• 如果男人希望女人什么样子的?

    If you are a man, what do you want your woman to be like?


  • 如果男人指出大多数诗人科学家男性;

    If you are a man,you can point out that most poets and men of science are male;


  • 比方说,如果男人Wood推荐收容站义工因为工作的多女性

    For example, if you're a man, Wood recommends volunteering at a dog shelter, since most of the people who work there are women.


  • 如果女人希望自己男人面对处于什么角色;如果你男人希望的女人什么样子的?

    If you are a man, what do you want your woman to be like?


  • 如果女人了“It”,就可以赢得所有男人——如果你是男人,有了“It”,就可以赢得所有的女人。

    With "it" you win all men if you are a woman-all women if you are a man.


  • 这里结论如果看见一个30男人有一张非常好看照片它极有可能已经过时了。

    The upshot here is, if you see a good-looking picture of a man over 30, that photo is very likely to be out-of-date.


  • 格利那草场去。如果不着我一起去,我真要看成个大傻瓜,因为世界上只有男人我心爱的,一个天使

    I am going to Gretna Green, and if you cannot guess with who, I shall think you a simpleton, for there is but one man in the world I love, and he is an angel.


  • 足球。(如果英国男人。)

    Football, if you are English.


  • 如果一个时间澡的时间长的男人交往可能提醒一下需求希望了,不管事还床事以外的事情。

    If you're in a relationship with a guy who spends more time at bars than he does washing with them, you may have to remind him of your needs and desires - in bed and out.


  • 可能看起来小事,如果快速拨号栏别的男人,那她就绝不会靠近手机电脑

    It may seem like a small thing, but if she has another guy on her speed dial, she won't let you anywhere near her phone or computer.


  • 成为个具有挑战性男人不错如果从一开始就太多的“成为一个具有挑战性的男人”的游戏发现自己在玩游戏。

    It is always good to be a challenge but if you start playing too many of these "being a challenge" games you will notice that you are just playing games.


  • 有种论调如果早点结婚,男人人抢走了。完全无稽之谈,尤其考虑到中国性别比例失衡的状况。

    It's nonsense, the idea that if you wait to marry, there will be no good men left, particularly given the gender imbalance in China.


  • 正确错误如果男人交往了一没有提出求婚,那么耐心最好的应对方法,因为给施加压力必然吓跑他。

    True or false: If a man you've been dating for a year and a half hasn't gotten around to popping the question, patience is your best bet - pressure will surely scare him off.


  • 如果男人建议星期开始练习倾听不管女人何时说话尊重了解心情态度倾听。

    If you are a man, I suggest that for the next week you practice listening whenever a woman speaks, with the sole intention of respectfully understanding what she is going through.


  • 如果某人偷了只羊那么要显示男人,就宰了头牛吧

    If someone stole one of your sheep, the manly thing to do was to go and kill five of his cows.


  • 如果关系建立行动而非言语上,身边男人合拍,更安全感们之间也就没有那么需要解决问题

    If you build your relationship on what you do, not what you say, Dr Love says the man in your life will feel more in tune with you, less threatened and there will be fewer issues to sort out.


  • 如果不想朋友尴尬,但人以时尚经典男人形象的话,现在打开衣柜淘汰一些衣物的时候了。

    If you don't want to be an embarrassment to your friends and want to convey the image of a fashionable yet classy man, it's time to banish certain items from your wardrobe.


  • 在这儿重要的信息那些仔细修改他们网上约会档案男人如果将要夸大品质建议不要夸大化。

    The important message here is for men who are fine-tuning their online dating profiles: If you are going to "exaggerate" your qualities I recommend that you don't overdo it.


  • 出门在外,男人一个贴士如果身上带的瑞士军刀宽度刀片实际长度的话,了,带的镇纸

    Here's an important outdoorsmen tip: When your knife has a handle three times wider than the blade is long, you're not carrying a knife, you're carrying a paperweight.


  • 如果第一会见菲律宾男人无论姻亲生意伙伴朋友应该带上份礼物比如一瓶威士忌一包香烟

    If you are meeting a Filipino man for the first time, whether he is an in-law, business associate, or friend, you will be expected to bring a gift, such as a bottle of whisky or a pack of cigars.


  • 如果刚刚分手女生所有朋友哭诉心事然后大家一起关于男人为何如此蠢笨的诗。

    If you're a GIRL whose relationship just ended, you will cry your heart out to all her friends and all together write a poem about how men are so dumb and stupid.


  • 无论男人女人如果回想一下自己一生很快就会意识到,一个非常普遍现象。

    Whether you are a man or a woman, if you think about your own life for a minute, you'll soon realize that this is a very common occurrence.


  • 如果高个黑发英俊男人情有独钟,在现实生活中的伴侣可能矮个金发,样子并不喜。

    If you've got a soft spot for the tall, dark and handsome archetype, chances are your real-life partner is short, blond and, well, not so toothsome.


  • 如果头发不多的男人,就短它。

    If you're a guy and your hair is thinning, go for a buzz cut.


  • 如果,“厨房水龙头漏水我们打电话堵漏工吧”,听到,“没用别的男人堵漏!”

    If she says, 'the kitchen tap is leaking, let's call a plumber', he hears, 'You're useless, I'll get another man to do it!'


  • 如果嫁妆随身携带男人

    If I were your dowry, please carry a good man.


  • 如果嫁妆随身携带男人

    If I were your dowry, please carry a good man.


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