• 不过如果减掉磅体重他们可以平时更早上床睡觉从而减少了睡前零食的机会

    Still, if late sleepers want to lose a few pounds, they can go to bed earlier than they usually do, thereby reducing their chances of taking snacks before bedtime.


  • 不过如果减掉磅体重他们可以平时更早上床睡觉从而减少了睡前零食的机会

    Still, if late sleepers want to lose a few pounds, they can go to bed earlier than they usually do, thereby, reducing their chances of taking snacks before bedtime.


  • 如果睡觉时候喜欢耳栓眼罩他们放在床头桌上以防晚些时候醒来要用。

    If you don't like wearing earplugs or an eye mask when you fall asleep, keep them on your bedside table in case you wake up later.


  • 如果睡觉的人半夜里在噩梦醒来他们可能记住噩梦的内容。

    Sleepers are most likely to remember nightmares and bad dreams if they wake up during them.


  • 如果欧元区是个老式家庭德国那个严厉父亲告诉任性的孩子们早点上床睡觉不要一下子花光他们零花钱

    IF the euro zone were an old-fashioned family, Germany would be the stern father telling his wayward children to go to bed early and not to spend all their pocket money at once.


  • 如果夜里经常哭闹小婴儿,还有睡觉的4岁孩子,那么,让他们共处一可能会孩子父母非常疲乏暴躁

    If you have an infant who gets up frequently through the night and a 4-year-old who's a light sleeper, having them share rooms might lead to some pretty tired, cranky kids and parents.


  • 如果睡觉开始进入梦乡叫醒,即使他们睡眠总量足够的,他们可能变得烦躁易怒

    If individuals are awakened each time they begin a dream phrase of sleep, they are likely to become irritable even though their total amount of sleep has been sufficient.


  • 如果人们不断睡觉无意识地干自己的事,他们应该那些行为负责吗?

    If people continue to unconsciously deal with their problems while they are asleep, should they be held responsible for their actions?


  • 如果他们睡觉他们去做保安

    If they are sleeping. Put them in security.


  • 这样事——即使奋进号上成员已经睡觉他们愿意被提前几个小时叫醒——如果他们观看太空芭蕾的话!

    This was such a one-of-a-kind event that even though Endeavour's crew was supposed to be asleep, they were allowed to wake a couple hours early if they wanted to watch the orbital ballet.


  • 如果没有他们宁愿熬夜玩电脑而不是睡觉

    If the Internet is not turned off, they would rather stay up to play than go to bed.


  • 先生,”回答我说,“夫人睡觉没有但是只要拉铃叫人,就有人如果回信他们会送来的。”

    'Sir,' he answered, 'Madame had not risen and was still asleep, but the moment she rings, the letter will be given to her and if there is a reply, it will be brought.


  • 利用奖励机制贴小红花或者他们出游激励学龄前在校小朋友尤其是如果他们能按时起床睡觉

    Use reward systems (star charts culminating in a lucky dip or favourite outing) to motivate preschool and school-age kids, especially if they are getting out of bed or coming into your bed at night.


  • 如果父母他们吃饭睡觉玩耍地方他们不会真正关心呆哪里的。

    If they have parents who love them and a place to sleep and eat and play they don't really care where they are.


  • 如果发现同事上班睡觉我们中的大多数可能都会嘲笑他们懒惰然而有些公司对在工作场合打盹采取迥然不同态度

    Most of us finding a colleague asleep at work would probably make a quip about laziness. Yet some companies take a very different stance on workplace napping.


  • 然而如果他们小镇工作他们只能电视等待睡觉

    While if they work in the towns, they can only watch TV and wait to sleep.


  • 如果有人死了就能睡觉他们几个月的实习医生,

    Okay, anyone who says you can sleep when you die, tell them to come talk to me after a few months as an intern.


  • 如果白天狮子老虎狐狸他们可能睡觉

    If you go to see lions, tigers, or foxes during the daytime, they'll probably be asleep!


  • 她还说:“如果老年人相信比起他们更多时间用于睡觉可以达到睡眠时间,他们需要更多的睡眠,那么他们可能会抱怨自己失眠睡觉不着。”

    If older people believe that they need more sleep than they can achieve even when they spend extra time in bed, then they may complain of insomnia: being awake when wanting to be asleep.


  • 一旦开始他们还是非常嘈杂所以如果在这儿最好别期望好好睡觉

    Still VERY noisy once they start, so if you stay here, you better not be looking for decent sleep-ins.


  • 多年夫妇彼此已经习以为常,如果单独睡觉的话,他们的睡眠效果会床时差。

    Couples who share a bed for years get used to each other so much that if they then spend a night apart they actually have a worse night's sleep alone than when together.


  • 多年夫妇彼此已经习以为常,如果单独睡觉的话,他们的睡眠效果会床时差。

    Couples who share a bed for years get used to each other so much that if they then spend a night apart they actually have a worse night's sleep alone than when together.


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