• 试试再一次如果他们生气了、继续逃避那么,的确有些猫腻。

    Try asking again, and if they start to get angry and evasive, something could well be going on.


  • 一直在想,“如果我告诉我父母,他们生气的!”

    She just kept thinking, "If I tell my parents, they'll be angry!"


  • 孩子这样做,父母可能会很生气,因为他们不希望自己的孩子将来像乞丐一样贫穷。

    Parents may get mad if children do this as they don't want their children to be as poor as beggars in the future.


  • 许多日本人如果他们把这做寿司生鱼片珍贵鱼种绝灭可是生气的。

    Many Japanese, it seems, would be angry if they were not allowed to eat a prized source of sushi and sashimi to extinction.


  • 如果不同意或者他们期望一致他们中的一些人就会困惑生气

    If you disagree and don't conform to their expectations, some of them get confused or irritated.


  • 家庭医生们曾经声称虽然抗生素不能对付病毒如果他们拒绝治疗感冒咽喉痛,生气病人会让他们感到有压力

    GPs have claimed they often feel under pressure from patients who are angered if they are refused treatment for colds and sore throats even though antibiotics do not combat viruses.


  • 凯莉所以关键在于如果认为人们排队等待时间你等待的一样,你介意等一会,反过来,如果你认为他们可能着领先你17,你生气, 受不了了。

    KELLY: Ah, so it's all about if you think that the people waiting in line with you are waiting just as long, you dont mind it so much as if you think they might be sneaking up 17 seconds before you.


  • 一方面,如果他们他们植物浇水否则他们外出度假时候电视机音量开到最大,立刻就让感到生气

    On the other hand if they ask you to water their plants otherwise they'll set their TV on full blast while they're on holiday, it immediately gets your hackles up.


  • 适应力强会避免生气如果他们控制局势他们努力改善如果不能直接控制,也会找出应对办法

    Resilient people avoid anger. If they can control the situation, they work to improve it; if they can't control it directly, they find ways to cope.


  • 他们建立了计算机模型展示如果没有发候变暖,本该收获粮食量。

    Computer models were used to show how much grain would have been harvested in the absence of warming.


  • 如果他们那样的话老板一定非常生气

    The boss must be very annoyed if that will be the case.


  • 告诉后卫们如果没有做好防守工作他们可以劈头盖脸我。拉菲尼亚生气的喷我时,我一点都介意。

    I also tell my defenders that they should curse the s*** out of me when I'm not doing my defensive work.


  • 信徒认定最终万能语言如果你表示异议他们可能生气

    Its followers are convinced that it is the ultimate universal language, and may be angered by those who disagree.


  • 孩子知道如果他们车上外套不小心校车附近丢了学校作业没有回来是不会生气的。

    Let your children know that you won't be upset if they don't run back to the bus to pick up a jacket they left on a seat or grab school work that they accidentally dropped near the bus.


  • 即使在生家人的,你也决不能动用武力.你不仅会真的伤害他人,他们生气,这样一来,你们的争执会愈演愈烈.如果你的身体受到了伤害,那你必须告诉父母.如果你被父母打了,那你也必须告诉你一个你信得过的大人.

    You could really hurt or injure the person, besides causing them to get more angry and the argument to get even worse. If someone physically hurts you, it's important to tell a parent.


  • 他们获得折扣时有优越感如果要是被期望全价则很生气

    Bargain hunters feel superior when they get discounts, and feel angry if expected to pay full price.


  • 如果家里的宠物花费太多时间 可以考虑不再饲养他们.对某些来说 宠物值得浪费我们太多时间.也许很多饲养宠物的人会很生气我这么说 但是请理解只是种考虑.我不是说人们不需要宠物.

    If the pets are taking up a lot of your time, consider not having any. Pets are another complication that might not be worth the time, for some people.


  • 担心如果满足他人愿望他们生气报复拒绝

    I worry that if don't fulfill the wishes of others, they will get angry, retaliate, or reject me.


  • 什么都不想,我喜欢他们欺骗老师知道如果我不帮助他们他们生气之后他们也会方面拒绝帮助

    I wanted to say nothing, I do not like to help them cheat the teacher, but I know, if I do not help them, they will be angry, after, they will refuse to help me in all situation.


  • 如果人们生气他们而不是

    If folks get mad, it's their fault, not yours.


  • 如果他们吹嘘做出某个令人生气的事情,去一看他们面部表情

    If they brag or do something annoying, look at their facial expressions.


  • 批评别人之前步行穿着他们鞋子这样如果人们生气的时候,他们英里以外赤脚

    Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way, if they get angry, they'll be a mile away and barefoot.


  • 提醒游客当地规定习俗如果他们忘记了不要生气

    Remind tourists of the local rules and customs, but don't get too angry if they forget.


  • 如果某人生气而且他们大叫,基本上处境都不会好转其实愤怒程度会上升

    If you are angry with someone and yell and scream at them, the situation rarely gets better and your anger level actually increases.


  • 如果顾客知道你的产品究竟适合什么地方他们将会感到伤心或者感到生气沮丧

    If your customers don't know where your product is designed to work, they might wind up getting hurt - or at the very least, annoyed and frustrated.


  • 一个家庭教师没有属于自己时间,没有朋友,没有说话如果孩子生气他们会立刻自己母亲那里去。

    A governess has no time of her own, no friends, no one to talk to, and if she gets angry with the children, they just run to their mother.


  • 一个家庭教师没有属于自己时间,没有朋友,没有说话如果孩子生气他们会立刻自己母亲那里去。

    A governess has no time of her own, no friends, no one to talk to, and if she gets angry with the children, they just run to their mother.


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