• 泰勒裁决宣布挑选陪审团成员时性别歧视违反宪法的,要求各州挑选男性女性陪审员时采用同样程序

    The Taylor decision also declared sex discrimination in jury selection to be unconstitutional and ordered states to use the same procedures for selecting male and female jurors.


  • 直到最近人们认为男性各个年龄段数学能力都优于女性

    Until recently, it was believed that males outperformed females in mathematics at all ages.


  • 除上述气味外,女性喜欢鲜花香草味道男性汽油味油炸培根味喜爱则甚于新生婴儿的味道。

    Women also like fresh flowers and vanilla, while men prefer the smell of petrol and frying bacon to that of a newborn baby, said the survey, carried out by OnePoll.com.


  • 甚至一些方面女性第一超过男性

    In some measures, women have overtaken men for the first time.


  • 《暴风雨》可归入一类,把普洛斯彼罗这一男性角色变成女性改名成普洛斯佩拉,无比强大的海伦·米伦扮演

    The Tempest comes under the latter, with the typically male role of Prospero turned female, renamed Prospera, and played by the unquenchably super Helen Mirren.


  • 这项研究显示女性男性会存钱。

    The research also shows that women are stronger savers than men.


  • 调查揭示出,生活混乱女性造成的影响男性大。

    The new survey also revealed that women are more acutely affected by being disorganised than men.


  • 研究表明男性女性一样害羞

    The research indicates that males and females are equally shy.


  • 目前艾克尔研究团队仅仅只考察了男性不过他们已经计划他们的研究扩展女性儿童身上

    So far, Ecker's team has only looked at men but there are plans to extend the work to women and children.


  • 女性吃杏仁核桃坚果类食品,此外,男性相比,她们鸡蛋和酸奶感兴趣

    Women also preferred dry foods, such as almonds and walnuts, and were more likely to consume eggs and yogurt when compared with men.


  • 研究显示女性至少男性同等发怒倾向并且也经常吵架

    Still, studies show that women are at least as prone to feeling anger as men and that they fight plenty.


  • 悲情电影时,科学家们将现场女性观众眼泪收集到小瓶子中,然后趁着眼泪新鲜就让男性

    They studied the effect on men of sniffing fresh tears, which the researchers collected in vials as they rolled down the faces of women watching weepy movies.


  • 慈善组织建议每天至少锻炼30分钟而且如果饮酒的话,男性每天杯,女性一杯。

    The charity also recommends at least 30 minutes of exercise a day and, if alcohol is drunk at all, it be limited to two drinks a day for a man and one for a woman.


  • 这项研究开始,有超过1300名年龄介于5060岁之间的男性女性接受升高以及体重测量同时他们进行血压胆固醇水平以及糖尿病方面测试

    More than 1, 300 men and women in their 50s and 60s had their weight and height measured at the start of the U.S. study and had blood pressure, cholesterol and diabetes tests.


  • 现在人们结婚的年龄越来越比如说——男性平均要27.5岁,女性要到25.6岁才会结婚——就意味着新人们通常已经自己买了房子而且负担着沉重的信用卡债务

    People are marrying later, for instancemen at 27.5 and women at 25.6, on average — which means newlyweds often have already set up house and are saddled with credit-card debt.


  • 这项针对两千开展调查显示,刚结婚不久的凯蒂·普莱斯人气渐三分之一男性女性不约而同地认为无吸引力明星

    The poll of 2, 000 people also revealed newlywed Katie Price was losing favour with the public with a third of men and women unanimously naming her as the least attractive celebrity.


  • (这里应该注意一点,研究表明比起女性男性帮忙得到的感激程度更高,因为人们男性会帮忙的期望值那么高。)

    "(It should be noted here that research also shows that people appreciate favors more from men than they do from women, because they don't expect favors as much from men.")


  • 这项研究强化了有关女性男性更易嫉妒看法

    The study also reinforced current beliefs about females being more jealous than males.


  • 研究结果显示女性关心度假地点位置,56%的女性表示愿意花费更多感受异国情调的目的地,而男性这个比例是51%。

    Results also showed that women were more concerned with the location of a holiday, with 56 percent of women saying they would pay extra for an exotic destination compared to 51 percent of men.


  • 哈默迈什写道,有魅力男性普通男性9%,有魅力的女性则比普通女性多挣4%。

    Hamermesh also writes that attractive men earn 9% more than unattractive men, and attractive women earn 4% more than unattractive women.


  • 研究另外发现不管男性女性婚的明显没有离婚丧偶的人大方。

    The study also found that people, both males and females, who had never been married were significantly less generous than people who were divorced or widowed.


  • 调查显示,82%女性认为说谎“让良心过不去”,而只有70%男性承认后有罪恶感

    While 82 percent of females questioned said telling a lie ate away at their conscience, only 70 percent of men confessed to pangs of guilt.


  • 结果表明影响效果男性要比女性强烈

    Men showed the effect more strongly than women.


  • 微信数据显示男性女性倾向多发红包。从地理上看广东江苏浙江湖南人们收发红包方面处于领先地位

    WeChat data also showed that men tend to give out more hongbaos than women. Geographically, people in Guangdong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Hunan lead in giving and receiving red packets.


  • 微信数据显示男性女性倾向多发红包。从地理上看广东江苏浙江湖南人们收发红包方面处于领先地位

    WeChat data also showed that men tend to give out more hongbaos than women. Geographically, people in Guangdong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Hunan lead in giving and receiving red packets.


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