• 打电话骚扰星期了。

    He has been pestering her with phone calls for over a week.


  • 我们看到母亲依赖担心万一有个闪失也会

    We saw his dependency on his mother and worried that he might not survive long if anything happened to her.


  • 年轻律师法国好像相当胆小的人,努力财产

    She has a young lawyer, a Frenchman, who is rather timid, it seems, but he is trying to win back her fortune.


  • 说:“我妈妈是很棒的厨师,她有时会让我试一试做饭。”

    "My mum was a great cook, and she'd sometimes let me have a try," he said.


  • 然后告诉,现在线人可以救,要求信心

    She then tells him about her source and urges him to have faith.


  • 约翰爵士曾经暗示以前遭受过创伤挫折证明理由认为不幸,因而对充满了敬意和同情。

    Sir John had dropped hints of past injuries and disappointments, which justified her belief of his being an unfortunate man, and she regarded him with respect and compassion.


  • 年轻律师法国的口气相当胆小的人,努力财产

    She has a young lawyer, a Frenchman, who is rather timid, it seems, and he is trying to win back her fortune.


  • 而且如果孩子儿子一样眼睛,和一样懂事得让人心碎

    And if she has a child, he will have your son's eyes and his heartbreaking capacity for worry.


  • 因为无论孩子——确实爱着,爱性命——失去恐惧一直徘徊不去,就像婴孩的幽灵,脚边如影随形

    Because no matter how she loved the boyand she did, furiously, as if her own life depended on him, loss was alwaysthere like the shadow of an infant following at her heels.


  • 那天我们在离家六十地方发现汽车里没汽油了。那天又忘了钱包但是,我们幸运,因为太太记得一些准备急用的现金所以我们能买了汽油,开车回家。 下面爸爸在说女儿的经历。

    The other day we ran out of gas sixty miles from home. I had forgotten my wallet. But we were lucky - my wife remembered she had her mad money, so we were able to buy gas to get back home.


  • 我们倒因为缺少一番送行告别的热闹,不无失望之感。不过我们都相信为了迎娶爱米丽小姐作一番准备,或者有个机会打发堂姐妹。

    We were a little disappointed that there was not a public blowing-off, but we believed that he had gone on to prepare for Miss Emily's coming, or to give her a chance to get rid of the cousins.


  • 巴马先生此时说谎---已经肯尼亚妻子离婚了,她有孩子

    Mr. Obama said at the time — falsely — that he had divorced his Kenyan wife, with whom he had two children.


  • 丁纳夫妇也她有同感,认为耐人寻味的人物

    To Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner he was scarcely a less interesting personage than to herself.


  • 只是因为医生可以手术代表资格做。

    Just because a doctor can do surgery doesn't mean that he or she should or should be allowed to.


  • 了,分一下照片,整理一下书籍家具搬来搬去,接着等待。

    He waited for her for three months. He sorted out his photos, rearranged his books, moved the furniture around, and then he went on waiting.


  • 第一喜欢坐在前面、离她有枕头距离因为握手方式充满了诗意

    On Day 1 she fell in love with a guy two pillows ahead of her because of the poetic way he draped his fingers.


  • 灯泡只需心理学家就能好,前提是/更换灯泡的意愿

    They say it takes one psychologist to change a light bulb, but he or she needs to want it to be changed.


  • 时候一单独逛逛但是大多数时候带着到处观光

    She had time for some lone wanderings, but mostly he filled her hours with sight-seeing.


  • 歌手需要朋友”,所以自己鲍勃——一气球看上去坐在乘客开车晚上

    The singer needs a "friend", so she has got herself Bob ---a balloon that looks like a man, He sits in the passenger seat of her car while she drives at night.


  • 曾经暗恋男孩男孩每天就坐旁边说起另一女孩漂亮多好多聪明多完美

    I used to have a huge crush on this guy, who would sit there every day talking to me about... another girl: how beautiful she was, how nice and smart and perfect she was.


  • 兄弟老师

    She has a brother who is a teacher.


  • 魄力直接写信公司经理并且劝说工作

    She had the gumption to write directly to the company man ager and persuade him to give her a job.


  • 可能肥胖概率超过57%,如果朋友

    A person was more than 57 percent more likely to be obese if he or she has a pal who became obese.


  • 爱上白马王子能够拯救不是而是艾拉自己

    She has a prince charming who falls in love with her, and it is not him but Ella, who is capable of rescuing herself.


  • 钟爱最小妻子她有着姣好的面容眼里简直就是仙女。

    He had the greatest affection on the fourth wife, who enjoyed the beautiful brows and face---a fairy in his eyes.


  • 美貌女子,不管她有何种优美情感,总是激发施展最大魅力。

    In a pretty woman of any refinement of feeling whatsoever he found his greatest incentive.


  • 美貌女子,不管她有何种优美情感,总是激发施展最大魅力。

    In a pretty woman of any refinement of feeling whatsoever he found his greatest incentive.


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