• 使用这种模式测试如何IE9用户体验网站如果他们点击兼容性视图按钮

    Use this mode to test how IE9 users experience your site if they click on the Compatibility View button.


  • 如果他们点击enter或是搜索按钮预测搜索跳过,从而有利于搜索结果与搜索条目更加相近。

    If they press "enter" or the search button, the predictions will be skipped in favor of results that match the exact search terms.


  • 这个想法如果广告能够制作更加相关,那么就更多点击他们从而使得网站可以跟广告收取更多费用

    The idea is that if ads are made more relevant, more people will click on them, which in turn will boost the fees the sites can charge for them.


  • 如果他们要打我家房子的主意,可不希望他们只需要点击图片就能看到安全细节信息,从而轻松得逞。

    If they are going to target my house, I would want them to work much harder, not click on an image and know the security details.


  • 如果读者希望继续阅读他们必须点击进入报纸网站

    If readers want to read on they have to click through to the newspaper's Web site.


  • 一旦首个访问者点击URL那么隐式地进入了这样的一种协议中,即如果他们记住了来过页面或是点击刷新按钮话,那么看到相同东西

    Once your first visitor hits a URL you’ve implicitly entered into an agreement that if they bookmark the page or hit refresh, they’ll see the same thing.


  • 例如,如果用户点击体育新闻,表示内容他们兴趣所在。

    If they click for sports news then they know the user is interested in that type of content.


  • 使用者也同样可以点击+1推荐他们喜欢广告应该能使GOOGLE广告项目更加强大——如果一个朋友推荐了一则广告,使用者会有可能点击那个广告。

    Users can also hit "+ 1" to recommend ads they like, which should make Google's advertising programs more powerful -if a friend has recommended an AD, users are much more likely to click on it.


  • 参加者只需要点击能解释单词的选项即可.如果他们的答案正确,下题便是一个更难的词,如果选择错误,便得到一个容易的词.并且提供读音。

    If they choose wrong, they get an easier word. Spoken pronunciations are also provided.


  • 如果用户阅读完整文章他们可以点击“在网页阅读”,就会在内浏览器中进入完整的站点。

    If the user wants to read the full article, they tap "read on Web" and are taken to the full site in an embedded browser.


  • 如果刚好要华盛顿特区的话,可以个人身份出席报告的发布会点击这里回复 ) -或者注册参加在线网络直播他们第一时间将相关信息提供你。

    If you’re going to be in Washington, DC, you can attend the release event in person ( RSVP here) – or register to attend the live web cast, and they will send you the information once it is available.


  • 只要它们能够在接受帮助的条件上正确地完成任务他们就会奖励M&M糖果如果它们通过点击帮助图标获取提示的方式完成任务,只能得到不太令它们满意的食物

    They were rewarded with an M&M candy each time they correctly completed the task without help and with a less desirable food pellet when they completed the task with hints from the help icon.


  • 统计数据显示如果客户必须点击每个页面直到购买一个产品,那么他们完成购买可能性越低。

    Statistics show that for each page a customer has to click through to purchase a product, the less likely they are to complete the sale.


  • 消息应该清楚地标明版本需要购买并且引导用户点击更多按钮如果他们升级兴趣的话。

    The main message clearly states that the new version of the software is for purchase and the question leads the user to click the Learn More button if they're interested in receiving the upgrade.


  • 如果他们在线学习需要时间路上他们只需要点击按钮然后知识就会呈现在眼前。

    If they study online, they don't need to spend the time on the road, they just click on the button and then the knowledge is presented.


  • 如果查找到了你的联系人点击添加邀请他们加入网络或者发给他们私人信息

    If you've found the person you're looking for, click Add to invite them to be in your network. Or just send them a private message.


  • 他们甚至还伪造了网络平台这样如果有人因为好奇而点击网络中显示出实时交易记录

    They even created a fake computer platform so that, should outsiders spring a surprise visit, they could be shown "real-time" trading.


  • 如果他们得到他们就会转向竞争对手-谁只有一次点击即可。

    If they don't get it, they'll turn to your competitors-who are only a click away.


  • 如果他们得到他们就会转向竞争对手-谁只有一次点击即可。

    If they don't get it, they'll turn to your competitors-who are only a click away.


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