• 端庄了起来。

    She rose majestically to her feet.


  • 端庄笑了笑

    She smiled demurely.


  • 端庄优雅身边,我们膝盖几乎一起,恍恍惚惚地看。

    With a demure and becoming grace, she took the seat next to me, our knees nearly touching, and I stared at her as if in a trance.


  • 当时端庄得体地身着一套黑色羊毛西服

    She was demurely dressed in a black woollen suit.


  • 的举止总是端庄

    She always comports herself with great dignity.


  • 这个小淘气以为看见,又退回去,坐在窗前老位子上,假装端庄的。

    The little rogue thought I had not seen her, and, drawing back, she took her former station by the window, quite demurely.


  • 还是夏洛特(甜美端庄娴静或者可能根本相反)?

    Or Charlotte (sweet and demure and probably not)?


  • 这座已有96历史房子虽然有些破,迷人妈妈也同样迷人,82岁的虽然脸上皱纹了些,但仍然很可爱端庄

    The 96-year old house was crumbling a bit at the edges but still charming; so was my mother, lines on her face more marked but still lovely and gracious at 82.


  • 嫉妒——我对于伊莎贝拉漂亮的头发白皙皮肤端庄风度,还有全家所表示的喜爱,可从来不觉得苦恼呀。

    I'm not envious: I never feel hurt at the brightness of Isabella's yellow hair and the whiteness of her skin, at her dainty elegance, and the fondness all the family exhibit for her.


  • 排队等候我们严肃端庄历史老师谈话时,无意中听到前面女人老师女儿评语不当回事,还把手轻轻

    Waiting in the queue to talk to our serious and elegant history teacher, she had overheard the woman in front dismiss the teacher's comments about her daughter with a little dash of the hand.


  • 大多西方人眼中成为中国反抗精神象征勇敢善于表达重要的是,端庄优雅

    She had become, in the popular western view, the symbol of Chinese resistance: brave, articulate and, to top it all, elegant.


  • 不过,无论散开长裙显得多么老实,发髻后面显得多么端庄,那双交叠在膝头上的小手显得多么文静,的本来面目终归藏不住的。

    But for all the modesty of her spreading skirts, the demureness of hair netted smoothly into a chignon and the quietness of small white hands folded in her lap, her true self was poorly concealed.


  • 感到焦急,很烦恼,”夫人端庄、贤惠地了一口气,说道,“我实在知道长大了会变成一个什么样人,或者会有什么样的地位

    'I quite fret and worry myself about her, ' said Mrs Chick, with a sigh of modest merit. 'I really don't see what is to become of her when she grows older, or what position she is to take.


  • 母亲一个意志坚强女人,头发花白不苟言笑看起来比以前更加端庄凛然不可侵犯。

    His mother had always been a headstrong woman, and, with her grayish-white mane and unsmiling face, she appeared as regal and intimidating as she had ever been.


  • 生得纤细端庄,肌骨晶莹,一双眼睛金黄色头发卷曲披落肩头,言谈举止十足一个讲究风度的年轻女子

    A regular snow maiden, with blue eyes, and yellow hair curling on her shoulders, pale and slender, and always carrying herself like a young lady mindful of her manners.


  • 一个年轻美貌的女人决不男人存有唾手可得之恋慕心头假作端庄的举动,疯狂情话来得意义深长

    A beautiful young woman must not let men have with extreme ease of her heart, let the pressure hard feelings in my heart and demurely moves than the crazy words come more profound meaning.


  • 看来一定一个性格非常复杂女人,这端庄娴静的外表倒构成了极富于戏剧性的对比

    She must be a woman of complicated character, and there was something dramatic in the contrast of that with her demure appearance.


  • 西装作端庄桌子上,背叛性胜利的,似乎新娘那里珍宝

    Lucy demurely folded her hands on the table, treacherously triumphant, as if she had stolen a treasure from the bride.


  • 就是生活二十家乡——一个村庄美丽端庄朴实又无华

    This is the home for twenty years of my life - a small village, she was beautiful and dignified, her simple but minimalist.


  • 不过,无论散开长裙显得多么老实,发髻后面显得多么端庄,那双交叠在膝头上的小手显得多么文静,的本来面目终归藏不住的。

    But for all the modesty of her spreading skirts the demureness of hair netted smoothly into a chignon and the quietness of small white hands folded in her lap her true self was poorly concealed.


  • 今晚显得十分端庄健美,是吧?。

    She looked very handsome tonight, didn't she?


  • 但是并没有成为大家期待端庄皇后而是武断的、野心勃勃的

    But, instead of being the demure queen expected of her, she was assertive and ambitious.


  • 驮着野餐毯子比格犬戴着那顶草帽看上去端庄

    Picnic Blanket Beagle: She does look rather dignified in that straw hat!


  • 父母教导行为贞洁端庄

    Her parents teach her to be chaste and decent in her behavior.


  • 举止端庄有礼。

    She behaves with decorum.


  • 举止端庄有礼。

    She behaves with decorum.


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