• 在和自己体重作斗争

    She has fought a constant battle with her weight.


  • 愿意说出自己计划

    She's never very forthcoming about her plans.


  • 欺骗自己相信爱着

    She had been deluding herself that he loved her.


  • 坚持说自己是无辜的。

    She has always protested her innocence.


  • 没有真正接纳自己女儿

    He never really accepted her as his own child.


  • 意识到自己句话都被听到了,得无地自容。

    She was mortified to realize he had heard every word she said.


  • 显然打瞌睡知道句子结束时醒了过来,然后试图掩饰自己的心不在焉。

    She has apparently been dozing and, having come to just as the sentence ended, was attempting to cover for her inattention.


  • 浓重的约克郡口音,事实上自己努力学习约克郡话。

    She loved his broad Yorkshire and had in fact been trying to learn to speak it herself.


  • 先是座位下面希望自己能够离开高速公路停下来之前,在那里

    She said the snake first slid back under the seat, and she hoped it would stay there until she was able to get off the highway and stop.


  • 女士一认为,教育是摆脱贫困的最佳途径,所以确保自己的所有孩子都能上学。

    Kong always believes that education is the best way to get out of poverty, so she makes sure that all her children go to school.


  • 事实上比这还要消息胸口轻敲,好像自己一样。

    More, in fact: her news thrummed inside my chest as if it were my own.


  • 是的争取事情愿意暴露自己文盲代价去赢得胜利

    Yes, that was what she had been fighting for, but she was not willing to earn victory at the price of exposure as an illiterate.


  • 一位朋友多年低估自己工作中的地位,为此在薪资方面损失惨重

    A friend of mine says she underestimated her standing at work for years and paid a high price in her paycheck.


  • 几年的病情稳定自己非常感谢生命出现的这些

    But she has been stable for several years and says she has the people in her life to thank.


  • 最重要心里一知道自己着的,毫无疑问。

    But most of all, she continues on with the inner knowledge that she is loved.


  • 这位老师一慨叹自己经验后来告诉利用周末暑假时间,慈善机构工作,是那里最棒筹款人之一

    She lamented her lack of experience until she told me that she was one of the top fund-raisers for a charity that she worked with on the weekends and over the summer.


  • 关注其他工作机会自己喜欢的事。

    She keeps her eyes open for other job opportunities to do what she likes.


  • 母亲父亲患病期间一控制自己情绪,一刻趴倒在床边的地上,嚎啕大哭。

    My mother, so in control of herself throughout his illness, began crawling round the bed and howling.


  • 再次时,觉得人好像早早预料到自己来这个村子一般,在那里,期待着的出现。

    As she watched him she had the feeling that he'd let himself into the cottage knowing that she would return. He'd been waiting for her.


  • 努力试着说服自己不要举动视为辍学”,我还是禁不住担心,如果读完大学未来会怎么样

    I'm trying very hard not to think of this move as "dropping out," but I can't help worrying about her future if she doesn't finish school.


  • 再次时,觉得人好像早早预料到自己来这个村子一般,在那里期待的出现。

    As she watched him she had the feeling that he'd let himself into the cottage knowing that she would return. He'd been waiting for her. Expecting her.


  • 自己脆弱而感到羞耻现在依然觉得的羞耻,自尊这一切深埋于心。

    She'd been ashamed of her vulnerability; she was still ashamed, and her pride would never allow her to reveal it.


  • 克里斯蒂娜表示觉得自己嘴巴太小过去还一自己身边做比较。

    Kristina said she always believed her lips were too small and used to compare them to those around her.


  • 虐待自己孩子

    She'd been abusing her own kids.


  • 伸手照片还给莫拓森,突然发现自己颤抖。

    She held out the photos to Moore and suddenly saw that her hand was trembling.


  • 最近第次一当上了奶奶,也回到医院继续工作确信自己坚持严格结核病治疗,已经将这一令人逐渐衰弱病魔赶出了自己身体

    Her first grandchild had been born recently, she had resumed her hospital work and she was confident that the rigorous anti-TB treatment she followed had rid her body of the debilitating disease.


  • 个人观点十分鲜明努力自己领域中发表重要的看法。

    Though she has strong opinions, she works hard to maintain solid relationships with the important peeps in her field.


  • 个人观点十分鲜明努力自己领域中发表重要的看法。

    Though she has strong opinions, she works hard to maintain solid relationships with the important peeps in her field.


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