• 不过谢天谢地美国媒体我们很少看见那些讨厌的体面女性图片

    But thankfully, we're hardly subjected to those pesky decent images of women in American media...


  • 所以,很明显女性男性不一样,她们一看见肥胖女性图片就会联想到自己。

    So apparently women, unlike men, see photos of heavy women and think “me too.”


  • 一开始研究者大学里招募实验参加者,向他们展示超重正常体重女性图片还有台灯的图片

    In the first, the researchersrecruited people walking through a lobby on campus, and showed them pictures ofeither an overweight or normal-weight woman, or a lamp.


  • 科学家们这些看妇女展示超重过瘦女性图片发现她们前额皮质特别看到超重女性

    The scientists showed the apparently healthy women images of both overweight and thin female bodies. And their medial prefrontal cortex lit up, particularly at images of overweight women.


  • 即使只是短时间地我们平时每天都会看到那种理想化女性图片她们降低自己无论是体力还是智力方面的评价

    Even brief exposure to the typical, idealized images of women that we all see every day has been shown to lower girls' opinion of themselves, both physically and academically.


  • 那些超重女性图片拿了更多糖果平均2.2),其他看了正常体重女性图片台灯图片的人平均拿1.5块。

    Those who saw thephoto of the overweight woman took significantly more candy (an average 2.2pieces) than those who saw the normal-weighted woman or the lamp (an average1.5 pieces).


  • 带领这一行动的警官命令部下去消除任何带有“露出腿部的女性图片

    The officer who led that operation said he had already ordered his men to remove any image of "women with their legs out".


  • 他们展示流行文化中的美女图片形象解释了电脑技术如何这些女性看起来现实生活、更漂亮的。

    She shows them pictures and images from popular culture of beautiful women and explains how computers are used to make the women look even more thin and beautiful than they are in real life.


  • 用于辅助教学图片女性描述家务活或者仅仅是观察男性进行与技术有关任务诸如修理汽车布线更换灯泡等等

    Images used as teaching AIDS depict women doing domestic tasks or merely observing while men perform technology-related tasks, such as repairing cars, wiring, replacing light bulbs and so on.


  • 我们生活录像图片泛滥世界,数量超过以往任何时代,结果媒体发表的那些女性穿着上异想天开照片开始变得波澜不惊

    We live in a world that records and distributes images as never before, so that the freakish images of womanhood the media pumps out begin to seem normal.


  • 日内瓦大学的卡米利费登兹博士研究小组测量49位男性2d4d比例,然后他们图片随机展示女性被测者们

    Dr Camille Ferdenzi, of the University of Geneva, and his team measured the digit ratios (the 2d: 4d ratios) of 49 men, and then presented their pictures in random order to female participants.


  • 历史记录显示,阿赫娶了著名提蒂(上图名为雅(下一图片)的女性为妻,她们和阿赫那吞不存在兄妹关系。

    History records that Akhenaten married both the famous Nefertiti (above) and a woman named Kiya (next photo), but neither of these two women was ever said to be his sister.


  • 受测女性观看的图片多种多样,有她们伴侣陌生人或者固体物体

    The women stared at pictures varying from their partner, strangers, or solid objects.


  • 蓝色尼罗河最主要访客却是女性她们浏览网页,发送宝石戒指图片朋友征求意见最后再发给准未婚夫。

    Yet the majority of visitors to the Blue Nile site are women, who browse and e-mail pictures of the stone and ring they want to friends for comment, and ultimately to the target fiancé-to-be.


  • 正如看到的一样,喜欢搜索特殊图片男性相比这些女性更喜欢故事性较强的小说同人小说,或者是以现有电影/电视/文学为基础叙事小说)。

    As you can see, this woman tends to prefer stories ("fanfiction, " or narratives based on existing movies/TV/literature) much more than the man, who searches for specific images.


  • 评价不同身形男性图片时,几乎80%的男性65%的女性都喜欢肌肉型男。

    And when asked to rate photos of differently shaped male bodies, almost 80% of men and 65% of women favoured a very muscular physique.


  • 2004年间,完成了其它一些中东地区专题报道,诸如沙特阿拉伯女性等,此外还有土耳其利比亚南非以及黎巴嫩等地的图片专题报道。

    In 2004, she also extended her coverage of the Middle East to women's issues in Saudi Arabia, while shooting other features in Turkey, Libya, South Africa, and Lebanon.


  • 验证这一论题琼斯博士与德布·鲁恩博士他们网络实验室faceresearch.org里,向来自30个国家4800名女性展示20脸部图片

    To test their thesis, Dr Jones and Dr DeBruine showed around 4, 800 women from 30 countries 20 pairs of faces, in their online laboratory, faceresearch.org.


  • 验证这一论题琼斯博士与德布·鲁恩博士他们网络实验室faceresearch.org里,向来自30个国家4800名女性展示20脸部图片

    To test their thesis, Dr Jones and Dr DeBruine showed around 4,800 women from 30 countries 20 pairs of faces, in their online laboratory, faceresearch.org.


  • 标准测试“读心术”中,受试者观看不同面部图片推测图片人物心情女性表现出强于男性的趋势。

    In standard tests of "mind-reading", in which subjects look at pictures of faces and try to guess the mood of the person pictured, women tend to do better than men.


  • 其他人则认定一张图片宣扬年轻女性美丽,从而指责涉嫌年龄歧视

    Others scolded me for engaging in "ageism" given that I had used an image that glorifies the beauty of a young woman.


  • 图片显示不同中的头发厚度,左边头发高加索白人女性的头发,右边是亚洲男性的头发。

    This image shows the difference in thickness of human hair between different ethnic groups. The strand of hair on the left is that of a Caucasian blond female.


  • 挑战性别刻板印象人权视角出发来促进性别时事议题讨论文章图片例如女性飞行员男性看护者等。

    Articles and images that challenge stereotypes and prompt debate on topical gender issues from a human rights perspective, such as women pilots or men care givers.


  • 一个报道指出养育女性杂志可能传送错误的有关宝宝如何睡眠图片

    A new report says images in parenting and women's magazines may send the wrong message about how to put babies to bed.


  • 这个图片饱和的时代,女孩照片评论过多地集中长相上,欺凌常见不过了,女性之间的竞争焦虑盛行

    In this image-saturated environment, comments on girls' photos tend to focus disproportionately on looks, bullying is common and anxieties about female rivals are rife.


  • 一口气之后继续咆哮般说道,如果这个团队女性她们绝对不会选择这些作为演示图片的。

    After sucking in a lungful of air, as if loading for a verbal barrage, she continued. 'if there were women on that team, they'd NEVER, EVER choose those photos as demo pics.


  • 一口气之后继续咆哮般说道,如果这个团队女性她们绝对不会选择这些作为演示图片的。

    After sucking in a lungful of air, as if loading for a verbal barrage, she continued. 'if there were women on that team, they'd NEVER, EVER choose those photos as demo pics.


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