• 有些警告:工欲其事,先利

    Some cautions must be mentionedfor example good tools are essential to do the job well.


  • 所有国家都存在一问题只不过一些国家得比较成功(北欧国家),一些国家则差强人意(美国就是个显然的例子)。

    No country gets it all right, though some (like the Nordic ones) do better in general than others (notably, America).


  • 然后需要间隔之后连接后台服务器(三十分钟),刷新数据

    Then, you would only need to connect to the backend server at some interval (say, every thirty minutes) to refresh the data.


  • 在胃镜检查过程中某些疾病需要特别重视心脏病肺部疾病患有这些疾病请一告诉外科医生。

    Also, if you have any major diseases, such as heart or lung disease that may require special attention during the procedure, discuss this with your surgeon.


  • 辐射剂量超过阈值水平那么可以产生皮肤发红脱发,辐射烧伤和和急性辐射综合症(ARS1)等急性影响

    If the dose of radiation exceeds a certain threshold level, then it can produce acute effects, such as skin redness, hair loss, radiation burns, and acute radiation syndrome (ARS1).


  • 当然果发生较大变化时,删除属性或者改变属性的类型COBOL代码产生的影响。

    More profound changes, such as properties being deleted or changing type, would still have an impact on the COBOL code of course.


  • 但是内梅萝芙指出这种状况讽刺意味至少水务工程角度来看

    But as Nemeroff points out, there is a certain irony to this position, at least when viewed from the perspective of a water engineer.


  • 这种不寻常能力称为形状记忆效果(XXXXXE)。其它一些合金黄铜在一程度上具有这种特性。

    This remarkable ability is called Shape Memory Effect (XXXXXE); other alloys, such as brasses, are known to possess it to a limited extent.


  • 注意:“变更控制的严格性”曲线并不张图表中所描绘的那样在构建阶段快速地增长

    Note that the Change Control Rigor curve does not necessarily increase as rapidly in the Construction phase as the diagram depicts.


  • 可是血红蛋白水平一些并发症有着一的联系,高血压慢性高山病等,西蒙森

    But high hemoglobin levels have been linked to complications such as hypertension and chronic mountain sickness, Simonson said.


  • 行为客户提供保管箱服务,您可以保存价值证券存单(存折)、债券等等,我行收取手续费

    Our bank provides safekeeping service for the clients to keep documents of value, such as deposit certificate (bank book) and bonds, for which we charge some handling fee accordingly.


  • 西医治病理论实证基础,所以认为一味有效(人民币升值),而且服后很快见效

    Western medicine, he said, is derived from theory and clinical trials. It prescribes a single, aggressive treatment (read: a revaluation of the yuan) which is expected to take effect quickly.


  • 既往保持占据GDP总量优势,德国贸易顺差必须年年上涨

    To contribute to GDP as it has in the past, Germany's trade surplus would have to keep rising every year.


  • ,巴西里亚尔强势一程度上是拜其出口品大豆价格较高所赐。

    The strength of Brazil’s currency, for example, may partly reflect the high price of exports such as soyabeans.


  • 巴西里亚尔强势一程度上是拜其出口品大豆价格较高所赐。

    The strength of Brazil's currency, for example, may partly reflect the high price of exports such as soyabeans.


  • 目前这项艰苦的研究只是对于纳米激光器功能型纳米粒子等新型的治疗设备有一帮助可以跟踪标记和杀死癌细胞

    This painstaking research can only help futuristic treatment efforts, such as nanoparticle-targeted lasers and do-it-all nanoparticles that can track, tag and kill cancer cells.


  • 或者瑞士提出的建议,当排放量超过限额时开始征税

    Or there could be a levy on all carbon emissions above certain national thresholds - as proposed by Switzerland.


  • 但是来自于另外一部分消费者的收益就呈现一随意性处于食堂体育场馆旅游场地的消费者,他们已经受到就业市场低迷影响。

    But the parts of the business where sales are more discretionary such as work canteens, sports stadiums and tourist attractions had been affected by the downturn in the employment market.


  • 现已有一些国家南非利比亚,在程度上放弃他们贡献

    We have examples of countries, like South Africa and, to an extent, Libya, that decided to give up on their nuclear ambitions.


  • 毫不奇怪,使用这个工具SELECT结果输出JSON清单11

    Not surprisingly, you can also use this utility class to output the SELECT result bindings as JSON, as shown in Listing 11.


  • 有的公司制服马球运动外套衬衫),有的公司在员工服装颜色类型的规

    Some companies have corporate apparel (e.g., polo shirts, sport coats, dress shirts, etc.) while others give employees some direction on personal attire with colors and clothing style.


  • 日子他们灰尘你们脚掌之下是万军之耶和华

    Then you will trample down the wicked; they will be ashes under the soles of your feet on the day when I do these things," says the LORD Almighty.


  • 日子他们灰尘你们脚掌之下万军之耶和华

    And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this, saith the LORD of hosts.


  • 之前经观察发现患有诵读困难症人群大脑这些区域通常缺陷研究显示这种大脑结构并非造成某类人群不识字的原因,而是假设一样,是他们不识字造成结果

    Deficiencies in these regions were previously observed in dyslexics, and the study suggests that those brain patterns weren’t the cause of their illiteracy, as had been hypothesized, but a result.


  • 这个机制根据灾害的严重程度超过速度)启动。

    The mechanism will be triggered by the intensity of the event (e.g., winds exceeding a certain speed).


  • 今年主题摆脱负债有史以来放松”等等。

    Develop a new theme for the year such as making it "debt free" or "most chilled out ever".


  • 给予部分资料规格材质的情况下,由参与者创造产品(一个有关气候改变棋类游戏),并且,每个人都要将问题卡片上,为产品起名,商标市场策略

    Given a few guidelines on size and materials, they decided what to create (a board game about climate change), wrote a deck of question CARDS, and came up with a name, logo, and marketing strategy.


  • 已经睡了于是就能悄悄怀中,一往常。

    He would be asleep, allowing me to crawl into his bed and snuggle with him like we used to. I slid open the door, quietly making my way inside...


  • 许多发现有助于目标外在展现,时间表直观看到所得进步

    Many people find it helpful to make some sort of visual representation of their benchmarks, such as a time-line, so that they can see at a glance how much they've achieved.


  • 许多发现有助于目标外在展现,时间表直观看到所得进步

    Many people find it helpful to make some sort of visual representation of their benchmarks, such as a time-line, so that they can see at a glance how much they've achieved.


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