• 的聪慧所迷。

    I was captivated by her brilliant mind.


  • 聪慧勤奋使她的工作十分出色

    Her intelligence and the diligence, causes her work to be very splendid.


  • 感谢可爱的女儿千千,谢谢的聪慧自信勇敢

    I'd like to thank my lovely daughter, Lianne, for her brightness, confidence and bravery.


  • 姿态她的微笑她的聪慧她的声音俘获,俘获了我的心。

    Her gesture, motion, and her smiles, her wit, her voice, my heart beguiles, beguiles my heart.


  • 不过,最让感触还是聪慧对于超越重庆中国的外部世界了解

    Yet what impressed me about her was her intelligence and knowledge of the world beyond Chongqing, and indeed, beyond China.


  • 非常自信而且深知自己强项弱项,”拜尔德博士,而且她的聪慧超过了她的同龄人。

    She’s sincerely confident and has a good grasp of her strengths and weaknesses,” said Dr. Baird, and she is wise beyond her years.


  • 这位出身于大家庭中的闺秀,受过良好的教育,聪慧机敏许多欣赏赢得了人们对诸多赞美之

    The family came from the lady, well-educated, she's intelligent, astute, who have been many people appreciate, but also has earned her many kind words.


  • 法语一直是个聪慧学生

    She had taught him French and he had been an apt student.


  • 聪慧朝气,且有着年龄小一半一样多的热情

    She sparkles, and has as much zest as a person half her age.


  • 假如一个妇人相信丈夫聪慧就是最好的使保持贞操柔顺的维系;然而假如妇人发现丈夫妒忌心重,永不以为他是聪慧的了。

    It is one of the best bonds, both of chastity and obedience, in the wife, if she think her husband wise; which she will never do, if she find him jealous.


  • 幸亏好奇心聪慧使成为一个学生学得热心,这也教学添了光彩。

    Fortunately, curiosity and a quick intellect urged her into an apt scholar: she learned rapidly and eagerly, and did honour to his teaching.


  • 我们吗?”珠儿着,目光中流露出明察秋毫聪慧,抬起眼睛瞅着母亲面孔

    "Doth he love us?" said Pearl, looking up, with acute intelligence, into her mother's face.


  • 虽然经历剧变米娅头脑依然聪慧博文广知,思维缜密,脑子充满弗洛伊德黑格尔里尔克以及威廉•布莱克的思想。

    Despite the crack-up, Mia's mind is in fine form: she's learned and thoughtful; her head is stuffed with Freud, Hegel, Rilke and Blake.


  • 容貌姣好、聪慧机智、工作得力,是个冷酷现实主义者,安妮怎样看待麦克难以知晓,尽管天赋充满魅力麦克是个性格夸张的幻想家。

    She was beautiful, clever, witty, effective, a merciless realist… it is harder to perceive what Anne saw in Mac…for all his gifts and charm, Mac was a fantasist of heroic proportions.


  • 唯一能够享受生活乐趣还是宙斯女儿佩尔·塞福一个聪慧美丽天真活泼姑娘,和在一起,任何人不会悲伤和忧愁。

    Only be able to let her enjoy the pleasure of life, or she and the daughter of Zeus Health Persephone, an intelligent, beautiful, innocent, lively girl, and her together, no one will be sad and sad.


  • 到达大门时,欧文遇到那位聪慧妇人给了同样警告

    Owen, too, was met by the wise woman when he arrived at the gate. She spoke the same warning to him.


  • 相反,个性坚强,机智聪慧,有这样出类拔萃的女儿,贝尔·奥加纳感到非常自豪莱娅更是疼爱有加。

    Her strong personality and bright intellect molded her into an exceptional person, one that Bail Organa loved and was very proud of.


  • 虽然为了躲避暴风雨使看起来很疲惫,但是仍旧掩盖不了美丽聪慧

    Even though she looked tired from the severe rainstorm and the strong winds, she was beautiful and looked clever.


  • 聪慧珍妮弗患了一种罕见的疾病叫做阿狄森氏身体通过关闭她的重要器官反抗压力,不产生肾上腺素

    Brainy Jennifer has a rare condition called Addison's disease, meaning her body reacts to stress by shutting down her vital organs instead of producing adrenaline.


  • 学习成绩一直名列前茅归功于学习投入天生的聪慧

    Her academic record was constantly maintained at the top level, which resulted from her devotion to study and intelligent nature.


  • 爱上天真的、没长大的女孩,我不能期望时间内变成一位聪慧、能干的女人

    I had fallen in love with an innocent child-like girl, and I could not expect her to become a wise, experienced woman in such a short time.


  • 观众评价恬静温柔聪慧可人,古典又不失现代气质

    In the audience's eyes, she is a peaceful, soft and intelligent girl of both classical and modern temperaments.


  • 伊丽莎白在班纳特家姑娘中是最活泼聪慧一位,无意中听到这位来者十分高傲地当地庸俗社交界

    Elizabeth Bennet, the liveliest and most intelligent of the Bennet girls, overhears the newcomer making condescending remarks about the local provincial society.


  • 天资聪慧博学宏览,黛玉那样才情处理现实事务才干

    Her natural talent is intelligent, learnedly is well-read, has the black eyebrow coloring jade such talent and the processing realistic business talent.


  • 一位聪慧企业家。她的公司华尔街日报介绍过。

    She's a savvy entrepreneur whose small business has been profiled in The Wall Street Journal.


  • 伊丽莎白在班纳特家姑娘中是活泼、最聪慧的一位,无意中听到这位来者十分高傲地当地庸俗社交界

    Elizabeth Benn et, the liveliest and most intelligent of the Benn et girls, overhears the newcomer making condescending remarks about the local provincial society.


  • 父亲一位非常富有的医生聪慧漂亮,但就是有点喜怒无常。

    She was an intelligent, attractive and somewhat temperamental daughter of a well-to-do doctor.


  • 一部青春小说一个美丽聪慧少女偏僻草原小镇来到繁华都市开始了人生追求情感行程

    This is a youth novel, a beautiful intelligent young girl, arrives at the lively metropolis from the remote prairie small town, started her life pursue and the emotion traveling schedule.


  • 一部青春小说一个美丽聪慧少女偏僻草原小镇来到繁华都市开始了人生追求情感行程

    This is a youth novel, a beautiful intelligent young girl, arrives at the lively metropolis from the remote prairie small town, started her life pursue and the emotion traveling schedule.


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