• 她纯洁的心胸水灵灵地透明。

    Pure-bosom'd as that watery glass.


  • 认定纯洁无暇

    He supposed her innocence.


  • 忘了还是本人不足取,居然她纯洁交往感到了厌倦?

    Had I forgotten her? Or was I so worthless as to have grown tired of her pure society?


  • 纯洁纯洁清澈溪水不用过多的解释,可以洞穿心底。

    She's innocent, like the clear water in a bourn, and just because of this innocence, she doesn't know the pain she's causing to others and herself.


  • 的那个纯洁幻影吗?因为从没接触,从没允许自己真实双手拨开层雾

    Was she the pure phantom I loved because I would never touch her, never allow my all too real hands to dissipate the mist?


  • 乌西卡,手臂洁白,纯洁无暇,身体相貌上酷似不朽神灵——应该设想汉娜索菲亚吗?

    Nausicaa, white-armed and virginal, who in body and features resembled the immortalsshould I imagine her as Hanna or as Sophie?


  • 大家都说普绪一样纯洁无暇。

    They say she is as pure as Psyche.


  • 康乃馨母亲最喜欢的安娜认为他们象征纯洁母亲。

    Carnations were her mothers favorite flower and Anna felt that they symbolised a mothers pure love.


  • 注视明亮的大眼睛,眼神中传递情感如此的强大纯洁

    He looks into her enormous eyes, and the emotion between them is powerful and pure.


  • 女儿纯洁魔鬼无法带走于是要挟女儿,除非女儿允许自己父亲剁碎自己双手,否则将带走父亲。

    The devil tries to take the daughter but can’t – because she is pure, so he threatens to take the father unless the daughter allows her father to chop off her hands.


  • 当初玛德琳之所以选择英文专业,主要是出于纯洁也是最无趣原因因为喜欢读书

    Madeleine had become an English major for the purest and dullest of reasons: because she loved to read.


  • 安娜仪式上发放了母亲喜爱白色花朵甜蜜纯洁耐心化身

    Anna handed out her mother's favorite flowers, the white incarnations, on the occasion as they represent sweetness, purity, and patience.


  • 补充道:“他们甚至喜欢雇用已婚女人”,人们认为女孩纯洁但眼前一个女孩并非如此

    "They don't even like having married women there", she added. Girls are always supposed to be so pure. Here's one who isn't, anyway.


  • 补充道:“他们甚至喜欢雇用已婚女人”,人们认为女孩纯洁,但眼前就一个女孩并非如此

    "They don't even like having married women there", she added. Girls are always supposed to be so pure.


  • 让伊丽莎白·麦戈文来演白雪公主,一个有趣的选择——美丽妖媚似乎是非比寻常纯洁

    Elizabeth McGovern is an interesting choice for Snow White, coming across as beautiful but not seductive, yet without seeming unusually naive.


  • 椭圆形脸庞的青春活力,细腻的皮肤欲言又止眼神透露出的纯洁天真,让具有超越时空的美丽

    The ovale of her face, her youth, the delicacy of her skin and interrogative eyes convey a purity and an innocence that make her a representation of a timeless beauty.


  • 少女职责一章告诫年轻女性:“任何不道德的好奇心纯洁幻想对精神的玷污……个女人若了污言秽语便是耳朵的亵渎。”

    In the chapter titled Duty of Virgins, young girls are told: 'Every indecent curiosity or impure Fancy is a deflowering of the mind... she that listens to wanton discourse has violated her ears.


  • 于是因犯罪丧失了权利、被迫独处一隅这些年月里,生活纯洁无理,大大地赢得了人心。

    Then, also, the blameless purity of her life during all these years in which she had been set apart to infamy, was reckoned largely in her favour.


  • 自由人宣讲纯洁信仰,就土地问题口授了许多信件重建方向提出详尽细节。

    She preached cleanliness and godliness among the freedpeople and dictated many letters about the land question, which provide rich details about that aspect of Reconstruction.


  • 夏洛特经历中让人惊奇不仅打破了平破坏性循环重要的坦诚纯洁教会别人如何可以做到这样

    The amazing part of Shonnetta's journey is that not only was she able to break a destructive cycle of poverty, but that she helped others how to do the same with an open and untarnished heart.


  • 注视着全”神贯注稚嫩面庞,心中不由涌出一阵拥有者的激动,其中自己萌动的丈夫气概自豪,也有那深不可测的纯洁的温馨敬意

    And he contemplated her absorbed young face with a thrill of possessorship in which pride in his own masculine initiation was mingled with a tender reverence for her abysmal purity.


  • 妈妈是个很纯洁的人,看不起俄罗斯海滨酒家,也不想让经过古典舞训练而且前程远大的女儿,自降身份那里去跳舞

    Her mother, a purist, despised the Russian Riviera, and the idea that her daughter, classically trained and destined for greater things, would degrade herself by dancing there.


  • 获知杰基了一首微风纯洁卡洛收到则是关于闪烁肌肤上的幸运之光的时,暴怒了。

    She was appalled when she found out that I had written Jackie a poem about innocent kisses blown her way in the breeze, and Carol a poem about the lucky sunshine that glistens off her skin.


  • 秀丝杰克逊相识1978年,那时13岁他们之间的关系其他歌手之间都纯洁

    Shields met Michael Jackson in 1978, when she was 13, and their relationship seemed more innocent than the others that would subsequently be synonymous with the singer.


  • 但是从来没人求新娘刺绣遮盖纯洁白色面纱记载绝对没有的。

    But it is not recorded that, in a single instance, her skill was called in aid to embroider the white veil which was to cover the pure blushes of a bride.


  • 思念使高贵纯洁、上进,使他求上进。

    The very thought of her ennobled and purified him, made him better, and made him want to be better.


  • 思念使高贵纯洁、上进,使他求上进。

    The very thought of her ennobled and purified him, made him better, and made him want to be better.


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