• 如果确实使用命令提示我们还有工具,可以在“解决方案资源管理器”选择任何目录弹出一个命令窗口

    If you do want to use the command prompt, we also have a tool that pops up a command window in whichever directory you choose in the Solution Explorer.


  • 如果鼠标停在图表元素上,那么就会出现一个工具提示告诉您关于此元素的信息。

    If you hover your mouse cursor over a diagram element, a tool tip from the documentation for that element will pop up.


  • 如果选择文件(不是文件夹),调整文本工具提示反映文件的名称启用

    If the selection is a file (rather than a folder), then we adjust the text and tool tip to reflect that file name and enable it.


  • 如果没有提供密码那么部署工具提示用户输入密码。

    If no password is given, the deployment tool will prompt the user for a password.


  • 如果选中不是恰好禁用操作调整工具提示说明为什么禁用然后返回

    If we don't have exactly one item selected, we disable the action, adjust the tool tip to say why it is disabled, and return.


  • 这些方法取消任何正在运行计时器如果已经创建了工具提示,就删除有限状态返回初始状态。

    These methods will cancel any running timers, delete the tooltip if one has been created, and return the finite state machine to its initial state.


  • 如果鼠标停这个图标上NetBeans会显示工具提示它描述建议修改

    If you hover over the icon, NetBeans shows a tool tip describing the suggested change.


  • 如果使用的是较老版本WebSphereApplicationServer可以通过告诉这些工具使用RMI(缺省SOAP)通信强制它们提示输入用户ID和密码。

    If you are using an older version of WebSphere Application Server, you can force the tools to prompt by telling them to use RMI (the default is SOAP) communication.


  • 如果开发自己的工具提示部件,那么可以这个实现文件测试页面复制到硬盘上,然后可以修改参数样式代码参见下载)。

    If so, you might want to copy the source files for the implementation and test harness onto your disk drive so you can alter the parameters, styles, or code ( see Download).


  • 例如如果决定帮助信息作为工具提示不是用户请求打开单独窗口中,工具提示可能屏幕阅读器用户具有易访问性的。

    For example, if you decide to display help information as a tool tip rather than in a separate window that would open by user request, the tool tip might not be accessible to screen reader users.


  • 如果文本超出允许最大大小那么可能需要删减标签使用工具提示

    If the text is too big for the allowed size, then label might need to be truncated and a tooltip set.


  • 如果觉得命令工具以图形方式提示输入用户ID密码非常烦人,可以改变行为,让工具使用基于文本简单提示

    If you find it annoying that the command line tools prompt graphically for a user id and password, you can override this behavior and force the tools to use a simple text-based prompt.


  • 如果进一步查看提示对话左侧看到工具中的bookmarklet,以及用于存档其他常用bookmarklet工具条目

    If you look to the left of the prompt dialog box, you can see the bookmarklet in the toolbar, as well as a toolbar entry I have for filing my other often-used bookmarklets.


  • 如果使用这个标志,你必须更多工作鼠标消息转发工具提示控件

    If you don't use this flag, you have to do more work to relay the mouse messages to the tooltip control.


  • 如果输入nm命令,您注意到在缺省情况下,寻找一个名为a.o ut的文件如果没有找到该文件,这个工具会给出相应的提示

    If you type the nm command, you'll notice that it defaults to looking for a file named a.out If the file isn't found, the tool complains.


  • 如果详细了解Pythonhelp工具只需Python解释器中的命令提示符下键入help,就可以访问交互式帮助工具(参见清单4)。

    If you want to know more about the help facilities within Python, just enter help at a command prompt in the Python interpreter to access the interactive help utility (see Listing 4).


  • 如果不能找到更多新闻界“提示按钮工具栏上获得提示

    If you can't find any more pairs press "hint" button on the toolbar to get a hint.


  • 如果事件悬停鼠标可以看到一个工具提示显示

    If you hover your mouse over the event, you can also see a tool tip appear.


  • TooltipEnabled-如果设置true鼠标悬停事件工具提示渲染

    TooltipEnabled - If set to true, a tool tip will be rendered when the mouse is hovered over the event.


  • 如果当前显示工具提示,则调用这个函数屏幕清除工具提示

    Call this member function to remove a tooltip from the screen if a tooltip is currently displayed.


  • 如果指向图示工具提示提供为何没有评估运算式相关资讯

    If you point to the icon, a tooltip provides information about why the expression was not evaluated.


  • 或者如果将滑指标暂停共用步骤上,则在工具提示中会显示共用步骤详细资料。

    Or, if you pause your mouse over the shared steps, the details for the shared steps are displayed in the tooltip.


  • 如果属性设置false,将禁用这些工具提示

    By setting this property to false, it will disable these tool tips.


  • 提示如果清除这些像素,可以选用橡皮擦工具然后选择铅笔模式一个像素笔刷大小

    Tips: At any time if you want to erase the pixels, use the Eraser tool, select Pencil mode and 1px brush size.


  • 提示如果清除这些像素,可以选用橡皮擦工具然后选择铅笔模式一个像素笔刷大小

    Tips: At any time if you want to erase the pixels, use the Eraser tool, select Pencil mode and 1px brush size.


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