• 康奈尔大学远程教学部eCornell调查结果显示,不到三分之一受访者期待网络课程质量和传统课堂一样

    In a survey conducted for eCornell, the DL division of Cornell University, less than a third of the respondents expected the quality of the online course to be as good as the classroom course.


  • 调查同样认为大多数情况下强迫一个孩子读书不能达到效果

    Research also agrees that in most cases, forcing a child to read will yield no positive results.


  • 为进行全面调查规划一项建设工程已经停工

    A planned construction project has been halted to allow a full investigation.


  • 例如可利用催化资金帮助卫生部制定一项调查计划

    For example, catalytic funding can be used to help a ministry of health draw up a good survey plan.


  • Mogilner指出尽管欧洲经济状况一贯美国,但是欧盟幸福调查向来都美国

    Then Mogilner notes that although Europe consistently performs worse economically than the U.S., the E.U. consistently performs better in surveys on happiness.


  • 关于最近同志家庭调查,则有下列标题:《旧金山纪事报》的《研究:女同家的孩子优秀》,《名利场》的《研究显示,同志家的孩子在学校内外表现都比其他人》,《纽约日报》的《谁还需要爸爸呀?

    And the more recent lesbian-family study earned these headlines: San Francisco Chronicle: "Study: Children of lesbian couples better off.


  • 我们认为一次非常机会加强警方调查、侦破过程中的合作,尽快把事实真相清楚人民有所交代,向两国企业有所交代。

    We view this as a very good opportunity to enhance the police cooperation in investigation so that we can find out the truth and make reasonable explanation to the people of the two countries.


  • 一章的要点是:调查论文逻辑步骤

    This Chapter outlines the logical steps to writing a good research paper.


  • 尽管所有相关方面都非常入门,但主要贡献在于方面的调查用户开发者。两者无论是深度和范围上都达到前所未有的。

    Although the book is a good primer on all this, its main contribution consists of two surveys-one of users of software, the other of developers-that are unprecedented in both scale and scope.


  • 有时联邦调查调查员也知道目标何处,华盛顿情报合作精神而言并非的预兆。

    Sometimes not even the Feds know what the tally is — which doesn't bode well for the new spirit of intelligence cooperation in Washington.


  • 针对办公室矛盾最新调查表明,个“苹果”式员工的不良行为病毒一样传播,最终会带同事破坏一个团队

    One "bad apple" can spread negative behavior like a virus to bring down officemates or destroy a good team, according to a new study examining conflict in the workplace.


  • 调查问卷非常保持接触增加参与度以及吸收成员办法

    Surveys are a good way to stay in touch, increase participation, and bring in new members.


  • 针对办公室矛盾调查显示,某个人的行为病毒一样传播感染,最终同事或者破坏团队

    One "bad apple" can spread negative behaviour like a virus to bring down officemates or destroy a good team, according to a new study examining conflict in the workplace.


  • 该项研究中,参与调查及其幸福程度面谈者当面之前按照照片他们相貌等级。

    In the new study, participants were asked about their levels of happiness; their looks were rated by interviewers face-to-face or from photos.


  • 在接受尼尔森调查受访者中,有一半人对北京实际环境印象非常比较

    About half of those surveyed by Nielsen also came away with a very good or somewhat good impression of Beijing's physical environment.


  • 今年德国消费者信心调查

    Surveys of German consumer confidence have also perked up this year.


  • 可能是个“兆”,因为民意调查发现,一年三双以上运动鞋具有领导潜质的可能性

    It could be a good sign, with a poll finding that people who buy three pairs of sneakers or more a year are far more likely to be a leadership type than other people.


  • 英国公务员调查发现级别较高的公务员他们直接下属健康状况,这些下属一级人员健康状况

    Studies of British civil servants find that senior ones enjoy better health than their immediate subordinates, who in turn do better than those further down the ladder.


  • 调查本身得太长了

    The investigation was all right in itself but it went on too long.


  • 项民意调查显示虽然两国之间存在历史宿怨,但五分之一英国觉得还是法国

    Despite the historic antipathy between Britain and France, one in five Britons wish they were born on the other side of the English Channel, according to a poll.


  • 科学调查又一证实了老祖母们的说法:一夜睡眠感冒挡在门外面。

    Once again, science supports what your grandmother told you: a good night's sleep helps your body fight a cold.


  • 记住不要拿这个调查结果作为一个博客设计的指南,这个问题另外撰文叙述

    Please keep in mind that the results of the survey should not be considered as guidelines for an effective blog design - this is a topic for another article.


  • 近期项针对2010届应届大学毕业生调查表明,有34%的就业前景列为读研的理由。

    A recent poll of college students due to graduate in 2010 showed that 34% of them believed further studies would bring a brighter career future.


  • 联邦调查采纳了会上的信息采纳所谓的‘邻里守望'立场

    The FBI seems to have taken that message on board, and has adopted what some call a 'neighbourhood watch' stance.


  • 这份协商性质的论文中,我们提出数据共享目标以及达成这些目标的工作计划建议,激励调查行动起来,不要停留在立意很大程度上只有雄心的数据共享计划上。

    In this round table paper, we suggest goals for data sharing and a work plan for reaching them, and challenge respondents to move beyond well intentioned but largely aspirational data sharing plans.


  • 相反另外一个更加有意思的问题我们将如何拯救具有深度调查性质新闻业

    Instead, the more interesting question is how we can save good, in-depth, investigative journalism.


  • 弄清究竟哪位董事泄露出了公司机密,惠普展开过内部调查,私自监听了董事会成员(以及相关记者)的电话记录。这种手段里说是不道义,甚至还有可能违反了法律。

    An internal inquiry into a leak of confidential information by a director pried into directors' (and journalists') telephone calls, using methods that were at best unethical and possibly illegal.


  • 弄清究竟哪位董事泄露出了公司机密,惠普展开过内部调查,私自监听了董事会成员(以及相关记者)的电话记录。这种手段里说是不道义,甚至还有可能违反了法律。

    An internal inquiry into a leak of confidential information by a director pried into directors' (and journalists') telephone calls, using methods that were at best unethical and possibly illegal.


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