• 如果防御机能我们渡过难关生活会有多难呢?

    If a defense mechanism can get us through the difficult times, how bad can it be?


  • 如果防御能力上去了,他们[美国人]就会恼火

    If you develop your defence capability, they [the Americans] are annoyed.


  • 如果发生这种情况,蚱蜢后备防御

    If that happens, the grasshopper has a backup defense.


  • 如果花心圆形但是花瓣的,那可能是温暖隐藏在多防御后面

    If the center of your flower is a circle, but your petals are pointy, you are probably hiding a warm heart behind a prickly defensiveness.


  • 如果担心这样可能看起来比较像防御那么就让第三探究这个批评

    If you're worried that will look defensive, then explore the criticism with a third party instead.


  • 哺乳动物细胞只能识别单链RNA,如果细胞防御机制发现了RNA会破坏保护机体不受病毒的感染

    Mammalian cells make only the single-stranded variety. If a cell’s defence mechanisms detect double-stranded RNA they destroy it, to protect against infection.


  • 如果国家拒绝我们对话如果决意采取严刑拷问的手段,拷打关押我们人民那么人民也只能自我防御了,”说道

    "If the state refuses to speak to us, if it decides to torture, beat and imprison our people, then you can only expect people to defend themselves," he says.


  • 如果认为信仰神圣不可侵犯的话,你就不会愿意考虑其他人意见而且为了捍卫你的信仰,你始终处于一种防御状态。

    If you consider your beliefs who you are, you won't be willing to consider other points of view and you'll get defensive in order to protect your beliefs.


  • 说,如果这些导弹拦截装置为了防御俄罗斯的话,那么把它们爱尔兰北达科他州更好因为这些地方更加有效地拦截俄罗斯的导弹。

    He adds that if such missiles were intended to intercept against Russia, it would be better to station them in Ireland or North Dakota, where they could intercept Russian missiles more effectively.


  • 如果安全措施太少唯一防御系统失效,从而外人能够访问检查点之后的所有数据。

    Too little security, and your only defense system will be thwarted and allow full access to everything inside that checkpoint.


  • 吉尔曼如果生长比较温暖气候中的植物进化较快生活在那里动物不得不加快进化速度以便食物快速适应性防御保持同步。

    Gillman says that if plants in warmer climates evolve more quickly, mammals living there will also have to speed up their evolution to keep pace with their food's rapidly adapting defenses.


  • 如果我们入侵袭击,我们绝对能防御的住。

    If we're invaded or attacked, we defend absolutely.


  • 如果相信的言论,普京愤怒反映出担心布什捷克波兰境内部署一个有限导弹防御系统计划正在打破平衡

    If you believe him, Mr Putin's rage reflects his fear that the nuclear balance is being upset by Mr Bush's plan to put a limited missile defence system on Czech and Polish soil.


  • 巴马国会中的耳目已经提出了10个法案如果获得通过它们剥夺美国人拥有携带武器用于安全保护防御第二修正案权利

    Obama operatives in the Congress have already introduced 10 bills, if passed, will strip Americans of their 2nd Amendment rights to bare and arm weapons for security, protection, and defense.


  • 如果对如何网上消失兴趣,戴尔安全智能防御部门主管DonJackson会告诉你一些消极新闻

    If you're interested in disappearing on the web, Don Jackson director of Threat Intelligence at Dell SecureWorks brings bad news.


  • 但是普京而言,反导防御体系不过想努力复活原先对抗克里姆林宫星球大战(Star Wars)”计划——如果不是在现在那么就是未来

    But for Mr Putin, the anti-missile shield is just a bid to revive the old Star Wars programme against the Kremlinif not now, then in the future.


  • 如果放开回应需要,你会减少自己防御然后能够给出自己空间真正聆听

    If you let go of the need to respond, you'll reduce your defensiveness and give yourself space to really listen.


  • 如果第一反应批判你予以反击或者变得充满防御等一会作出反应

    If your first reaction is to lash back at the person giving the criticism, or to become defensive, take a minute before reacting at all.


  • 表面——如果单纯只防御——男性测试结果没有意义

    At face value - if seen purely in terms of defensiveness - the response among the men doesn't seem to make a lot of sense.


  • 如果觉得有信心防御,您可以释放几个一旦赢得更多积分牺牲未使用时间

    If you feel confident in you defense, you can release several waves at once and this will win you more bonus points for sacrificing your unused time.


  • 如果病人告诉这些,你要认真分析防御结构以便没有难堪的情况下找到病人一起谈论疾病的策略。

    If the patient tells you this, carefully study his defensive structure so that you can figure out some way to discuss his disease without it being too upsetting.


  • 然而如果攻击者首先围攻其他男爵领地,那么防御系统可能弱化

    However, the defense system can be weakened if the attackers manage to seize the other baronies first.


  • 如果在危机出现时,一些国家认为他们容易地得到IMF的资金,那这些国家就可能会放弃自我保护采取集体防御的手段抵制危机。

    If countries believe they will have easy access to IMF money when trouble arrives, they may choose collective protection over self-insurance.


  • 如果需要防御技能生存下来,你可以完全不需要他们取而代之地点数加在攻击技能上,因为存活而且更快

    If you don't need defensive skills to survive, you should indeed skip them and put your points into offense instead because you'll still survive and now also kill faster.


  • 如果发生这种情况,淋巴细胞粒细胞巨噬细胞白细胞健康平衡打破了,我们防御机制丧失战斗能力

    If this happens, the healthy balance in white cells of Lymphocyte, Granulocyte and Macrophage breaks down, and our defense mechanism loses its ability to fight.


  • 如果还有第三更新的话,千万不要吃惊甲骨文很有可能进行反驳(短短几个小时之内,进攻者变成了防御。)

    Don't be surprised if there is a third update, with some sort of rebuttal from Oracle (which has gone from offense to defense in a matter of hours)..


  • 如果还有第三更新的话,千万不要吃惊甲骨文很有可能进行反驳(短短几个小时之内,进攻者变成了防御。)

    Don't be surprised if there is a third update, with some sort of rebuttal from Oracle (which has gone from offense to defense in a matter of hours)..


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