• 如果离去无论哪里-尤文或者什么地方,带着理解,我的尊敬,我的感谢,我的感激最好的祝福

    If he leaves, he goes with my understanding, my respect, thanks, appreciation and best wishes wherever he ends up, be it Juve or otherwise.


  • 桑德斯如果喜欢这样形容,榨取你获得所有这些艺术灵感然后你这里创造了这么可爱的作品之后离去,你是否有些怨恨这个事实

    Saunders: Do you at all resent the fact that he, if you like, milked you for all the artistic inspiration and then moved on, having created this lovely thing from you?


  • 个历史悠久说法:如果用户不得不点击次以上才能找到想要的内容,那么不耐烦并且挫败感(而离去)。

    The idea that users will get frustrated if they have to click more than three times to find a piece of content on your website has been around for ages.


  • 说:“尽管如此保单还有人寿保险性质,如果父母在80之前离去,保费全。”

    "However, this kind of policy also has a life insurance element, so it would pay out if the parent died before the age of 80," he says.


  • 如果此去不返,如果这真的最后表演,那么没有什么照顾自己小女儿以及家人能成为他离去理由了。

    So if he leaves us for good now, if this is indeed his final act, he couldn't depart for a more noble cause than to take care of his young daughter and the rest of his family.


  • 德鲁·巴里摩尔(Drew Barrymore)华丽丽的生活中,曾经考虑“如果一步自己猫咪离去,她希望自己一小部分的骨灰放在猫儿的食物中,这样能与同在了。”

    In her more flowery days, Drew Barrymore reflected that "if I die before my cat, I want a little of my ashes put in his food so I can live inside him."


  • 如果妨碍靠近如果忘情,也无力去阻止离去

    If a man wants you, nothing can keep him away. If he doesn't, nothing can make him stay.


  • 如果妨碍靠近如果忘情,也无力去阻止离去

    If a man wants you, nothing can keep him away. If he doesn't, nothing can make him stay.


  • 看着离去的身影柔软坚强,她的肩膀绷得很直,好像暗示让她的病人健康如果这样行得通的话。

    He watches her depart, lithe and strong, her shoulders set in a line suggesting she just might be able to will her patients back to health, if that's what it takes.


  • 如果科比突然离去而感到遗憾也绝对不会掩饰自己。

    If Bryant regretted having popped off, he never showed it.


  • 当然离去损失但是如果阿尔塞纳可以得到笔转会费并且在转会市场上很好的使用的话,阿森纳会变得更加强大。

    Of course he would be a loss but if Arsene gets the transfer fee and can spend it wisely it may make Arsenal even stronger.


  • 对于阿森纳来讲这不是个好消息但是如果亨利2006- 2007赛季表现更好的话,那么离去也许包含更多的含义。

    For Arsenal it is not good news. But had Henry had a better season during 2006-2007, then it probably would have meant more.


  • 如果我们所有不幸灾祸都被放在一起,成为共同每个人必须从中取得同等,则大多数愿意自己本来的那份而离去

    If all our misfortune were laid in one common heap, whence everyone must take an equal portion, most people would be content to take their own and depart.


  • 如果我们所有不幸灾祸都被放在一起,成为共同每个人必须从中取得同等,则大多数愿意自己本来的那份而离去

    If all our misfortune were laid in one common heap, whence everyone must take an equal portion, most people would be content to take their own and depart.


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