• 这个程序天才之作似乎并不怎么好用

    The program was brilliantly coded, but it didn't work very well.


  • Anygui好用因为允许应用程序未经更改就可以运行差异很大平台上(因此支持受支持工具箱的“最低级公共特性”)。

    Anygui is nice because it lets unmodified applications run on widely different platforms (but it therefore supports the "lowest common denominator" of the supported toolkits).


  • 法语的网站,到现在为止没有使用英语选项但是这个发行版本已经了全面桌面应用程序套装非常好用

    It's in French and there's no option to use English so far, but the distro has a full desktop and application suite, so it's completely usable.


  • 更加实用好用诊断程序增加产品客户价值

    Better diagnostic and serviceability routines increase the customer value of your product.


  • 我们来说这个应用程序真正好用地方在于并非掩盖标准锁定屏幕而是替换了它。

    What really makes this app useful to us is that it does not obscure the standard lock screen, it replaces it.


  • 处理呈现给用户信息之间关系任何智能应用程序成败关键

    The relationship between the user and the information presented is vital to the success of any smart application.


  • 就是为什么它会投入如此多的时间精力编写新的程序从而使网络变得好用更有趣

    That's why the company spends so much time and energy building new applications that make the Web more useful or fun.


  • 这种简单映射常常好用但是某些时候由于数据类型格式某个应用程序逻辑不同希望直接进行数据交换

    Quite often, this form of simple mapping works fine, but sometimes, because of differences in data types or formatting or the needs of some application logic, you don't want direct data exchange.


  • 流程应用程序WSFL 流引擎来处理更好好用 BPEL 来处理,尽量不要状态图处理。

    The flow between processes and applications is better handled with a WSFL flow engine and even best with BPEL, not with a state diagram.


  • 自从2005年他们出现以来,他们已经制作出了一些最为好用在线生产力应用程序他们平台总的来说也很有希望

    Since their advent in 2005, they've created some of the most useful productivity apps available online, and their platform as a whole shows promise.


  • 如果许多使用这个程序好用一个大多数开发者熟悉框架

    If there are many people who will be using the application, it may be best use a popular PHP framework that many developers are familiar with.


  • 注意软件开发已经复杂没有一个程序时间关注如何让软件好用活更有用

    He had noticed that software development was getting so complicated that none of the programmers had the time to figure out how to make software that was either usable or useful.


  • 本文提前计划好用Nagios改进Ajax应用程序监视性能,Nagios是远程服务器一种开源主机服务和网络程序

    This article helps you to plan ahead to improve the monitoring and performance of your Ajax applications with Nagios, an open source host, service, and network program on remote servers.


  • 主要作为XSane,一个著名基于GTK却没有界面程序的替代品。

    It was created mainly as an alternative to XSane, a famous GTK + scanning program with a very un-KISS user interface.


  • 现在已经安装RubyGems了,你应该准备好用gems来运行应用程序了,吗?

    Now that you have RubyGems installed, you should be ready to run applications using gems, right?


  • 复合应用程序组件都是围绕构成应用程序逻辑单元精心设计的,而不是围绕设计这些组件的Lotus Notes设计构造

    Components for a composite application are best designed around the logical units that form an application and not the Lotus Notes design constructs that happen to be used to articulate them.


  • 这个程序漂亮好用哎哟没有我之前说苹果安装程序那个显示文件”的功能

    It's a slick, easy-to-use piece of software, but alas, it lacks anything like the aforementioned Show Files feature of Apple's installer.


  • concurrent包含了其他许多好用实用程序,它们很扩展到了Collections之外,尤其是. locks和.atomic中。

    The java.util.concurrent package contains many more nifty utilities that extend well beyond Collections, particularly in the.locks and.atomic packages.


  • 款iPhone应用程序本身好用电子书阅读器不过一点不爽电子教材并专门屏幕设计。

    The iPhone app itself is a decent eBook reader, though it suffers from the fact that the textbooks haven't been formatted for the small screen.


  • 这些绝对Ajax体验一部分但是大多数用户而非开发人员只是发现 Ajax 应用程序

    Those are definitely part of the Ajax experience, but most usersnot developerssimply find Ajax applications more usable.


  • 现在已经配置生产环境设置接下来我们演示如何Django应用程序设置生产环境。

    Now that we have configured our Settings for use in a production environment, we will show you how this environment should be set up to house your Django application.


  • 为了验证控制台以前好用浏览器中,Grails应用程序主页单击AirportMappingController链接

    To verify that your console is more chatty than before, click on the link to the AirportMappingController on the home page of your Grails application in a browser.


  • 虽然point-and-click某些情况下很好用,但是其他一些情况下可能希望直接将 MDB2_Schema 集成PHP应用程序中。

    While point-and-click is good in certain situations, at other times you might wish to directly integrate MDB2_Schema into your PHP application.


  • 一个风扇程序好用的!

    A fan of the process, with very good!


  • 虽然手机版网站试图解决这个问题但是他们还是不如那些应用程序好用

    sites alleviate this issue, but even they usuallyhave worse usability than apps.


  • 预览视频时长需1530秒之间,且最好用镜头捕捉那些如何在相应设备使用应用程序的画面。

    Previews are between 15 and 30 seconds long and use footage captured on the device to show the experience of using your app.


  • 也是应用比较的一个应用程序功能强大好用

    This is an application of a relatively large number of applications, functions very powerful and also very good use.


  • 上面有着丰富的资源也是好用的应用程序

    Seafood Watch is a great resource, and a great app.


  • 一个文件转换成LCD显示应用程序非常好用一般用来PDA显示动画

    The position chart file conversion LCD demonstration from the mold application procedure, is extremely easy to use, generally USES for in the PDA demonstration animation to use.


  • 一些准备数学建模收集资料,是一些非常好用程序

    Some of this is in preparation for Mathematical Modeling of the data collected is very good for small procedures.


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