• 涉及民生问题很多就业分配社保医疗教育住房等等

    Many problems related to people's livelihood, such as employment, distribution, social security, health care, education, housing, and so on.


  • 求职者每周聚会一次追踪他们进度接受直接协助就业咨商模拟求职面谈

    Job seekers meet once a week to track their progress and receive direct assistance in the form of counseling and simulated interviews.


  • 卫生部官员一个特别粮食产品就业法律不能从事患者乙肝病毒携带者并不影响粮食生产经营

    Ministry of Health officials said a special food products, such as jobs, with the law can not be engaged in patients, but hepatitis B virus carriers does not affect food production and operation.


  • 然而技术联系一起全球化带来了一定的限制就业市场混乱社会服务压力以及更为不平均趋势

    But, allied with technology, globalisation has also brought strains, through dislocations in the job market, pressures on social services and a trend towards greater inequality.


  • 社会学角度出发,重点从新疆高校体育教育专业毕业生的属性上来探讨他们的就业现状如就业意向、就业行为和就业冲突等。

    Specifically, there are four aspects from which the present situation of employment countermeasure for sports education majors are discussed in this article .


  • 人们担心果不解决小时候面临的挑战,书写糟糕将会导致严重问题这些学生面临就业前景会更严峻。

    It is feared that a failure to address early-year challenges, such as poor handwriting, leads to much more serious problems down the line with these pupils facing reduced career prospects.


  • 这种下降有点令人觉得奇怪,因为那些通常雇佣年轻人行业——饭店商店——就业增长水平则一直全国平均水平高的多。

    This decline is a bit of a mystery, since job growth in the kinds of industries that tend to employ young people-restaurants and shops-has been well above the national average.


  • 停止一些经济因素变动,价格就业开支

    The fixing of some economic factor, such as prices, employment, spending, etc.


  • 法案支持者众议院议长佩洛西,认为可以帮助美国创造大量就业机会。

    Advocates of the bill, like House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, say it could help create American jobs - lots of them.


  • 德克·斯,奥斯汀达拉斯经历不成比例就业增长其它大城市(休斯顿)远远落在了后面

    In Texas, Austin and Dallas have experienced disproportionate employment growth while other large cities, such as Houston, have lagged behind.


  • 但是来自于另外一部分消费者的收益就呈现一定的随意性处于食堂体育场馆旅游场地的消费者,他们已经受到就业市场低迷影响。

    But the parts of the business where sales are more discretionary such as work canteens, sports stadiums and tourist attractions had been affected by the downturn in the employment market.


  • 例中初始列表依赖型的(就业受益者养人之间关系),清单8所示。

    In this case, the initial list is dependent types (the relationship between an employment beneficiary and a dependent person), as in Listing 8.


  • 他们本地创造就业机会(发型师音响师、快餐外送)大多都暂时性的。

    The local jobs they create (hairdressers, sound technicians, pizza deliverers) are mostly temporary.


  • 然而,对亚洲非洲拉丁美洲500个社区研究发现人们需要机会获得就业岗位进入市场的机会,脱离贫困

    But the study of 500 communities in Asia, Africa and Latin America also concludes that people need opportunity, such as access to jobs and markets, to move out of poverty.


  • 法国汽车制造商们也不愿意萨科奇所要求的那样,为了获得国家援助保证法国国内就业职位

    Neither of France's carmakers wanted to have to guarantee jobs at home as a condition for state aid, as President Nicolas Sarkozy had stipulated.


  • 樊纲星期五发表的文章中中国现在迫切需要考虑国内问题,创造就业等。

    In his newspaper article Friday, Fan notes that China also has pressing domestic economic considerations, such as the need to create jobs.


  • 这项战略建立经实验证明好的社会保障方案的基础上,安全网有条件现金转移通过公共工程创造就业岗位方法以及有希望方法和工具

    The strategy will build on tried and true social protection programs such as safety nets, conditional cash transfers, and public works job creation-as well as promising new approaches and tools.


  • 文章发现雇员企业数目-创业情况的一个指标自我就业-暴跌

    It found that the number of businesses with employees - one indicator of entrepreneurial activity, like self-employment - took a nosedive.


  • 就业数据既往地继续恶化

    Employment data have also continued to deteriorate.


  • 恰当地方,这些资金发挥的作用会大多,改善糟糕的医疗教育服务、建设基础设施,以及改进《全国农村就业保障法》之类的收入补助计划

    Properly targeted, that money could be far better spent, on improving lamentable provision of health and education, on building infrastructure and on refining income-support schemes such as NREGA.


  • 抽象技术概念数据服务复制服务”,来说没有任何意义

    Technical concepts, such as a "data service" or a "replication service," don't make any sense in business terms.


  • 推动妇女人权包括法律上的平等以及家庭事务继承权离婚儿童监护权财产就业权利上享有平等权利。

    Promote the human rights of women including equal rights to legal capacity and equality within the family in matters such as inheritance, divorce, child custody, property and employment rights.


  • 因此中国,基于纵向社区样本,研究就业状况精神紊乱抑郁影响必要

    So, it is necessary to discussion the influence of employment status on mental disorders such as depression in china.


  • 论文一部分简要介绍了高考志愿及其影响因素升学因素、就业因素、成本因素名校因素

    This paper briefly introduced the first part of a voluntary college entrance examination and its impact on factors such as education, employment, the cost factor, schools and other factors.


  • 教育人员暂停学习期间暑假不能获得失业补助金。接受就业教育的失业人员可以在暂停期间获得失业补助金

    It is not possible to get unemployment benefit during pauses in studies e. g summer breaks. During pauses in labour market education you may be entitled to benefit.


  • 不仅应届毕业生面临巨大的就业压力很多高学历科学家白领也同样压力。

    Nowadays, not only fresh graduate faces great employment pressure, but also many high-educated, such as boffin, white-collar, have the same pressure.


  • 不仅应届毕业生面临巨大的就业压力很多高学历科学家白领也同样压力。

    Nowadays, not only fresh graduate faces great employment pressure, but also many high-educated, such as boffin, white-collar, have the same pressure.


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