ignored, though it still counts heavily in some jurisdictions, such as Florida.


  • 另外胃部手术(胃切除术)、减肥手术以及恩氏腹部疾病库兴氏病等这些情况可能影响到身体吸收能力

    In addition, stomach surgery (gastrectomy), weight-loss surgery and conditions such as Crohn's disease, celiac disease and Cushing's disease can affect your body's ability to absorb calcium.


  • 彻担忧- - -而且只是担忧- - -这些非常规措施累积效应会导致人们对各种类型法定货币丧失信心,美元日元欧元

    Roach's fear - and he is hardly alone in this - is that the cumulative effect of these "unconventional" measures will be a collapse of confidence in fiat money of all types: dollars, yen, euros.


  • ,可以尝试一下足底按摩身体按摩浪漫的“动作”。

    Consider a romantic gesture, such as a foot rub or body massage, Brother said.


  • 随着人们品味更加准确我们希望看到买主分散其他地区勃艮第纳河谷

    As people's palates become more educated, we expect to see buyers branching out into other areas, such as Burgundy and rhone.


  • 胃肠功能紊乱炎症性肠道疾病

    Gastrointestinal disorders, such as inflammatory bowel disease and Crohn's disease.


  • 相反阿克塞尔·德所说,一种交情、无需远见合作”——是大自然的冷规则,适用许多层面,并催生组织结构

    Rather it is what Axelrod calls "cooperation without friendship or foresight" -cold principles of nature that work at many levels to birth a self-organizing structure.


  • 目前正在计划意大利旅行一趟,想一些神秘迷人景点公园

    I'm currently planning a trip to Italy, and hunting down obscure and fascinating places to visit, like the "Tarot Garden".


  • 亚得列父亲肯尼迪·阿阿帕印第安人表示自己头发神圣无上——除非遇上大事失去挚爱的人,否则从不剪掉。

    Adriel's father, Kenney Arocha, who is part Apache Indian, says that he considers his hair sacred - not to be cut except during major life events, such as the death of a loved one.


  • 许多艺术作品,皮奇尼尼高度写实主义雕塑家·穆克作品,在没有背景的情况下,很容易以为怪诞的神秘现象

    Many artworks, such as those by Piccinini and hyperrealist sculptor Ron Mueck, could easily be mistaken for a bizarre, seemingly mysterious phenomenon when seen out of context.


  • 不仅限于中国上海印度班加尔这样一线城市

    Nor is it confined to first-tier cities such as Shanghai and Bangalore.


  • 贷款房屋回收最严重地区达州内华达州等昔日颇具吸引力

    The reversal of fortune has been abrupt for former magnet states such as Florida and Nevada (see chart).


  • 为何耶和华预言殿,这变为荒场无人居住呢。

    Why hast thou prophesied in the name of the LORD, saying, this house shall be like Shiloh, and this city shall be desolate without an inhabitant?


  • 届时,游客们公园中亲眼目睹魔法世界中的诸多著名地点霍格·沃茨魔法学校里邓布利多的办公室、霍格·莫德村的店铺等。

    The park will let visitors view the famed locations in Rowling's magical world, like Dumbledore's office in Hogwarts and the shops in Hogsmeade.


  • 使殿,使这为地上万国所

    Then will I make this house like Shiloh, and will make this city a curse to all the nations of the earth.


  • 一些学术成果的宣扬,也在一定程度上成就了一批大师,牛津理论物理学家杰•斯﹑普林斯顿的数学家约翰康维

    Some, such as Roger Penrose (an Oxford mathematical physicist) and John Conway (a Princeton mathematician), owe some of their own celebrity to his writings about their work.


  • t - Mobile公司的德··指出的,即使那些关注人士只是为了紧急情况才使用手机,确立需要四处建立基站的合理性。

    As T-Mobile's De La Rosa points out, even if worried people just keep a cell phone on hand for emergencies, it still validates the need for antennas everywhere.


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