• 如果保守党胜选可能意味着瑞士搬家车会少些

    A Tory victory may mean fewer removal vans on the road to Switzerland.


  • 如果保守党下次竞选中胜出,那么英国参与欧洲事务。

    Britain's European engagement will further diminish under the Conservatives, if they win the next election.


  • 如果保守党胜选可能意味着瑞士搬家车会少些

    Tory victory may mean fewer removal vans on the road to Switzerland.


  • 如果保守党件事上态度一致就是巴拉克·奥巴马作为总司令还不够强硬

    IF THERE is one thing conservatives agree on, it is that Barack Obama is not tough enough to be commander-in-chief.


  • 如果保守党能够赢得即将到来的选举他们政策至少短期起到效果

    Should the party win the imminent election, its policy may work, at least in the short term.


  • 如果保守党五月上台的话,那么布朗先生计谋对于英国来说像是一场头痛

    Mr Brown’s tactics may look more like a headache for Britain, however, if the Conservatives come to power in May.


  • 表示,在本次大选中,如果保守党能当选,则该党不再就任何欧洲问题进行公投

    If the Tories win the impending general election, he said, there will not be a plebiscite of any kind on Europe.


  • 如果保守党真的关注竞选过程的澄清,他们也许倾听选举局,这个无党派团体监督了大选各党募资情况

    And if the Conservatives were really concerned with cleaning up the campaign process, they might have listened to elections Canada, the non-partisan body that oversees elections and party financing.


  • 影子大臣乔治·斯本2月2日坚持表示如果保守党获胜接替阿利斯泰尔·达林的职位,一些措施今年开始实施

    His shadow chancellor, George Osborne, insisted on February 2nd that some measures would start to take effect this year if the Tories win and he takes over from Alistair Darling.


  • 如果保守党取得胜利尤其是现任议员大多数即将自愿或因为其他原因退休情况下,他们威斯敏斯特派出令人吃惊的议员。

    If the Tories win, they will send a startling number of new MPs to Westminster, especially given the large number of impending retirements by sitting ones, voluntary and otherwise.


  • 如果戴维·卡梅伦领导的保守党一个聪明的主意,能保证每个毕业生都能获得高薪工作他们现在应该公布了

    If David Cameron's Conservatives had a brilliant idea for guaranteeing every graduate a well-paid job, they would have unveiled it by now.


  • 如果霍夫曼赢了保守党明年大胆的沿用相同策略

    If Mr Hoffman wins, conservatives will be emboldened to use the same strategy next year.


  • 如果大卫·卡梅隆保守党巧妙的主意,保证每位毕业生份高收入工作如今他们该公布了。

    If David Cameron's Conservatives had a brilliant wheeze for guaranteeing every graduate a well-paid job, they would have unveiled it by now.


  • 如果西装革履,我根本搞不清楚女人投来的目光是因为我真的迷人呢还是她们保守党

    If I put on a suit and tie, I never know if women look at me because I'm attractive or because they hate the conservatives.


  • 不过选择做起来都需要时间。在《里斯本条约依旧未获批准的情况下,如果英国保守党重掌大权,此条约在英国很可能会被要求进行公民投票

    Either of these options, however, could take a long time, leaving the treaty vulnerable to a British referendum if the Conservatives gain power with Lisbon still unratified.


  • 也许周末所有八个蓝色如果是这样,保守党获胜,议员们最终亲自面对选民交代问题的可能性将非常大。

    Perhaps by the end of next week all eight councils will be painted blue.


  • 如果抓住了这次机会,会给保守党带来压力,使他们清楚了解应当如何削减支出。

    If he grasps it, that will put pressure on the Tories to come clean about just how they would reduce spending.


  • 说来反常,此举也使对手保守党避免艰难的选择如果布朗先生坚持认为当前应该增加支出,大卫·卡梅隆需要指责无法证明自己的能力。

    Perversely, this lets his Tory opponent avoid tough choices too: if Mr Brown insists current spending can and should go merrily up, David Cameron need only attack him for evasiveness to score points.


  • 保守党如果他们胜出公司税削减至25%,并且通过减少奖励支出来弥补不足数额

    The Conservatives have said that, if elected, they will slash corporate tax to 25%, and make up the shortfall by cutting some incentives.


  • 如果做到一点,尤其是如果经济能复苏,他机会保守党一决高低。

    If he does this, especially if the economy recovers, he will have a chance against the Tories.


  • 欧洲外交官们表示希拉里认为保守党如果试图拒绝《里斯本条约不明智的,因为保守党上台时,这项条约很可能已经签署

    European diplomats said Clinton believed it would be unwise to try to overturn the Lisbon treaty in the unlikely event that it has not been ratified by the time the Tories come to power.


  • 大多数选民认为国家面临的最大问题是经济问题,就意味着如果卡梅隆第三计划4月29日举行的最后一次电视辩论会上表现出色的话,保守党从中受益。

    That suggests that a good performance by Mr Cameron in the third and final televised debate, scheduled for April 29th, could pay big dividends.


  • 如果某一党派不肯合作——就像上次大选,安德鲁·兰斯保守党所做的那样,那么彻底变革前景会是南柯一梦

    If one party refuses to play ball - as Andrew Lansley and the Tories did before the last election, then the prospect for a radical change collapses.


  • 活动人士警告说如果高铁项目继续下去,下一次选举时成百上千名原本忠心积极分子拒绝帮助保守党竞选。

    At the time of the next election, hundreds of normally loyal activists could refuse to help the party campaign if the line is going ahead, activists have warned.


  • 英国首相卡梅伦已经表示如果保守党赢得五月选举寻求欧盟英国和欧盟的关系重新协商。

    British Prime Minister David Cameron has said he would seek to renegotiate Britain's relationship with the E. U. if his Conservative Party wins elections in May.


  • 英国首相卡梅伦已经表示如果保守党赢得五月选举寻求欧盟英国和欧盟的关系重新协商。

    British Prime Minister David Cameron has said he would seek to renegotiate Britain's relationship with the E. U. if his Conservative Party wins elections in May.


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