• She climbed on to the bed.


  • 突然翻身下了

    She leapt out of bed.


  • 费劲地下了

    She hauled herself out of bed.


  • 拖着身子摇摇晃晃地梳妆台

    She pulled herself unsteadily from the bed to the dresser.


  • 盥洗室灌满了一杯回到

    She went to the bathroom, filled a glass with water, returned to the bed.


  • 翻身到了另一半

    She turned over on her stomach on the other side of the bed.


  • 医生证实了约瑟芬情况糟糕,观察

    Doctors confirmed how serious Josephine's condition was, and she is still being kept under watch.


  • 必须每天早晨3烦恼微不足道

    Having to get up at three o'clock every morning was the least of her worries.


  • 越过克里斯蒂娜盯着那

    She stared past Christine at the bed.


  • 母亲房间里铺了

    Her mother made up a bed in her old room.


  • 早早醒来打开笔记本电脑,在交友网站即时通讯软件聊天,这期间很少离开

    She'd wake up early, turn on her laptop and chat on Internet dating sites and instant-messaging programsleaving her bed for only brief intervals.


  • 海蒂若有所思地看着崭新:“爷爷我们忘了些东西。”

    Heidi looked thoughtfully at her fresh, new bed and said, "Grandfather, we have forgotten something."


  • 爬上通往干草棚的梯子发现了海蒂

    Going up the little ladder to the hay-loft, she discovered Heidi's bed.


  • 从小梯子上下来发现祖父是空的,就跑了出去

    Coming down the little ladder and finding the grandfather's bed empty, she ran outside.


  • 阁楼非常失望喊道:“爷爷不见了。”

    Running up to the loft, she exclaimed in great disappointment: "Oh grandfather, my bed is gone."


  • 每天早上5

    She got up at 5 o'clock every morning.


  • 日程——早上5:30,直到凌晨还在回复电子邮件——非常令人疲惫。

    Her scheduleup at 5:30 a.m. and returning emails into the wee hoursis grueling.


  • 楼下一个房间里,在一张厚重帘的胡桃上。那灰色脑袋发黄发霉枕头上

    She died in one of the downstairs rooms, in a heavy walnut bed with a curtain. Her gray head propped on a yellow and moldy pillow.


  • 妈妈觉得有人上了以为我父亲睡觉了,转身晚安时那里一个人没有

    My mother felt someone climb in bed. She thought it was my father coming to bed, but when she turned over to say goodnight, there was no one there.


  • 唱着催眠曲一张另一张迈克尔张开双臂搂住了

    She went from bed to bed singing enchantments over them, and little Michael flung his arms round her.


  • 后来高脚时,发现心爱的草帽的被子下。

    Later, though, when she climbed into her high bed, she found her old beloved straw hat hidden under her cover.


  • 那一天,孩子们偷偷溜进妈妈的卧室,用丝带把的脚绑起来,这样就下不了了。

    On that day, children sneak into their mother's bedroom and tie her feet with ribbon so that she can't get out of bed.


  • 踮着脚悄悄地走酣睡孩子前。

    She tiptoed to the bedside of the sleeping child.


  • 妈妈感觉到有人以为父亲回来了转过晚安的时候,上却个人都没有,但确实看到上有人躺过的痕迹。

    My mother had someone climb in bed with her. She thought it was my father coming to bed, but when she turned over to say goodnight, there was no one there.


  • 的坟正象一样。

    Her grave resembled her bed.


  • 穿着条纹衬衫年轻男孩鬼魂住客菲莉丝·保尔14(其实13层)的一间套房里。

    Former guest Phyllis Paulsen was staying in a suite on floor 14 (actually floor 13) when the ghost of a young boy in a striped shirt walked up to her bed.


  • 晚上看来精疲力尽但是没法卧房去,只得在还没有布置好另一间屋子的时候,先把客厅沙发作为

    By evening, she seemed greatly exhausted; yet no arguments could persuade her to return to that apartment, and I had to arrange the parlour sofa for her bed, till another room could be prepared.


  • 如何看得出的,不过的。

    I was not sure how she'd known which bed was mine, but she was right.


  • 妈妈,”那天晚上,娜塔莎并排放的折叠时,米歇尔说道

    "I miss my mom," she told Michele that night as she climbed into the rollaway bed alongside Natasha's.


  • 妈妈,”那天晚上,娜塔莎并排放的折叠时,米歇尔说道

    "I miss my mom," she told Michele that night as she climbed into the rollaway bed alongside Natasha's.


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