• 好莱坞生活奢华与她童年时贫穷形成了鲜明的对照

    The poverty of her childhood stands in total contrast to her luxurious life in Hollywood.


  • 孩提时贫困处境好莱坞生活有着天壤之别。

    The poverty of her childhood stands in total contrast to her life in Hollywood.


  • 赫本平静树林写信。赫本喜欢自然,相比好莱坞奢华的舞会,喜欢园艺平静生活

    Audrey Hepburn composes a letter in a palm grove. She loved nature and preferred gardening and the quiet life to the glamourous parties of Hollywood.


  • 仔已经在美国西部和西南部生活和工作了三个多世纪,他们是美国著名的象征,所以你看那些五六十年代的好莱坞牛仔电影时,你看到的是一份工作。

    Cowboys have lived and worked in the west and southwest of the United States for over three centuries and they are a famous symbol of the US. When you watch those old Hollywood cowboy films from the fifties and sixties, you see a job.


  • 大约在1955年拍摄,赫本平静树林写信。赫本喜欢自然,相比好莱坞奢华的舞会,她跟喜欢园艺平静生活

    Audrey Hepburn composes a letter in a palm grove, circa 1955. Hepburn loved nature, and preferred gardening and the quiet life to the glamourous parties of Hollywood.


  • 个人生活成为好莱坞风流韵事的标尺

    Her personal life set a Hollywood standard for glamour and tumult.


  • 亲戚家住了几个月,练习自己英语,就启程前往了好莱坞。 在那里,她开始自己的新的生活个新的名字:艾茵·兰德。

    After staying several months with her relatives, practicing her English, sheheaded to Hollywood to begin a new life under a new name: Ayn Rand.


  • 阿戴尔结婚退出舞台,贵妇般的生活时,阿斯泰尔到了好莱坞,工作越加努力,之后成为全世界公认敬仰电影明星就是的人生。

    When Adele retired into an aristocratic marriage, he moved to Hollywood, worked even harder, became a film star recognised and admired the world over…and that’s all.


  • 尽管好莱坞最大盛事之一,金球奖提醒着人们现实生活中的悲剧很多明星佩戴支持海地地震幸存者丝带

    Though one of Hollywood's biggest parties, the Globes bore sombre reminders of tragedy in the real world, many stars wearing ribbons in support of Haiti earthquake victims.


  • 不想那些他所拒绝出演的各种好莱坞角色,更不愿意谈那些他整个职业生涯未曾去沉迷过的晚宴聚会抑或是夜店生活

    He doesn't want to talk about all the Hollywood acting roles he has turned down, the parties and nightlife that he has mostly forsaken in his career.


  • 打个比方如果CharlieSheenLindsayLohan粉丝明显,你兴趣的是好莱坞那些爱自我毁灭明星以及他们的生活

    For instance, if you're a fan of Charlie Sheen and Lindsay Lohan, it's clear self-destructive Hollywood stars and their lives are what you're interested in.


  • 2001年初克林顿全家离开白宫时把“袜子”托付给了秘书贝蒂·柯里,此后“袜子”一直随柯里生活马里兰州好莱坞(Hollywood)。

    Socks had lived with Bill Clinton's secretary , Betty Currie, in Hollywood, Md., since the Clintons left the White House in early 2001.


  • 保罗·纽曼乔安-娜伍德沃德的婚姻维系50(当然他们康涅狄格,离好莱坞生活方式远了去了)。

    Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward were married for 50 years (of course, they lived in Connecticut, away from the Hollywood lifestyle).


  • 老婆异想天开讨论着:如果有可能好莱坞一部我们生活为题材的电影,我们应该那位好莱坞巨星扮演呢?

    My wife and I were having a very hypothetical discussion: In the unlikely event that Hollywood made a movie based on our lives, we wondered what stars would play us.


  • 但是这部剧中剧很少见,一系列没有围绕勒布朗这对英国夫妇好莱坞生活他们试图掌控这个疯狂好莱坞

    But the show-within-the-show is barely seen, and the series instead revolves around "LeBlanc" and the British couple 's life in Hollywood as they attempt to navigate the insanity of Hollywood.


  • 尽管人们知道的坏男孩生活方式并且有持续酗酒吸食可卡因的问题,但直到上个月为止,仍然好莱坞电视明星中片酬最高明星。

    Until last month, he was the highest paid actor on TV, despite his well-known bad-boy lifestyle and persistent problems with alcohol and cocaine.


  • 作为好莱坞爱情生活屡战屡败单身女演员,参加影片《爱情降临首映式可能不会引起人们更多的关注。

    For a Hollywood singleton famous for enduring heartbreak, attending the premiere of a movie called Love Happens may not hold great appeal.


  • 觉得我们必须些什么保持生活平衡不要任何机构比如好莱坞来定义我们是

    I think we have to do things to keep a balance in our lives, and not let any institution, such as Hollywood, defines who we are.


  • 报告提到Misick享受好莱坞生活”而闻名,而且开支习惯远远地超过了他的薪水津贴”。

    The report noted Mr Misick’s reputation for enjoying a “Hollywood lifestyle” and said his spending habitsfar exceeded his salary and allowances”.


  • 因为也身处这么堆烂事中好莱坞有人拍了一部身为瘾君子的生活失败的电影故事。

    I'm in this business because somebody made a movie about my life as a drug-addled loser in Hollywood.


  • 哈斯勒女士最终离开了好莱坞成为一位生活指导作家

    Hassler, who eventually left Hollywood to bene te a life coach and book author.


  • 许多一直指责好莱坞作品成为美国生活方式隐蔽宣传机器现在看来他们确实的。

    A lot of people have long accused Hollywood product of being covert propaganda for the American Way. Now it seems they were right all along.


  • 读者们讨论好莱坞作品缺乏亚裔美国人对他们生活事业造成何种影响

    Readers discussed how the lack of Asian-Americans in Hollywood had affected their lives and careers.


  • 读者们讨论好莱坞作品缺乏亚裔美国人对他们生活事业造成何种影响

    Readers discussed how the lack of Asian-Americans in Hollywood had affected their lives and careers.


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