• 警告:“如果非要这样的话要确保胡须整齐。”

    "If you must have it, it needs to be short and well groomed, " he cautions.


  • 位研究者囚犯进行一般测试时,他们发现心理变态者的答案和其他人相差无几,或者一样糟糕如果愿意这样说的话

    When the two researchers probed the prisoners' abilities on the general test, they discovered that the psychopaths did just as well-or just as poorly, if you like-as everyone else.


  • 这样的话如果有人告诉父母受伤医院他们可以他们那个密码

    This way, if anyone tells you that you need to come with them because your parents were hurt or are in the hospital, you can ask them for the code word.


  • 建议:“相信如果自己目标下来每天看,这样的话更加可能实现。”

    She advises, "I believe if you write down your vision and look at it on a daily basis, it's more likely it will happen."


  • 如果他们催的话可以这样不是现在能决定事情。”

    If pushed, you may say something to the effect of "This is a lot to process right now."


  • 而且,耐如果今天晚上看见埃德的话,跟有得重病危险——但愿这样

    And, Nelly, say to Edgar, if you see him again tonight, that I'm in danger of being seriously ill. I wish it may prove true.


  • 如果近,步行就可以的话可以这样

    If it's a short walk to the destination, you can say this.


  • 猫,如果可以这样说的话生活多年绝对不会允许不开心。

    He was like a cat, if I may put it this way, whom you live with for years but who never allows you to get under his sacred skin.


  • 就像的,看起来那个时候着完全正确事情(内心中的女孩儿也同样着迷时)。但是如果不是这样的话……这么做不会影响女人感觉

    Like I said, it seems like the right thing to do in the moment (when your inner little girl has a big fat crush). But it's not... it will have no effect on her feelings for you.


  • 太忙于例行事情而去尝试那些扰乱生活非例行的事情.如果不注意的话 也许不会意识做过此事.这样恐惧未知事物快速找到借口 甚至没有意识到变的没有了生气.

    If you aren’t sensitive to the words you use, you might not even realize you do this. The fear of unknown gets excused so quickly, you don’t even realize your just being gutless.


  • 或许会这样:“如果是个男人的话就必须上面下工夫,如果你是个女士的话,那就下课直接办公室好了。”

    He would say things like, “If you’re a male, you’ll have to work hard in this class. If you’re a female, just come by my office after hours.”


  • 如果开心地弟弟中的小人涂成绿色妈妈可能喜欢的方式,喜欢的方式”这样的话

    If you make fun of your little brother for coloring people green in his coloring book, your mother is likely to tell you something like "you like to do it your way and he likes to do it his way."


  • 没有正常情况下上司关系是否密切,如果这样的话,还要再提醒一句。

    You don't say whether you normally have a chummy rapport with your boss but if so, a word of caution.


  • 这些意味着如果更多的话现在大声出来吧,5月5日之后——将来段时间不会这样机遇

    This all means that if you are serious about making more money, speak up now, on or just after May 5 - there will not be another window of opportunity for a long while.


  • 如果他们发现他们以后可以这样,但出来的话,他们会感到尴尬的。

    If they find out that they are able to do it for you later, they will be embarrassed if you call them out on it.


  • 可是如果一个生物,会表皮往表皮以下的真皮层“注射有毒物质的话,那么表达这样的情况所应该用的正确“有毒腺的”。

    But if you talk about a creature that injects poison through your skin into the soft layers underneath, the correct word is "venomous".


  • 如果不在意这样说的话,…

    If you don't mind my saying so, …


  • 孩子平静下来应该向她解释,以后如果再遇到类似的情况,她可以,“生气真的很失望这样的话

    Later, when things have settled down, you might explain that "I'm angry" or "I'm disappointed" are better alternatives.


  • 如果气候适宜的话可以种些每年落叶比如枫树橡树或者榆树这样夏天时候可以乘凉从而减少使用空调,并且在冬天树叶落光了也不会挡住太阳光

    If it's climate appropriate, planting deciduous trees such as maple, oak, or elm will provide shade in the summer to save on AC, while being leafless in the winter to not block the sun.


  • 具备技能但是也许的确有其他的一些相关技能这样要好得多。而且如果他们愿意的话也可以非常乐意地告诉他们自己的这些相关技能。

    You're much better off saying you don't have that skill but perhaps you do have some related skills, and you're happy to tell them about that if they like.


  • Fortgang记住,为什么找时间了算如果某些东西重要的,一句不屑一顾的“时间”这样的话撇开

    Remember, you make time for what you want to make time for, "Fortgang says. If something is important to you, don't brush it aside with a dismissive" I don't have time for that.


  • Fortgang记住,为什么找时间了算如果某些东西重要的,一句不屑一顾的“时间”这样的话撇开

    Remember, you make time for what you want to make time for, "Fortgang says. If something is important to you, don't brush it aside with a dismissive" I don't have time for that.


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