• 如果方便的话,今天下午可以顺便去趟我家吗?

    Would you drop in at my house this afternoon if it is convenient to you?


  • 如果不想坐失良机拍卖会6月26日下午2:30。

    If you don't want to miss the boat, the auction is scheduled for 2:30 p.m. on June 26.


  • 如果留给今天下午

    If you leave the car with me, I will fix it for you this afternoon.


  • 特别关心出勤率所以如果周二下午实践不能每周都出勤的话,应该门课

    I am especially concerned about attendance, so if you have the practice these Tuesday afternoons and can't be here every week, you shouldn't take this course.


  • 如果今天下午可以名字告诉销售经理他们帮助

    If you are able to come this afternoon, you can give your name to the sales manager and they will be able to assist you.


  • 果你周四下午有空,可以去学英语。

    If you are free on Thursday afternoon, you can go to learn English.


  • 果你晚上难以入睡,那么白天小睡要少于45分钟,下午3点以后不要小睡。

    If you have trouble falling asleep at night, take a daytime nap for less than 45 minutes and don't nap after 3 p.m. in the afternoon.


  • 如果知道配偶习惯于周六的下午进行几个小时阅读那就不要段时间安排任何事情

    If you know your partner loves to read on Saturday afternoons for a couple of hours, try not to schedule anything during that time.


  • 如果知道今晚不得不睡,最好下午的时候小睡一会儿。

    If you know you're going to be up late, take a power nap in the afternoon.


  • 如果中午饭吃太多,整个下午感到昏迷无力。

    If you eat a heavy lunch, you'll feel lethargic for most of the afternoon.


  • ——如果笔记本电脑的话,尝试会议室工作一个下午

    If you have a laptop top try working in a boardroom for an afternoon.


  • GeoffKent:“英国皇家植物园度过舒适秋日下午最好方法……如果一只鸭子的话可以了。”

    Geoff Kent: "The perfect way to spend a comfortable autumnal afternoon in Kew Gardens... if you are a duck that is".


  • 睡眠专家已经慢慢开始建议,如果要往考虑出发那天下午6:007:00之前服用3-5毫克的胶囊

    Generally, sleep specialists seem to recommend that if you’re heading east, you should consider taking one 3- to 5-milligram capsule between 6:00 and 7:00 P.M. on the day you fly out.


  • 如果讨厌拥挤排队,那就应该挑吃晚饭的时候(下午59点)或者晚一些东西。

    If you hate crowds and lines, shop at dinnertime (5 to 9 p.m.) or even later.


  • 如果享受特别伦敦风情,可下午的四点半左右皮卡·迪利大街的里兹饭店享用下午

    If you want that special London feeling, go to the Ritz in Piccadilly for tea any afternoon at about half past four.


  • 当然,如果周日下午书中闲逛的话,忽略以上内容。

    Ifyou are out for a Sunday afternoon stroll in your book, then ignore this.


  • 但是如果平日的下午4点走进这个耳朵捂住---噪音,准确点儿说是刺耳尖叫,真人受不了。

    But step inside their house after 4 p.m. most weekdays and you'll want to cover your ears because of the noise -- the screaming, to be exact.


  • 如果真的摄像头更加快速处理器而且并不在乎拥有相同屏幕的话,可以明天下午5点,其他苹果粉丝一起排队等候

    If you are really in need of cameras, faster processing, and don't care that the screen is exactly the same then you may be standing in line tomorrow at 5pm with the rest of the Apple fans.


  • 如果地方度过周六下午,找一个需要花钱获得快乐的地方。譬如一个公园或者一个海滩。

    If you just want a place to spend your Saturday afternoon, find a place where you don't need to spend money to have fun - a park or a beach, for example.


  • 如果计划某一下午动物园下雨了。不要郁闷,把改成其他什么活动。

    If you've planned to hit the zoo one afternoon but it's raining don't sweat it, switch it out for something else.


  • 所以如果明天下午CSR办公室里工作会听到上百名科学家声音当心

    So as you work on the CSR in your office tomorrow afternoon and you hear the voices of hundreds of scientists, please take heed.


  • 如果到了下午觉得精神疲倦不能保持最佳状态建议打个小盹自己保持精力充沛做好工作准备。

    If you feel a slump in the afternoon and from then on don't perform at your best, I recommend taking a short power nap to get yourself feeling alert and ready for work.


  • 如果白天小憩,控制1030分钟内并且下午3点左右睡。

    If you choose to nap during the day, limit yourself to about 10 to 30 minutes and make it during the midafternoon.


  • 如果愿意今天下午可以呼啸山庄,说并不生气,我只是惋惜失去了特别是绝不认为幸福

    You may call at Wuthering Heights this afternoon, if you like, and say that I am not angry, but I'm sorry to have lost her; especially as I can never think she'll be happy.


  • 其实道理如果使用的粉底自己肤色还亮的话,看上去比较暗淡干燥特别是下午时候

    The truth is that if your foundation is lighter than your skin tone, it will make your skin looks very grey and dirty, especially when it comes to the afternoon.


  • 如果参加晚宴确保了午饭或者下午吃些小食

    If you're going to a dinner, be sure you eat lunch or have a snack in the afternoon.


  • 如果在家到很晚等到其他人睡了写论文可能星期天下午的时候打扰少。

    If you stay up late at home and write your essays after the kids are in bed, you’re much less likely to be interrupting than if you try to work on Saturday afternoons.


  • 如果安排的话我们邀请星期四下午演讲评判

    If you could manage, we'd like to invite you to come to our speech contest as a judge on Thursday afternoon.


  • 最高,有些则是在下午如果知道什么时间工作效率最高,那就要多留意的生理上的节奏。

    If you don't already know your most productive time, start paying attention to your body rhythms.


  • 最高,有些则是在下午如果知道什么时间工作效率最高,那就要多留意的生理上的节奏。

    If you don't already know your most productive time, start paying attention to your body rhythms.


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