• 如果发现这个教程极力推荐有用到书店

    If you find this tutorial useful I highly recommend you pick up a copy.


  • 如果发现这个计划有什么地方不够实际可以一些改动

    You can make some alterations in the plan in case you find anything impractical .


  • 如果人们发现在走路他们会欢呼:“看看这个孩子做什么。”

    If people found you walking, they cheered, "Oh, look at what the kid is doing."


  • 如果这个范围划分为10个区间发现自己处于第7位,那么试图说服处于第1位的没有什么意义了。

    If you divide this spectrum into 10 units and you find yourself at Position 7, then there is little sense in trying to convince someone at Position 1.


  • 如果不能真正深刻地理解这个发现自己困惑

    If you don't really understand this deeply, you'll find yourself getting confused a lot.


  • 如果资产属于这个范围进行测试案例其它报告回描时间发现具有重大意义的改良

    If your assets are in those ranges, you will find significant improvements in return times when working with your test cases and other records.


  • 如果发现弹出这个错误消息对话,忽略它并启动服务器重新执行上面步骤就可以了。

    If you receive this error message, just dismiss the dialog box, start the server, and redo the step you were on.


  • 如果发现自己已经离不开鼠标手势费点力气安装上这个扩展值得

    If you're a big fan of mouse gestures, this is definitely worth the effort of getting it installed.


  • 如果知道这个梦幻般的秘密含义评论写下发现

    If you’ve sussed out this surreal mystery’s meaning, let us know in the comments section below.


  • 如果上面这句话让听得云里雾里,不妨换种说法:这个发现表明现在通用一些抗癌药物或许也能抑制醉酒

    And if that just sounds like tipsytalk, the finding suggests that a couple of current anticancer drugs might find use in treating alcoholism.


  • 如果过了这个礼拜发现生活有益,去除那个消息来源

    If you have made it through the week and find it's made an improvement on your life then unplug from that news source.


  • 如果发现开始真正了解对方优缺点那么也许就是这个阶段

    You may be in the Realization Stage if you find you are beginning to get to know each other's real strengths and weaknesses.


  • 如果发现公司财政有点紧张问问这个问题正在怎样处理

    If you've found that the company's financial situation is a little rocky, ask how that's being addressed.


  • 如果关注测试执行那么发现这个测试成功地执行完毕

    If you drill down into the test execution, you should find that the test completed successfully.


  • 如果觉得这个练习有效的话,请在下面做出评论,如果你发现新的有意思的方式思考优势请留下评论告诉我们。

    As ever, do comment below if you found this exercise useful (or otherwise) and also if you found new and interesting ways of thinking about your strengths.


  • 如果在读当地报纸的话毫无疑问,自己发现这个问题。

    You've seen this for yourself, no doubt, if you still read your local newspaper.


  • 如果仔细想一想发现自己不用必须成为一个者,需要这个规律运用喜欢的宠物或者关注营业资产可以。

    If you think about it, you don't have to be a horse lover but just apply the same discipline that you would for caring for any pet or business asset.


  • 埃里克换得好,所以不出来,但是比赛中的对手却有可能抓住这个机会进攻,如果侥幸没被对手发现就能挥拳发起进攻,就是这么回事。

    Erick does it so well, you can’t see it, but his opponent could catch it, or it could be a fluke and he throws a punch, and that’s all it takes.


  • 如果翻查一下字典,会发现这个干净没有被污染成分单一的,完善清白的。

    If you search in the dictionary, pure refers to things that are free of dirt or pollution, that have a uniform composition, that are complete and sinless.


  • 但是如果玩过这个游戏不能肯定怎样才能你发现它们

    But if you weren't already into games, I'm not sure where you could go to discover them.


  • 然而如果理解如何实际地运用这个公式,不知道如何去辨别积分部分发现记下这个公式是没有丝毫用处的。

    However, if you don't understand how to actually use the formula and identify the appropriate parts of the integral you will find the memorized formula worthless.


  • 听起来没什么大不了如果你PDF文件转换的话,打赌发现这个功能非常有用

    Sounds simple but, as someone who has done a lot of PDF to Kindle conversions, I can attest that it is extremely useful.


  • 如果按时照这个法子来整理自己脑袋很快自然而然地养成习惯,高兴发现自己已经变成一个可以潇洒面对人生起落的酷哥酷姐了。

    If you play this head sorting game regularly it will soon become very natural to you and you can rejoice in becoming one of those chilled out lovelies who can go with the flow of life.


  • 但是来说,如果仔细这个图的话发现其实曲面左边看上去有点混乱

    And while for him, if you look carefully at the picture, the surface is actually to his left when you flip upside down. Yeah, it is kind of confusing.


  • 如果发现自己总是这个短语可能应该表达自己观点多想想

    They will speak before thinking. If you find yourself always using this phrase you may want to think more before you express your opinion.


  • 假设电脑黑客并且发现软件中的漏洞知道如果这个漏洞某些坏人所用,可以窃取金钱甚至个人身份

    Suppose you are a computer hacker and you discover a bug in a piece of software that, if it were known to the bad guys, would enable them to steal money or even a person's identity.


  • 假设电脑黑客并且发现软件中的漏洞知道如果这个漏洞某些坏人所用,可以窃取金钱甚至个人身份

    Suppose you are a computer hacker and you discover a bug in a piece of software that, if it were known to the bad guys, would enable them to steal money or even a person's identity.


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