• "来说,觉得,我觉得两个地方描绘的非常具有表现力并且使得这位女性栩栩如生,使得我们感觉思考一个非常严肃事情

    For me, it is her face and hands, I think they are really expressive, and also, they make the woman seem very contemplative, seems like she is thinking pretty seriously about something.


  • 伦敦曼彻斯特不喜欢这两个地方后来就搬到了剑桥

    She'd lived in London and Manchester, but she liked neither and moved to Cambridge.


  • 一番直接了当的分析调查确定哪里联结顾客最佳地方”,指出,“全力投入两个社交工具上远胜于在多个目标上分散用力。”

    Do an upfront analysis and research where the best places to connect with customers are,” she suggests.“It is best to exert energy into a few social tools then to put little time into many.


  • 拥有表示CreativeGenius交互两个公司之后,Destiny流程中的活动连接两个池,显示通信发生地方

    When she has two pools that represent the two companies that CreativeGenius interacts with, Destiny connects the activities in her process to the pools to show where the communication happens.


  • 昨夜打电话南加州两个儿子,,另一个一岁,告诉孩子们将要去一个叫做阿富汗地方工作,要去一年。

    She called her children in North Carolina, ages 3 and 1, and told themshe would soon be going to work in a place called Afghanistan.


  • 如果池子足够大大容纳男友丈夫成为了他们两个亲密共同待产地方体验分娩的愉快。

    If the pool is large enough to include her partner or husband, it then becomes an intimate place for the two of them to labor together and experience the love dance of birth.


  • 妈妈你的两个舅舅还很小时候外婆严重。为了治好外婆的病,必须疗养院的地方过一段很长的时间

    When your mom and her brothers were little children, grandma got very sick and in order to get well, she had to go to a place called a sanitarium for a long time.


  • 面试前,去了两个地方

    Before she went to the interview, she made two journeys.


  • 现在试图研究成果太平洋彼岸两个研究小组的研究结果进行比较与对比,在那里一个地方污染云团的面积日本

    Now she's trying to correlate her findings with those of the two research teams operating on the other side of the Pacific , where at one point the pollution plume was larger than Japan .


  • 由于祖父母经营进出口生意起初父母一起住出生地英国后来移居到芝加哥洛杉矶在这两个地方成长

    Because of her grandparents' import-export business, she lived with her parents first in London, where she was born; and later in Chicago and Los Angeles, where she grew up.


  • 毕竟自己说了“知道”,两个两次送到了斯德哥尔摩这个给那些永远怀着安心请进行探索的人们授予诺贝尔地方

    But she kept on saying "I don't know," and these words led her, not just once but twice, to Stockholm, where restless, questing spirits are occasionally rewarded with the Nobel Prize.


  • 拿着插头儿子说:“这里铜片一定两个地方。 你它应该插在哪儿呢?”

    One day, she took a plug and said to her son, " Look, there are two pieces of copper, so it must be plugged in a place where there are two holes."


  • 两个划船过来的男人大声邀请划船把送到安全地方

    Two men passing by on a rowboat shouted up an invitation to row to safety with them.


  • 拿着插头儿子说:“这里铜片这个一定在有两个地方。”

    One day, she took a plug and siad to her son: "Look, there are two pieces of copper, so it must be plugged to a place where there are two holes."


  • 儿子只有三岁。一天拿着插头儿子说:“这里铜片一定两个地方

    One day, she took a plug and said to her son, " Look, there are two pieces of copper, so it must be plugged in a place where there are two holes."


  • 儿子只有三岁。一天拿着插头儿子说:“这里铜片一定两个地方

    One day, she took a plug and said to her son, " Look, there are two pieces of copper, so it must be plugged in a place where there are two holes."


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