• 任何高中毕业年满17周岁的选手如果宣布放弃校际比赛资格即可参加NBA选秀

    Any player who has graduated from high school and is at least 17 years old qualifies for the NBA draft if that player renounces intercollegiate eligibility.


  • 任何高中毕业年满17周岁的选手如果宣布放弃校际比赛资格即可参加NBA选秀

    Any player who has graduated from high school and is at least 17 years old qualifies for the NBA draft if that player renounces16 intercollegiate eligibility17.


  • 法官如果陪审团今天不能作出裁决的话,宣布

    The judge said he would declare a mistrial if the jury did not reach its verdict today.


  • 工党最近宣布如果重新掌权保留联合政府大部分开支计划

    The Labor party has recently announced that it will retain a large part of the coalition's spending plans if it returns to power.


  • 如果双方处理这件事宣布一份协议华盛顿会议就会产生更加深远的影响

    The Washington conference would have had far more impact if the two sides announced an agreement to deal with that.


  • 如果星期自然杂志上宣布的发现证实正确的话,那问题就会更加奇怪了。

    If a discovery announced in this week's Nature has been interpreted correctly, that question is about to get even stranger.


  • 试想一下如果我们单方面宣布停火几天之后又有火箭袭击奥斯克隆,我们的停战又意味着什么呢?

    Imagine if we declare a unilateral ceasefire and a few days later rockets fall on Ashkelon. What will that do to Israel's deterrence?


  • 如果某项操作宣布抽象那么继承必须提供了一个具体实施方案

    If an operation is declared as abstract then the inheriting class must provide a concrete implementation.


  • 如果乔布斯起来宣布这个(苹板的)消息,可能最后一次得到欢呼了

    If Steve Jobs stands up and announces this, it could be his last hurrah.


  • 参议员约翰·麦凯恩宣布如果他当选采取一系列措施帮助美国中产阶级家庭度过当前经济危机

    Senator John McCain announced a series of steps he would take if elected that are intended to help middle-class Americans cope with the ongoing financial crisis.


  • 如果是这样恭敬地宣布他们头脑

    If so, I would respectfully suggest that they are out of their minds.


  • 如果美联储没有宣布新的债券购买措施,投资者联储会议的会后声明里寻找其可能未来采取措施其它计划的蛛丝马迹

    If the Fed doesn't actually announce new bond purchases, investors will scour its post-meeting statement for hints that it might do that or something else in the future.


  • 这个消息涉及营运网络机队人员的削减,如果欧盟宣布这个消息的话我们会感觉舒服然后我们谴责欧盟。

    If we have to deliver the bad news regarding a shrinking network, fleet and employees, it is (more comfortable for us) if it is announced by the EU and then we can blame the EU.


  • 告白时间如果世上存在语言学习的基因的话,宣布我完全没有

    Confession time: If there's such a thing as a language-learning gene, I lack it.


  • 在信中如果德克·斯人自行宣布德克·萨斯一个单独的自治州,最好的。

    He had said it might be best if the people declared Texas a separate state.


  • 如果可行,能够对外界宣布他在粒子物理学家之前找到了SUSY踪迹

    If it is, he can claim to have found SUSY's traces before the particle physicists did.


  • 不过如果央行打算提前宣布,20102011年的通胀目标6%,此后变为2%,那么计划可能无法成功

    If, however, a central bank were to pre-announce that it was targeting 6 per cent inflation in 2010 and 2011, and 2 per cent thereafter, the plan would probably not succeed.


  • 如果北方邦宣布独立的话成为世界人口第五国家(人口大约相当于巴西人口数量)。

    If Uttar Pradesh were to declare independence, it would be the world's fifth most populous country (it has about the same number of residents as Brazil).


  • 如果再没有别的补充,你可以退下去了。”国王宣布

    'If that's all you know about it, you may stand down,' continued the King.


  • 等于宣布如果希腊寻求债务免除欧洲银行停止希腊金融系统系统严重地依赖这些贷款

    This amounted to a declaration that if Greece seeks debt relief, the E.C.B. will pull the plug on the Greek banking system, which is crucially dependent on those loans.


  • 等于宣布如果希腊寻求债务免除,欧洲银行停止希腊金融系统系统严重地依赖这些贷款

    This amounted to a declaration that if Greece seeks debt relief, the E. C. B. will pull the plug on the Greek banking system, which is crucially dependent on those loans.


  • 我们被问及如果解决我们造成烂摊子时,我们却在宣布我们无能为力

    But when asked to repair the mess we've made, we proclaim our impotence.


  • 如果minor部分STATUS那么宣布结果但是只有清醒状态TRUE时才这么做。

    If the minor part is STATUS, then announce the result, but only if the wake state is TRUE.


  • 如果某个操作宣布带有null关键词那么继承就可以选择忽略null程序

    If an operation is declared with a null keyword, then the inheriting class can choose to override the null procedure.


  • 当然未来几年内有些依旧购买诺基亚手机但是如果在微软-诺基亚宣布结盟之前认为人们已经开始摆脱symbian,转投Android怀抱,那你坐稳了,因为海啸即在眼前

    Sure some people will still buy Nokia phones over the next years but if you thought people were jumping off of Symbian and into Android's arms before this announcement, get ready to see a tidal wave.


  • 当然未来几年内有些依旧购买诺基亚手机但是如果在微软-诺基亚宣布结盟之前认为人们已经开始摆脱symbian,转投Android怀抱,那你坐稳了,因为海啸即在眼前

    Sure some people will still buy Nokia phones over the next years but if you thought people were jumping off of Symbian and into Android's arms before this announcement, get ready to see a tidal wave.


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