• 如果有人寻找你的时候,应该他们发信号示意

    When someone comes looking, you should be able to signal to them.


  • 如果有人合作那么成功

    If you have someone to cooperate with you, then you can succeed.


  • 如果有人书拿走

    If anybody comes, ask him to take away his book.


  • 如果有人即令是国王亲自

    And if anyone tries to persuade me, even the King himself.


  • 如果有人参观卧室希望什么样的物品说明你的个性?

    Question: If someone were to look through your bedroom, what do you hope your possessions would convey about you?


  • 第三个百中,许诺如果有人我会成为统治天下的君主

    During the third hundred years, I made a promise that if any one came to set me free I would make him king over all the earth.


  • ,“通知所有村民如果有人村子里及时通报否则我们抓起。”

    "I've told everybody in the village to report if someone comes to visit or we'll have him arrested," he says.


  • 现在对着电脑打字如果有人告诉圣诞老人门口,认为我会如何定义解读这个信息

    So, as I'm sitting here typing into my computer, if someone came up to me and said that Santa Claus was at the door, how do you think I would define and interpret this information?


  • 有时市场商人一只放在里,假装只猪愚弄顾客所以如果有人包里出秘密就会我们所知。

    Sometimes a market trader would put a cat in his bag and pretend it was a pig to fool the customer! So if someone lets the cat out of the bag, the secret would be open to us.


  • 这听起很合理。要不这样现在开始。值班安排负责就是说如果有人不能值班自己值。

    From now on, you can be responsible for scheduling. That means that if you can't find someone to cover a shift, you'll have to do it.


  • 白天目光尽朝埋藏硬币的方向望;夜间,如果迷途弄出一点声响,他就以为是有人来钱。

    All day, his eye wandered in the direction of the treasure; and at night, if some stray cat made a noise, the cat was robbing him.


  • 一句话说,如果有人房子不起贷款这个欠款纳税人们填平。

    In other words, if somebody buys a house and doesn't pay back the mortgage, taxpayers have to make up the difference.


  • 如果有人故意引入数据破坏程序安全性又该如何呢?

    What if someone is deliberately introducing bad data in the hopes of breaching your program's security?


  • Netflix充其量也只是弄清楚一点:如果有人某个电视剧评价很高他们可以关照评价这部电视剧其他顾客预估这个顾客可能会喜欢其他影片了。

    At best, Netflix knows that if someone rates a particular drama highly, it can predict what other drama they might like by correlating one's rating of that film with others.


  • 如果有人描述成一个活泼创意,当看到我上跳下蹿时,你以此确认你所相信的,“活泼多有创意”。

    If I'm described to you as a vivacious and creative person and you see me and I'm all kind of bouncing around and everything, you could then confirm this as, "Look how vivacious and creative he is."


  • 如果有人新泽西问起感情生活我会他们谈起波士顿的某个女孩如果有人在波士顿问起,我会告诉他们那个女孩相处很愉快但是大家没有太认真

    If anyone in New Jersey asked me about my love life, I told them about a girl back in Boston; if anyone in Boston asked, I told them I was having fun but that there was nothing serious.


  • 如果有人我们谈谈,他知道我们不是要什么救济金的,我们只是需要有人一下我们的意见。

    If anyone comes here and talks to us, they will know that we aren't here for handouts. We want somebody to hear us.


  • 如果有人撰写哲学家们的罪状书,以此显示他们自己生活都打理不好更不用说激励他人,那这本倒可以提供不少佐证。

    If one wanted to compile a charge-sheet against the great philosophers, to show that they were unfit to lead their own lives, let alone inspire others, this book could provide some useful evidence.


  • 如果有人毁了巴黎圣母院吉萨金字塔高楼大厦的话人们肯定异常愤慨

    We would be outraged if Notre Dame Cathedral or the Great Pyramid of Giza were demolished to make way for modern buildings.


  • 如果有人想要全面方案隐藏自己行踪,“删除历史选项你接到电话记录也删除。

    For those who need an even more comprehensive way to cover their tracks, the "delete history" option will wipe away any evidence of a given phone call.


  • 如果有人疑问,可以连接到论坛寻找解答。

    If the person has a question, there are connected discussion forum threads available.


  • 柠檬内的全部挤出如果有人挤出一滴,他赢得这笔钱。

    He would squeeze a lemon until all the juice ran into a glass. Anyone who could squeeze one more drop of juice out would win the money.


  • 如果有人要这么我们很高兴和他谈谈但是现在处在活跃开发当中,因此我们还是根据不同的情况部署它。

    We'd be glad to talk to people about doing so, but it's currently under such active development that we prefer to address deploying it on a case-by-case basis.


  • 如果有人,你可能会发现不得不经常打电话确认钱会还给你,以免出现那个人破产你只能拿着你包包却收不回钱

    If anyone owes you money, you may find you have to keep calling to be sure you get paid, lest one goes bankrupt and leaves you holding the bag.


  • 鲍文先生:“如果有人家庭成员一起澳大利亚费用用于受理核查家庭成员情况额外支出。”

    'If people are bringing family members with them to Australia, the fee will reflect the additional processing and checks for these family members,' Mr Bowen said.


  • 如果有人没有心情某事意味着不想做某事,他们某事没有兴趣

    If someone is "in no mood" to do something, it means that he or she does not want to do something, they're not interested in doing something.


  • 所以如果有人卖给灵丹妙药解决所有问题上当

    So, if someone wants to sell you a silver bullet to cure all your troubles... don't buy it.


  • 提醒当时教融入当地个方法:如果有人为什么美国,我说是迪士尼

    She also reminded me of the one piece of advice she gave me for blending in: If anyone asked why I was coming to America, I should say I was going to Disneyland.


  • 提醒当时教融入当地个方法:如果有人为什么美国,我说是迪士尼

    She also reminded me of the one piece of advice she gave me for blending in: If anyone asked why I was coming to America, I should say I was going to Disneyland.


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