• 如果知道自己要什么,可能会到头来得到自己不想要的东西

    If you don't know what you want, you might end up getting something you don't want.


  • 他们明白如果相信自己拥有想要东西将会得到

    They understand that if you want something and believe that you have it, you will receive it.


  • 如果感到信心不足或者不够好,不要去空那些觉得需要其他人外面世界得到的东西

    If you feel inadequate or incomplete, don't wait for what you think you need from other people or the outside world.


  • 而且如果试图事情进展过快的话,伴侣可能就会落荒而逃——即使他们也想得到同样东西

    Moreover, if you try and move things along too fast your partner may just bolteven if they want the same thing as you.


  • 分享关心如果本文得到一些价值东西分享他人吧!这些所得这些精致网络里进行分享!要有责任感哦!

    Sharing is caring! If you received value from this article, give a little back and please share it on one of these fine networks. Much obliged!


  • 如果一些东西就说出来有可能得到想要的。

    When you want something and you ask for it, you will more likely get it.


  • 如果一些原本认为应该的事,有时得到相反结果你得到渴望东西

    If you do things you think shouldn't be doing, sometimes you get opposite results: you get what you were looking for.


  • 如果放缓脚步换个角度去观察事物也许得到另外一个截然不同结果可能会学到很多东西或者得到更多乐趣

    If you had taken it slower or viewed things even a tiny bit differently, maybe you could have come out the other end having learned more, or having had more fun.


  • 因为这种声音几乎是带有操控性的——狗狗知道如果大声叫喊绝对是自找麻烦,不如用这种狡猾的“哼哼”婉转的表达它得到东西要求

    It's an interesting sound because it's almost manipulative - your dog knows if he barks, he'll get into trouble but the more subtle "grunt" might get him wants he wants.


  • 如果没有什么有效地让人震惊东西仅仅可以通过显露自己来得到相当热烈回应

    If there was nothing actively alarming about you, you could get a pretty enthusiastic response merely by showing up.


  • 如果自底向上构建SOA那么很有可能最终得到很多余的东西毫无架构可言。

    If you build SOA Bottom-Up probably you will end with a lot of redundancy and no architecture at all.


  • 如果得到首饰任何一天都可以,直接买吧,但不要买那些锆石心形吊坠,那么能够得到其他东西机会就会更多

    If you can get a piece of jewelry that is appropriate for any day, go for that instead of the cubic zirconia heart-shaped pendant and your chances of getting any will skyrocket.


  • 家里这项工作,仅仅需要一些东西异丙一些瓶装件不起毛衣服一些压缩空气(如果得到的话)。

    To do the job at home, you'll only need a few things: isopropyl alcohol, some purified or bottled water, a lint-free cloth, and some compressed air if you've got some.


  • 第一如果现在考虑清楚了,可以更加清楚退出想要得到的东西

    First, if you think about it clearly now, you will be better positioned to know what you want when you negotiate your exit.


  • 最终如果花点时间认识自己并且思考自己成功原因就会越来越不会接受命中注定要失败”这个观点,反而会想要得到更多更多东西

    Finally, if you take time to learn about yourself and think about why you deserve to succeed, you become less and less likely to accept your “lot in life” and demand more.


  • 得到教导应该上大学学习,同时也告知如果学的东西不是大众认可的,就是的“自我放任”。

    You are all told that you're supposed to go to college, but you're also told that you're being "self-indulgent" if you actually want to get an education.


  • 如果没有答案或者改变的答案,记住也许需要回答问题东西比如画lewis结构得到最终。

    So if you haven't clicked in yet, or if you want to change your answer, keep in mind that you might need to jot down, - for example, a Lewis structure before you can answer this question.


  • 如果创造一些真正到达心灵东西的努力得到回报。

    And if you create something true to your spirit, your effort will be rewarded.


  • 相信如果全心全意想要某样东西实际上已经得到了。

    I have always believed that if you want something with your soul, you get it.


  • 为了放在更加简单来说如果生命东西可以得到它。

    To put it in more simple terms, if you want something in life, you can get it.


  • 如果希望这些石头变成对抗天灾武器必须得到一些同样可憎东西加强他们

    If you wish to turn these stones into a weapon to fight the Scourge, you must acquire something equally vile to fortify them.


  • 如果时间这样故事得到一些东西

    And if you take your time and read this story, you will get something from it.


  • 如果加入我们会员计划东西就会得到一些现。

    If you join our loyalty program, you could earn some money back on your purchases.


  • 心理学家告诉我们如果知道得到什么并且得到东西合理,那么就会得到要的。

    Psychology teaches that you do get what you want if you know what you want and want the right things.


  • 如果想要得到没有东西一些从没的事情。

    If you want something you've never had, you've got to do something you've never done.


  • 所生活一种彰显一样但是更快一些而且容易得到并且如果有些东西并不想要,那也麻烦

    Just like what you live is a manifestation, but a dream is quicker and easier to achieve, and not so troublesome if there's something you don't want.


  • 如果有了就可以很多喜欢东西得到很多便利服务例如房子汽车按摩

    If you have money, you can buy a lot of things that you like and ask for lots convenience and service, such as, house, car and massage.


  • 小孩子一样很快学习拒绝一种食物结果是可以得到更好东西——如果不断地给它更好吃的其他食物的话。

    Just like little kids, a dog will learn very quickly that refusing to eat a meal results in Mom producing something better - if you constantly produce something better.


  • 如果生活柠檬可以去做柠檬汁——说真的宁愿它丢掉,得到我想要的东西

    If life hands you lemons, you could make lemonadebut frankly, I'd rather just throw them out and get something I really want instead.


  • 如果生活柠檬可以去做柠檬汁——说真的宁愿它丢掉,得到我想要的东西

    If life hands you lemons, you could make lemonadebut frankly, I'd rather just throw them out and get something I really want instead.


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