• 请注意荷兰当地市政厅登记需要提供认证好的出生公证书原件公证书的有效期个月

    ATTENTION: In the Netherlands you will need an original birth certificate to register at the townhall, that may not be older than six months when you register!


  • 1985年以前出生中国人普遍认为外国品牌中国品牌好。

    Chinese people born before 1985 generally think that foreign brands are better than Chinese ones.


  • 头可爱的雌性小犀牛是该保护区今年出生的第二只黑犀牛,但要判断这些幼崽是否会成为返回野生保护区的好的候选者还为时过早。

    The adorable female calf is the second black rhino born this year at the reserve, but it is too early to tell if the calves will make good candidates to be returned to protected areas of the wild.


  • 不仅就造出样子也把你生命一天计划好,来完善创造过程

    Not only did God shape you before your birth, he planned every day of your life to support his shaping process.


  • 这个t太婆之所以这么是因为没有被邀请参加女孩出生庆典而此时其他女巫们纷纷小姑娘送了贺礼。

    The old woman does this because she wasn't invited to the party celebrating the girl's birth, where other good fairies/wise women are bestowing gifts upon her.


  • 农村受访者中,66.9%的人认为如果他们城里出生成长,生活会比现在,在18岁- 30岁的年轻人中,比例更是达到了77.2%。

    In rural areas, about 66.9% questioned believe that they would have a better life if they had been born and grown up in urban areas, and the rate reaches 77.2% among those aged 18-30.


  • 最终好的外表完全在于出生好看与否。

    Ultimately, good looks aren't just a question of a lucky birth.


  • 正确,而且我们没什么好的理由跟随柏拉图的观点,即,灵魂存在出生之前

    Well, that's right and of course we don't have any good reason to follow Plato when he says it must be the case that the soul exsited prior to birth.


  • 好象他们从未听说一样”,36岁的Johnsen女士。 她出生冰岛这个大部分是冰冻的北极岛上生活25

    It’s like they’ve never heard of it, ” said Ms. Johnsen, 36, who was born in Iceland but has lived on this huge, largely frozen northern island for 25 years.


  • 认为没什么好的理由我们相信灵魂在我们出生就已存在

    I don't think we got any good reason to believe that soul existed before we were born.


  • 所以现在我们知道这些令人欣喜、刚出生的小家伙们被刺破脚底时,妈妈们凭直觉能够判断出他们痛苦,这没什么好惊讶的。

    So now we know, it is not surprising that a new mother's instinct is correct when their new bundles of joy are stabbed in the foot and they can tell they are distressed.


  • 出生出生之间间断死亡只是使某人脱离社会团体,送到播着预先录制好圣歌的殡仪。

    Birth is a kind of discontinuity between the prenatal and post-natal clinics, while death just takes somebody out of the community, possibly to the tune of prerecorded hymns at the funeral parlor.


  • 好的家庭出生幸运的,但是个人不能一辈子依靠他的家庭。

    It is lucky to be born in a "good family", but one can not rely on his family all his life.


  • 艾凡:,等填好的。来看看……姓名地址、填表日期出生日期、搭乘的航空公司班机……等一下

    OK, just hold on and let me finish mine. Let's see here…"name, address, date today, date of birth, carrier and flight"…hold it!


  • :(不屑表情)什么炫耀的,告诉要不是爱因斯坦出生几年,相对论也是俺发明的。

    Reasons: (expression of disdain) that there is nothing to show off, and tell you that either I was born a few years later than in Einstein's theory of relativity is I invented it.


  • 自己定目标年,也许出生不如别人好,通过努力往往可以改变70%命运

    Give yourself targets, one year, two years, five years, and maybe you was born as well as others, through hard work, often can change the fate of 70%.


  • 如果治疗出生体验的话,你将能够改变你对死亡的计划

    If you can heal the experience of your birth, you can change how you have planned your death.


  • 姿看法学习技巧结果不是出生遗传的。

    A good running form, in my opinion, is the result of learning the skill, but not something inherited from your birth.


  • 出生平民之家,自幼得一身武艺,长剑单刀行走江湖,是个锄强扶弱,行侠仗义少年英雄

    Birth and civilian homes, a good acquisition skills at an early age, like a sword or walk and quack single pole, is a weak-hoe, Hangxiazhangxi juvenile hero.


  • 由于缺乏好的医生药品乡村婴儿出生死亡率上升趋势。

    The birth mortality rate is on the rise in rural areas due to lack of efficient doctors and medical care.


  • 家庭成员依旧会在一起并且出生总是预先计划好的不是偶然的发生。

    Families will still come together, and birth will always be planned and never happen accidentally.


  • 现在刚刚出生我们不敢保证多久,但愿这个艰难降生一个好的基础

    There are no guarantees of its long-term survival at this early stage but we hope that its birth against the odds will stand it in good stead.


  • 出生美国怪不得你的英文这么

    You were born in the United States, no wonder you speak good English.


  • 但是对于出生属于天秤座宝瓶座摩羯座人来说,黑色却是好的颜色

    It is a good color, however, for persons born under the signs of Libra, Aquarius, or Capricorn.


  • 大家好澳大利亚出生但是妈妈来自苏格兰,我爸爸来自法国

    Hello. Australia is my birthplace but my mum came from Scotland and my dad came from France.


  • 依我看来,建立一套幼儿出生长大国家福祉系统鼓励生育方法

    In my opinion, the establishment of a grown up with children from birth to the national welfare system is a good way to encourage childbirth.


  • 依我看来,建立一套幼儿出生长大国家福祉系统鼓励生育方法

    In my opinion, the establishment of a grown up with children from birth to the national welfare system is a good way to encourage childbirth.


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