• 它们应该用泥土搭起来判断但是长期风雨已经冲刷成一片残迹。

    They had been built of mud and straw, she judged, but long years of wind and rain had worn them away to nothing.


  • 米莉写下关于凶杀案一些句子判断它们是否包含限定性定语从句。在限定性定语从句下画线。

    Millie eis writing down some sentences about the murder case. Help her decide whether they contain defining relative clauses. Underline the defining relative clauses.


  • 判断敏锐

    Her judgement is acute.


  • 判断从没有人表示怀疑。

    No one has ever questioned her judgement.


  • 谈到职业女性悲哀女性的判断男性的遭到更多的置疑。

    She spoke of the professional woman's lament that a woman's judgment is questioned more than a man's.


  • 假发露出马尾辫优雅地晃动着,引导判断

    She directed my verdict with an elegant little shake of the ponytail that peeped out from beneath her wig.


  • 发现参与者观看15不同视频片段判断他们陌生人朋友还是约会伙伴时,也有类似的干扰

    She found similar interference when participants watched 15-second clips of pairs of people and judged whether they were strangers, friends, or dating partners.


  • 相信判断

    He trusted her judgement.


  • 判断喜欢门课程。

    As far as I can tell , she's enjoying the course.


  • 认为汤姆没有判断的。

    She was right about Tom having no money.


  • 意识自己正在失掉一切正确判断能力。

    She was aware that she was losing all sense of perspective.


  • 工作交给马克表明缺乏判断

    She showed a lack of judgement when she gave Mark the job.


  • 田纳西州Dyersburg 61岁护士 JoneNellNorman经常怀疑花钱判断说:“看来我们这些中产阶级承担了大部分负担。”

    "It seems to me that we in the middle class bear most of the burden," says Jone Nell Norman, 61, a nurse in Dyersburg, Tenn., who often wonders about the government's judgement in spending her money.


  • 斯特里特学会自己身心判断中消除恐惧

    Streeter learned to untangle her fears from her judgment of what her body and mind could do.


  • 到达这些研究目标必须设计引导试验判断哪个分子参与增进过程它们之间是如何相互作用的。

    To help reach these goals, she must design and conduct experiments to determine which molecules are involved in the enhancement process, and how they interact.


  • 上面提到的那位亲戚既然见识了截然不同两面,那么如何判断一面的我真实呢?

    Now that the above relative has seen two contrasting dimensions of my character, how does she decide which one is more real?


  • 皇后不是通过自身判断而是通过魔镜的赞扬以获得满足;的自我尊重依赖他人评价

    The queen does not rely on her own judgment but rather on the mirror’s external approval; her self-respect is dependent on another’s evaluation.


  • 开始怀疑自己午饭杰西卡的尖酸刻薄的腔调的判断也许并不的那样愤愤不平。

    I questioned my judgment on Jessica's bitterness at lunch today. Maybe she was not as resentful as I'd thought.


  • 作出错误判断

    She made a faulty judgment.


  • 这样愤怒没有使判断变得盲目

    The outrage did not blind her judgment.


  • 如果信任医生判断职业素养,就依赖多年经验告诉你的选择

    If you trust your doctor's judgment and credentials, rely on his or her years of experience to inform your choice.


  • 对话来判断相信足够的数学背景以至于无法懂得那些违规。

    In my conversations with her, I did not believe that she had the derivatives or mathematical background to understand the violations.


  • 看着可能成为自己伴侣的人时,我们判断是否希望自己孩子继承他()的基因

    When we look at a potential mate, we are assessing whether we would like our children to have their genes.


  • 判断经常有错误丈夫不是虚伪的。

    Her judgment was frequently faulty, but her love for her husband was not false.


  • 必须迅速考虑好,几年这种事情一般希拉里商量的,让帮我做出判断提出建议

    I had to think fast, and as would so often happen in the years ahead, I turned to Hillary for judgment and advice.


  • 声音里包含了这个小镇对此的震惊责难如此判断

    Her voice held all the shock and condemnation of the small town, I thought critically.


  • 他们的幸福觉得当年对判断有误。我以为从身上看到自私无能,其实可能正是我自己的——我错了。

    Their happiness made me think that I had judged her wrongly before; that the selfishness and incompetence I had seen in her had been in me-my faults.


  • 他们的幸福觉得当年对判断有误。我以为从身上看到自私无能,其实可能正是我自己的——我错了。

    Their happiness made me think that I had judged her wrongly before; that the selfishness and incompetence I had seen in her had been in me-my faults.


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