• 如果放弃这次失败给击倒了。

    If you quit, you've let the failure beat you.


  • 但是如果放弃专利权无异于杀了罗伯特

    “Oh, but giving up the rights to his patents would have killed Robert, ” Phyllis says.


  • 所以如果放弃表示提前取消生命资格

    So, if we gave up on that early cancellation of life qualifications.


  • 真爱如果放弃一次可能就不会再有了。

    Love, if we gave up once, may no longer have.


  • 如果放弃太早永远都不知道自己错过什么。

    If you give up too early, you never know what you're going to miss.


  • 很多缺乏目标因为他们如果放弃没有相应的后果

    A lot of people fall short of their goals because there are no ramifications if they quit.


  • 如果放弃可能就有好些天免费给老板打工

    By not taking paid time off, you may be working for free a number of days throughout the year.


  • 这个世界本来公平自己幸福如果放弃了,就会变成别人

    The world is not fair, if their own happiness to give up, it will become someone else's.


  • 如果放弃不管的话,之后,这个地方更加危险,到时候我们还得回来

    And if we walk away from it, it's my view it'll be a much more dangerous place a decade from now, and we'll be back.


  • 不要想要禁食肉类健康需要脂肪的,所以如果放弃所有脂肪类食品绝对不是一个主意

    Also, don't go fat free: you need to have some fat in your diet to stay healthy, so giving up all fatty foods all the time isn't a good idea.


  • 工作不过如果放弃目前的工作,我就会丢了享有退休金权利这么个理。

    I should like to get another job, but if I give up my present one I lose the pension rights attaching to it, that's how it is.


  • 如果放弃年薪六位数字成功律师职位,而去跟随儿时梦想不算热衷的话,真不知道什么热衷了。

    If giving up a successful career in law that paid a six figure salary, to follow a childhood dream doesn't spell passion, then I don't know what does.


  • 而且如果放弃的话,我们没有机会达到目标但是如果不断地尝试有一我们一定会机会成功的。

    Furthermore, if we give up, we have no chance of attaining our goals, but if we keep trying, there is always a chance that we will succeed one day.


  • 如果放弃件东西让自我牺牲或是严苛责任意识的感受,这就使一直想法不能实现就会你造成困扰

    If you were to give it up in a mood of self-sacrifice or out of a stern sense of duty, you would continue to want it back, and that unsatisfied want would make trouble for you.


  • 一点并非始终是正确如果放弃公司做生意(与消费者市场相反)潜力创业者们将错失大量有利可图的好机遇

    But that doesn't always hold true. By foregoing the potentials of selling to business (as opposed to consumers), entrepreneurs are missing out on a world of opportunities - and lucrative ones at that.


  • 如果放弃动物研究意味着我们能够学习到什么那就这样…我们并没有基本权利…去我们血脉所继承的自然病害伤害

    If abandoning animal research means that there are some things we cannot learn, then so be it... we have no basic right... not to be harmed by those natural diseases we are heir to.


  • 如果当时不得不放弃马术,她可能就已经从事帆船竞赛了。

    If she had had to give up riding she might have taken up sailing competitively.


  • 如果放弃锻炼肌肉萎缩脂肪会增多同样地,如果消耗较多体能,你就会减掉脂肪。

    If you give up exercise, your muscles shrink and fat increases. By the same token, if you expend more energy you will lose fat.


  • 如果放弃,你很快就成为一位著名电台主持人

    If you don't give up, you'll become a famous radio presenter soon.


  • 爱丁堡大学安东内拉·索拉斯说:“许多父母担心他们语言孩子来说一个障碍问题如果他们放弃这种语言,他们的孩子会更好地融入社会。”

    "Many parents fear that their language is an obstacle, a problem, and if they abandon it their children will integrate better," says Antonella Sorace of the University of Edinburgh.


  • 如果一次经历成功不要放弃一定找到合适机会

    If one experience doesn't work, don't give up and you'll surely find the right opportunity.


  • 如果明天天气还是这么我们可能放弃下午网球想法

    If the weather is this hot tomorrow, we may as well give up the idea of playing tennis in the afternoon.


  • 如果路易能够找到解决问题方式,那为什么放弃呢?

    If Louis could find his way out of his problems, why should I ever give up?


  • 没有放弃自己喜欢活动如果电视看到美食节目的话,你可以试着自己做节目上的菜。

    No one is asking you to give up activities you like, but if you're watching food shows on TV, try cooking instead.


  • 就像格斗,一场游戏格斗中,如果其中只动物快赢了可能会停下来放弃它的优势

    Like during a fake fight, a play fight, if one of the animals is winning, the winning animal might just stop and give up its advantage.


  • 如果凯迪达特先生不是天使一样有耐心早就放弃了。

    If Mr. Candidate was not as patient as an angel, he would have given up teaching her long ago.


  • 如果青少年这么时间使用电子设备,这是否意味着他们不得不放弃一些其他活动

    If teens are spending so much time using electronic devices, does that mean they have to give up some other activities?


  • 如果青少年这么时间使用电子设备,这是否意味着他们不得不放弃一些其他活动

    If teens are spending so much time using electronic devices, does that mean they have to give up some other activities?


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