• 5次怀孕时候医生告诉这次怀孕冒险

    As she was pregnant for the 5th time, doctors informed her that her pregnancy was risky.


  • 去年十一月份950次考试后,分数达到及格

    It was only last November, on her 950th try, that she achieved a passing grade of 60 out of 100.


  • 一个冲过终点线,举着摩洛哥国旗绕场一周庆祝 胜利的时候,卡萨布兰卡市民冲上街头共同 庆祝。

    When she crossed the finish line in first place and took her victory lap carrying a huge Moroccan flag, people in Casablanca poured into the streets to celebrate.


  • 今天妈妈安然的度过了54个生日,现在拥有打理着市中心蛋糕店,这是一生理想15年前确诊患有癌症

    Today, my mom is a healthy 54 year old who successfully owns and operates a popular bakery downtown - a goal she had all her life. 15 years ago she was diagnosed with cancer.


  • 最近一当上了奶奶,也回到医院继续工作确信自己一直坚持严格结核病治疗,已经将这一令人逐渐衰弱病魔赶出了自己的身体

    Her first grandchild had been born recently, she had resumed her hospital work and she was confident that the rigorous anti-TB treatment she followed had rid her body of the debilitating disease.


  • 最佳剧情类女演员奖得主是《盲点桑德拉·布洛克梅丽尔·斯特里普凭借电影朱莉朱莉娅》中的表现获得最佳喜剧类女演员奖,7次获得金球奖

    Sandra Bullock earned the title of best drama actress for her role in "the Blind Side." Meryl Streep won her 7th Golden Globe for the comedy film "Julie and Julia".


  • 完成1个马拉松之后---2009年Illinois马拉松,成绩2:55—Kennihan实施了一个间断比赛计划荣获赛事年龄组一。

    After winning her first marathon—the 2009 Illinois Marathon in 2:55—Kennihan took on a nonstop racing schedule, pushing herself to place in the top three overall or to win her age group.


  • 我们得知正在录音室录制2张专辑

    We understand that she's in the studio recording her second album.


  • 26-0取胜

    She won six games to love in the second set.


  • 目前王位继任顺序7位。

    She is now seventh in line of succession to the throne.


  • 孩子生活里2位,仅次于事业

    Her children were the number two priority in her life next to her career.


  • 这只小家伙在1月31日出生时,成为了在该保护区出生的40头黑犀牛。

    When the tiny creature arrived on January 31, she became the 40th black rhino to be born at the reserve.


  • 如果预测2盒子会在里面$1M,如果预测你拿两个盒子会在2个盒子里什么也不放。

    If she predicted you will take Box 2 alone she put $1M into it. If she predicted you’ll take both boxes she left Box 2 empty.


  • 生育最多双胞胎子女母亲利维亚·朗西,这位44岁的罗马尼亚女子2008年加拿大产下了18个孩子

    The mother with the greatest number of kids that are not tiwns is Livia Ionce. This Romanian woman, 44, gave birth to her 18th child in Canada in 2008.


  • 今年已经发生很多了,总是在夜里叫醒我,不是25决赛,”

    "It happened many times that she wakes me up in the night this year, but I was not 25 times in the final," he said.


  • 的专栏目前60

    She is currently on page 60.


  • 最后拿到了驾照——960次考试之后。

    Finally, she got her license - on her 960th try.


  • 的小珂赛特交给德纳夫妇以后,继续赶路到了滨海蒙特勒伊

    After leaving her little Cosette with the Thenardiers, she had continued her journey, and had reached M. sur M.


  • 德纳客店门前走过,看见两个女孩秋千架上玩怪起劲,不禁心花怒放,只望着那幅欢乐景象出神

    As she passed the Thenardier hostelry, the two little girls, blissful in the monster swing, had dazzled her in a manner, and she had halted in front of that vision of joy.


  • 恰巧又是德纳妈妈要求法郎加到十二法郎以后,又强迫从十二法郎加到十五法郎那个

    This was the very month when the Thenardiers, after having demanded twelve francs instead of six, had just exacted fifteen francs instead of twelve.


  • 德纳大娘从屋角里拿女儿平日凳子坐的一奇大石磴抱在手里

    The Thenardier woman snatched up an enormous paving-stone which lay in the angle of the window and served her daughters as an ottoman.


  • 绒线编织的裙,德纳

    She purchased a knitted petticoat and sent it to the Thenardiers.


  • 幸而德纳不大喝水的心又稍稍安稳了些。

    She was somewhat reassured because no one in the Thenardier establishment drank much water.


  • 2006年,进入国家平等理事会议会卸任时,丈夫继任得到49区的席位

    When she ran for the state Board of Equalization after being termed out of the Assembly in 2006, her husband succeeded her to the 49th District seat.


  • 不想打击热情但是关键可能会20分娩

    I don't like to dampen her enthusiasm, but the chances are she will deliver at 20 weeks.


  • 这个学校遇难孩子的母亲发疯找出孩子的尸体移到了哪 里

    One young woman, whose son had been killed at the school, was frantically trying to find out where his body had been taken.


  • 一刻钟过后丢下工作,跑到楼梯德纳夫妇的那封信

    At the expiration of a quarter of an hour she left her sewing and went to read the Thenardiers' letter once more on the staircase.


  • 一刻钟过后丢下工作,跑到楼梯德纳夫妇的那封信

    At the expiration of a quarter of an hour she left her sewing and went to read the Thenardiers' letter once more on the staircase.


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