• 以前经济繁荣时期,高速增长率只出现在某些创造奇迹国家亚洲四小龙

    In earlier booms, fast growth seemed to have been the preserve of a few miracle countries, such as the Asian tigers.


  • 乌兹别克斯坦经常举办些有威望比赛亚洲拳击锦标赛亚欧跆拳道锦标赛,国际A级自由式摔跤联赛

    Uzbekistan often hosts prestigious contests like the Asian Boxing Championship, the Asia and Oceania Taekwondo Championship, "a" -grade international freestyle wrestling tournaments.


  • 华尔街道琼斯工业指数连续下跌,今天开盘。股票的暴跌受到亚洲海外市场不景气的影响。

    The day started on Wall Street with the Dow Jones industrials sliding two days after a huge stock drop that was spurred by declines in overseas markets like Asia.


  • 众所周知自从我们开始使用筷子吃饭以来,中国饭碗文化已经影响了一些亚洲国家日本韩国和越南

    As we all know, the "rice bowl" culture of China has influenced some Asian countries such as Japan, Korea and Vietnam since we started to use chopsticks while eating food.


  • 许多处于危险中的动物生活在那里金丝猴云豹亚洲黑熊

    Many animals in danger live there, such as the golden monkey, the clouded leopard and the Asian black bear.


  • 令人惊讶是,干旱地区拥有着世界最大一些河流系统澳大利亚墨累-达令河、北美的里奥格兰德河、亚洲印度河非洲尼罗河

    Arid lands, surprisingly, contain some of the world's largest river systems, such as the Murray-Darling in Australia, the Rio Grande in North America, the Indus in Asia, and the Nile in Africa.


  • 那时起筷子甚至亚洲许多国家被广泛使用中国日本韩国

    Since then, chopsticks have even widely used in many countries in Asia, such as China, Japan, and Korea.


  • 紫色花的亚洲牡丹草莓番石榴等外来物种,威胁着无刺玫瑰树蕨脆弱的夏威夷本土物种。

    Invaders such as purple-flowered Asian melastome and strawberry guava threaten delicate Hawaiian natives such as thornless roses and tree ferns.


  • 国还有一些亚洲最重要的湿地,鄱阳湖和亚洲最长的河流——长江。

    China also has some of Asia's most important wetlands, such as Poyang Lake and Asia's longest river, Yangtze River.


  • 亚洲也是种常见收费方式专门用于联网游戏的个人计算机网吧中

    It is also a popular means of revenue in Asia through PC baangs, or cyber-cafes oriented to online games playing.


  • 某些亚洲国家泰国玩扑克非法的。

    In some Asian countries, such as Thailand, poker is illegal.


  • 法国奢侈鞋类在市场中的地位正在减弱,这并非是因为廉价亚洲鞋业横扫了欧洲大众鞋类生产商而是其本身设计灵感的缺失

    Its luxury-shoe sector is declining, not because of the cheap Asian footwear that is wiping out many European mass-market producers but because of a loss of design flair.


  • 然而,对亚洲非洲拉丁美洲500个社区研究发现人们需要机会获得就业岗位进入市场的机会,脱离贫困

    But the study of 500 communities in Asia, Africa and Latin America also concludes that people need opportunity, such as access to jobs and markets, to move out of poverty.


  • 面对不断上涨全球油价亚洲国家印度马来西亚印尼最近削减了燃油补贴可能造成通胀的进一步上扬

    Asian nations such as India, Malaysia and Indonesia recently cut fuel subsidies in the face of rising world oil prices, which may send inflation even higher.


  • 许多亚洲国家神经疾病(日本脑炎细菌性脑膜炎)流行病学特点和公共卫生负担鲜为人知

    In many Asian countries, however, the epidemiology and public health burden of neurological diseases such as Japanese encephalitis and bacterial meningitis are poorly understood.


  • 两个亚洲巨人拉丁美洲商品买主粮食工业金属石油其它能源

    The two Asian giants are big buyers of Latin American commodities such as grains, industrial metals, oil and other sources of energy.


  • 传染病非典侵袭亚洲日本发生地震供应链会中断

    When an epidemic such as SARS hits Asia or when an earthquake hits Japan, supply chains are disrupted.


  • 今年达沃斯峰会各国各个商业机构领导对于新兴经济体巴西亚洲美国以及德国繁荣能够长久担心最终结束

    The World Economic Forum has ended with business and political leaders worrying whether the economic boom in Asia, Brazil, the US and Germany can last.


  • 同时,开辟新的市场,俄罗斯拉丁美洲亚洲那里西欧相比免费报纸仍然较少

    Meanwhile, it is starting new papers in places like Russia, Latin America and Asia, where there are still fewer freesheets than in Western Europe.


  • 欧洲首屈一指的汽车品牌奥迪宝马已经成为亚洲国家道路上受欢迎汽车品牌。

    Premium European names such as Audi and BMW are already becoming popular on the Asian nation's roads.


  • 只有未连入电网(electricity grid)地区,非洲亚洲大部分农村地区,太阳能电池才真正具有商业可行性

    Only in places unconnected to an electricity grid, such as much of rural Africa and rural Asia, are solar cells truly commercially viable.


  • 到目前为止他们已经45000名来自南美澳大利亚亚洲孩子们互动了关于回收重要性的展示和利用可再生的能源太阳能风能

    So far they have interacted with 45,000 children from South America, Australia and Asia, giving presentations about the importance of recycling and using alternative energy like solar and wind power.


  • 到目前为止他们已经45000名来自南美澳大利亚亚洲孩子们互动了关于回收重要性的展示和利用可再生的能源太阳能风能

    So far they have interacted with 45, 000 children from South America, Australia and Asia, giving presentations about the importance of recycling and using alternative energy like solar and wind power.


  • 其产出甚至超出那些依赖出口的国家德国日本几个亚洲新兴经济体,或是依赖外资的国家,中欧东欧等国。

    Output has shrunk even faster in countries dependent on exports (such as Germany, Japan and several emerging Asian economies) or foreign finance (notably central and eastern Europe).


  • 较小的国家柬埔寨则呼吁亚洲开发银行借贷集中贫穷的亚洲国家上。

    Smaller countries such as Cambodia urged the ADB to focus its lending on the poorest Asian states.


  • 这个举足轻重行业证明这个城市实力魅力使其一既往亚洲各国脱颖而出

    This heavyweight industry accolade attests to the strengths and sustained appeal of the city, enabling it to consistently emerge ahead of the pack in Asia.


  • 这个举足轻重行业证明这个城市实力魅力使其一既往亚洲各国脱颖而出

    This heavyweight industry accolade attests to the strengths and sustained appeal of the city, enabling it to consistently emerge ahead of the pack in Asia.


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