• 对于整数微分方程数值解法,线性步法已有完善的理论

    Numerical method of integral order ordinary differential equation, for example, Euler method, linear multiple step method, and so on, has had quite perfect theories.


  • 这位老板相信曼联半决赛——包括罗马7:1重创,意味着赛场会更好的未来。

    The boss believes United's run to the Champions League semi-finals - including the 7-1 thumping of AS Roma - indicated there are better things to come in Europe for his side.


  • 如欧莱雅研究人员使用木糖——山毛榉中提取天然糖分,一种可再生原材料研制用于皮肤护理全新活性分子

    L 'oreal researchers, such as the use of D-xylose - a beech wood extracted from natural sugar, a renewable raw materials, development of new skin care for active molecules.


  • 作为盟成员国塞浦路斯作用毁灭性的,不仅消弱帮助努力,后者投票支持安南计划而且破坏土耳其如欧谈判

    As a member, Cyprus has played a destructive role, undermining both the EU's efforts to help the Turkish-Cypriots, who voted for the Annan plan, and Turkey's membership talks.


  • 同样重要包括一个来源米加3脂肪亚麻亚麻籽

    It is also important to include a good source of omega-3 fats such as crushed flax seed or its oil.


  • 说句公道话,疑一些观点英国加入元区本身的设计存在问题,证明是正确的。

    Give the Eurosceptics their due: their views that Britain should stay out of the euro, and that its design was flawed, have been vindicated.


  • 但是对于彼—不是的真名—确实完全不同故事

    But for Nkiruka Obi - not his real name - it is a different story.


  • 尽管心跳奔跑的人一样快,罗曼·帕尔卡还是慢慢地走到画布前。

    SLOWLY, though his heart was pounding like a runner's, Roman Opalka approached the canvas.


  • 布拉特既往地试图冠冠军队伍高超球技过去13年来所执掌国际足联的堕落行为联系一起。

    Mr. Blatter’s attempt to link the sublime skills of the European champions with the moral squalor of the outfit he has run for the past 13 years was true to form.


  • 需要饮食包括各种水果蔬菜五谷杂粮、豆类橄榄油坚果、低食物酸奶还有富含米伽3脂肪酸鱼类

    It needs a diet that will consist of lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, olive oil, nuts, low-fat dairy products like yogurt and fish that provides the omega-3 fatty acids.


  • 米伽-3脂肪酸鲑鱼鲭鱼鲱鱼沙丁鱼以及其它食物核桃发现

    Omega-3 fatty acids are also found in salmon, mackerel, herring, sardines, and in other foods such as walnuts.


  • 富含脂肪鱼类鲑鱼鲭鱼青鱼沙丁鱼能够提供丰富的米伽- 3。

    Fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, herring and sardines are the best sources of omega-3 for the diet.


  • 米珈- 3脂肪酸食物核桃亚麻还有鱼类阿拉斯加三文鱼

    Food sources of omega-3s include walnuts, flaxseed, and fish, such as wild Alaskan salmon.


  • 系统准确地锁定网页浏览器微软浏览器火狐谷歌浏览器苹果浏览器朋浏览器,谷歌地图活动

    The system will also accurately target web browser activity on Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome, Apple Safari, Opera, Google Maps, etc.


  • 美国人所料美国人口总数所占百分比继续迟缓下降虽然他们大约76%的绝大多数。

    European Americans had, as expected, continued their slow decline in percentage of the total U. S. population, though they were still dominant at about 76%.


  • 本文阐述总结了实体造型一些理论关键算法正则集理论基于推广公式表示模型集合成员分类

    Some theories and key algorithms of solid modeling such as the theory of r-sets, representation model based on generalized Euler formulas, set membership classification are explained and summarized.


  • 美国人所料美国人口总数所占百分比继续迟缓下降

    European Americans had, as expected, continued their slow decline in percentage of the total U. S. population.


  • 少数天然矿物集合体玛瑙

    There is also a single mineral collection, such as natural agate, opal.


  • 森以诸多方面优势灵活多样的厂房设置、高标准服务简洁程序、热情诚恳的姿态等,协助投资者中国创造辉煌的未来。

    EusaN has the advantage of flexibility, high standard services, simple procedures and congenial manners to assist foreign investors to create great achievements to build a valuable future in China.


  • 摘要法国世界许多著名葡萄酒发源地,霞多丽长相思和维尼等。

    ABSTRACT: France is the origin place of many of the world's most popular white wines including Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc and Viognier.


  • 一些客户埃里克·贝戈13岁女儿卡米,只是为了好玩儿。

    Other clients, such as Eric Beghou and his 13-year-old daughter Cami, just want to have a bit of fun.


  • 尽管心跳奔跑的人一样快,罗曼·帕尔卡还是慢慢地走到画布

    SLOWLY, though his heart was pounding like a runner's, Roman Opalka approached the canvas. He had painted it completely black.


  • 米加3脂肪酸族对保持关节健康减少关节痛的病症有所帮助。

    Omega-3 fatty acids are important in maintaining good joint health and reducing symptoms such as morning stiffness and joint pain.


  • 帝亚吉威士忌中国业务盈利的,帮助基金增长其他领域皇冠伏特加百利甜酒。”

    He said Diageo "s whisky business in China was profitable and was helping fund growth in other areas such as Smirnoff vodka and Baileys liqueur."


  • 虽然我们后来又收购了一些美国境外企业1925年收购了英国Vauxhall, 1929年收购了德国公司(Adam Opel),1931年收购了澳大利亚霍顿(Holden),但独立自主传统却被发扬光大。

    As we purchased companies outside the us - Britain's Vauxhall in 1925, Germany's Adam Opel in 1929 and Australia's Holden in 1931 - this legacy of independence grew.


  • 克鲁玻璃型玻璃一样,一种保温玻璃产品产品目录所介绍,其特点腔中填充玻璃纤维透明毛细板材”。

    OKALUX, like channel glass, is an insulating glass product that, per the catalog, features, "a translucent capillary slab covered with glass fiber tissues in the cavity."


  • 客户有需要爱工业设计负责外观模型制作

    If our client needs, OIOI Design will take charge in making the appearance model for our client.


  • 迪宝商业衡器产品被广泛应用于知名超市,家乐福,迪亚天天,Floriz, Mercadona

    Commercial scales of Dibal are widely used in European markets, such as Carrefour, Auchan, Dia, Floriz and Mercadona.


  • 迪宝商业衡器产品被广泛应用于知名超市,家乐福,迪亚天天,Floriz, Mercadona

    Commercial scales of Dibal are widely used in European markets, such as Carrefour, Auchan, Dia, Floriz and Mercadona.


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