• 如果葡萄牙选民拒绝削减预算

    Portuguese voters reject the cuts?


  • 如果葡萄牙维持偿债能力借贷成本必须进一步大幅降低

    If Portugal is to remain solvent, its borrowing costs will have to fall much further.


  • 如果葡萄牙真的要求援助了,真是欧元区又一悲剧时刻

    If Portugal did ask for help, it could prove another nasty moment for the euro area.


  • 如果葡萄牙是作为大热门到达荷兰他们主要威胁就是意大利

    If Portugal arrive in Holland as one of the tournament favourites, their main threat comes from Italy.


  • 如果葡萄牙类似爱尔兰希腊情况那么救市不会真正使葡萄牙债券收益率持续下降

    And if the Portuguese case resembles the Irish and Greek examples, then the bail-out won't actually have a lasting downward effect on Portugal's bond yields.


  • 如果葡萄牙一个可以让人接受利率水平下对已有债务进行再融资那么它就需要降低公共借贷成本

    But if Portugal is to refinance its existing debts at tolerable interest rates, it needs a lower cost of public borrowing.


  • 在国家队,从未像在俱乐部那样发挥的淋漓尽致,如果葡萄牙能够死亡小组出现,那么有可能是依赖罗纳尔多

    He's never quite transformed his club form to international level but if Portugal progress from the 'group of death' it'll probably be because of Ronaldo.


  • 惠普评级机构将葡萄牙的信用下调至AA -,并称如果葡萄牙努力减少财政赤字,那么其评级还会继续下调。

    Fitch Ratings cut Portugal to AA-minus and said a further slide was possible if the country doesn't do more to bring down its budget deficit.


  • 如果葡萄牙本周拍卖结果糟糕借贷成本上升(非常可能),则可能成为压倒葡萄牙最后一根稻草,令其申请紧急救援。

    If this week's auction is bad for Lisbon and borrowing costs rise (which they are more than likely to do) this could be the last straw before Portugal has to apply for bailout funds.


  • 如果希腊爱尔兰葡萄牙有序方式重组债务它们最终不得不单方违约

    If Greece, Ireland, and Portugal do not restructure their debt in an orderly fashion they will ultimately have to default unilaterally.


  • 同时蔓延风险重组高得多如果希腊离开了欧元区,那么葡萄牙西班牙意大利为什么离开?

    And the contagion risk would be bigger than from restructuring alone: if Greece left, why not Portugal or even Spain and Italy?


  • 如果移民对此满意他们还有别的选择:当做完弥撒离开时映入他们眼帘一个崭新五旬派教堂葡萄牙英语做礼拜

    If migrants are not satisfied by that, they have choices: what meets their eye as they leave mass is a smart new Pentecostal church, with worship in Portuguese as well as English.


  • 如果欧盟各国领导人援助葡萄牙达成一致,他们可能发现他们的救援基金已经用去了相当份额

    If EU leaders agree to bail out Portugal, they may find they have already used quite a big chunk of their fund.


  • 因此如果孩子周日两个小时自由不要马上想到会松劲逼迫立即上葡萄牙

    So if your child has two hours free on Sunday, don't immediately think he is going soft and sign him up for Portuguese lessons.


  • 如果要得到贷款希腊葡萄牙必须通过削减预算变卖资产达到预定的财政目标

    To get the loans, Greece and Portugal had to meet certain fiscal targets by cutting spending and selling off assets.


  • 相比之下,瑞银估计如果欧元区下希腊、爱尔兰葡萄牙50%债务每个德国人只需一次性付出高于1,000欧元即可

    In contrast, UBS figured that if the eurozone swallowed 50% of the debt of Greece, Ireland and Portugal it would cost a little over 1, 000 euros per German in a single hit.


  • 如果音乐体育计算机好得人发指,葡萄牙说得母语似的,但是数学英语化学不及格也是差生

    But if my music sports computer's heinous, Portuguese say with native English and math, but I failed, the chemical is a difference.


  • 如果只是用来救助希腊葡萄牙爱尔兰,这些政策的作用还持续几年

    That methodology might have worked for a few years if they only had to contend with bailing out Greece, Portugal and Ireland.


  • 许多人担心如果西班牙希腊爱尔兰葡萄牙后尘接受国际救助足以使欧元贬值。

    Many fear that if Spain were to follow Greece, Ireland and Portugal into an international bail-out, it could be enough to bring down the euro.


  • 如果欧元区危机传染病能够得到控制而且首先救助希腊后还有葡萄牙国在排队等待救济那么我对欧元汇价的走势预测就显然太保守了,有关欧元跌至1.15美元、甚至1.10美元的说法可能会浮出水面。

    If contagion in the euro area takes hold, and Greece is a precursor to a Portugal bail-out and so forth, then that view is clearly conservative and thoughts of $1.15 or $1.10 come to the fore.


  • 如果爱尔兰葡萄牙拖欠债务,由此带来代价德国一次性支付用来解救希腊笔钱来说,就显得小巫见大巫。

    Such costs dwarf the one-off expense to Germany of bailing out Greece, Ireland and Portugal were they to default.


  • 如果西班牙葡萄牙意大利希腊希望得到如何作出艰难决定的教训,他们应该向东

    If Spain, Portugal, Italy and Greece want a lesson in how to take hard decisions, they should look eastward.


  • 如果一直葡萄牙爱尔兰冰岛希腊西班牙罗马尼亚或者保加利亚,那么今年是个好机会

    If you've always wanted to visit Portugal, Ireland, Iceland, Greece, Spain, Romania or Bulgaria, 2011 is the year to go.


  • 劳拉博客中写道:“如果一切所愿周后某一时刻我将启程前往葡萄牙。”

    If everything works out the way I want, I can leave for Portugal sometime in the next two weeks, 'Laura wrote in her blog.


  • 如果这个是源自马来语的“mantri”,出于葡萄牙语的“mandarim”,就不是一个汉语词汇。

    It's not if the word comes through the Portuguese "mandarim" from Malay "mantri."


  • 如果法院人们预期那样判定不合法西班牙电信则可以重新开始收购Vivo投标,并有信心葡萄牙其他外国投资者满意其报价。

    If, as expected, the court decides that it is illegal, telefonica could renew its bid for Vivo, confident in the knowledge that both Portuguese and foreign investors voted for its offer.


  • 葡萄牙Dopey”的意思如果足球玩不转了,他可以到迪斯尼世界混个临时演员当当。

    Dunga means "Dopey" in Portuguese and work as an extra at Disney World is a possibility should the football not work out.


  • 如果仅用于支撑希腊葡萄牙债务市场,这笔资金还算充足EFSF成为西班牙意大利这些国家的最终贷款人,这点资金却只能算杯水车薪。

    That might be enough to support the debt markets of Greece and Portugal, but it is not enough to be a lender of last resort to countries like Spain and Italy.


  • 如果希腊爱尔兰葡萄牙不能倒的话西班牙意大利则是太大不能救

    If Greece, Ireland, and Portugal are too big to fail, Spain and Italy are too big to save.


  • 如果希腊爱尔兰葡萄牙不能倒的话西班牙意大利则是太大不能救

    If Greece, Ireland, and Portugal are too big to fail, Spain and Italy are too big to save.


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