• 如果时间公司是否可以签约

    If we have no time to your company, can we make contract?


  • 如果时间全名完,就只写出第一个字母。

    If you can't write down names, write the initial letters.


  • 如果时间,不方便自己做饭吃快餐的话,关系,仍然幸运的。

    If convenience and time is also an issue, you're still in luck because fast food chains are catching on.


  • 如果没时间健身房的话,可以充满干劲逛街洗衣,多做这些琐事也最大程度地燃烧卡路里

    From shopping to washing and everything in between, if you're too busy to hit the gym then it's worth going about your daily tasks with gusto to help burn the maximum calories.


  • 如果今天时间,我可以明天

    If I don't have time today, I can come tomorrow.


  • 如果时间关系

    It doesn't matter if you have no time.


  • 如果小说,就带文件夹,文件夹里放一直想但是现在一直时间读的内容。放在办公桌以备你感觉烦躁时候翻阅。

    If not a novel, carry around a "to read" folder with stuff you want or need to read but don't have time for right now... then whip it out at your desk when you're bored.


  • 奥巴马说:“如果我们注意力转移到余兴节目狂欢节杂耍表演上去,那么我们就没时间解决我们问题了。”

    "We are not going to be able to solve our problems if we get distracted by sideshows and carnival barkers," Obama said.


  • 如果别人抱怨:我就是时间读书那么现在你有救了。

    If you've ever lamented to someone about not having enough time to read, there's a cure for what ails you.


  • 无论什么如果你说时间做,不利。

    No matter what you have going on after, it's a huge red flag if you say you don't have time.


  • 如果你们一起去玩的话时间回家家人了,而且北京还有很多地方去过

    Well, if I go with you and there's no time for me to go back home to be with my family, and also there are a lot of things that I haven't seen yet around Beijing...


  • 如果觉得时间不要放弃

    If you can't find the time to fit it in, don't give up.


  • 如果了解这一点,或者时间创建一些酷酷按钮担心Buttonator一个先进按钮生成器,还可以免费使用

    If you don't know, or haven't the time to create some cool buttons, don't worry: Buttonator is an advanced button generator that you can freely use.


  • 如果的确提交,但是有些测试就是毫无道理的通不过,你也时间立即debug,那么暂时组件去掉,过后要马上弄好。

    If you need to check in but some test is failing for a stupid reason that you don't have time to debug immediately, remove it from the suite temporarily, but solve that problem as soon as possible.


  • 如果时间的话,他们看到积极消极的情况(如果时间从两方面展示的话,选择容易打动的一方面)。

    If you have time, give them both a negative and a positive visualization (if you don't have time for both, pick the one that gets the most emotional response).


  • 如果知道他们什么基础上实现并且一直时间清楚这些概念,花费点时间阅读下本文。

    If you ever wondered what is implemented on top of what and never had a time to figure it out, then keep reading.


  • 如果所有时间都花在假装书上年年如此没时间来看别的

    If you spend all your time reading books that you only pretend to understand, year after year, there isn't much room for anything else.


  • 如果没时间吃饭,很有可能你喝不够

    If you're too busy to be eating meals, chances are you also won't be drinking enough water.


  • 他们一些余地,等待他们的回复,如果实在时间了,第二甚至第二个礼拜试着联系他们。

    Give them a little leeway and wait for them to reply you and try again the next day or even the next week if you have the time to wait.


  • 如果时间愿意你去。

    If you have no time, I'll go instead of you.


  • 如果没时间跑步每天做一下深呼吸胸运动都会什么都不做好

    If you say that you are too busy to run, to take some deep breath or expand your chest every day would be better than do nothing.


  • 如果实在时间直接坦白另外再约时间讲话或者长话短说

    If you really don't have the time to talk, be honest and find another time, or cut it short.


  • 如果竭尽全力,你时间担心失败

    If you try your best, you will have no time to worry about failure.


  • 所以如果任何人变向,时间做出反应。

    So if anybody deflects the ball, you have no time to get it back.


  • 如果忙不能电话,时间问候我,约会迟到,都能理解

    If you're too busy to call me, don't have time to check on me, late on our date, I'll understand.


  • 他们中的大多数都已经接受多年教育而且正在工作或者即将工作如果国家采纳这个提议这些该怎么做他们可是既时间精力

    The majority of them have accepted the education for many years, and is working or prepare to work. If our country accept this proposal, how this people do who neither have time nor energy.


  • 生命尽头肯定时间如果你不珍惜时间的话,有可能钱。

    At the end of your life, it's guaranteed you will be out of time and more than likely out of money as well, if you didn't value time.


  • 生命尽头肯定时间如果你不珍惜时间的话,有可能钱。

    At the end of your life, it's guaranteed you will be out of time and more than likely out of money as well, if you didn't value time.


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