• 当时正在弗吉尼亚郊区间会客厅里举办的一个小型聚会上发表演讲,是一个女性团体的聚会,也邀请了男人参加

    I was addressing a small gathering in a suburban Virginia living room — a women's group that had invited men to join them.


  • 全国性地区性地方性女性团体汇编了她们行为的记述。

    National, regional, and local women's organizations compiled accounts of their doings.


  • 迫于女性团体的压力,兰含泪下了否决票——而这可能导致第二无缘参议院选举

    Under pressure from women's groups, Rankin voted a tearful "no" to war - which may have contributed to her loss in a Senate race the following year.


  • 女性团体认为是对专注职业女性攻击其他人则认为这广告对造成不育的原因太过简化

    Women's groups likened it to an attack on career-oriented women; others argued that it oversimplified the many causes of infertility.


  • 离开使看到这个女性团体很多妈妈”,她们准备要把献给她。

    But in her absence I could see there were lots of "mamas" in this community of women who were more than ready to love on her.


  • 比尔梅琳达又一次地发现社会变革源于人们之间的交流——正是女性团体神奇之处。

    Bill: : Melinda and I have seen over and over again that social change comes when people start talking to each other-and that's the magic of women's groups.


  • 姐妹关系有时称作妇女联合体包括女性团体思想经历女性为中心自我肯定身份认同等。

    Sisterhood, sometimes called sorority, includes the idea and experience of female bonding, and the self-affirmation and identity discovered in a women-centered vision and definition of womanhood.


  • 很多认为巧克力有助于促进心情的改善,很少有研究能确切证实甜点心境之间关系。同时大多数的研究女性团体里展开调查。

    Many people consider chocolate a mood-booster but few studies have actually confirmed the connection between the confection and mood. And most studies have looked only at women.


  • 这些团体提供多种途径帮助女性建立联系,扩大朋友商业交际圈子

    These groups provide women ways to connect and expand their lists of friends and business contacts.


  • 培养小孩或许需要劳师动众,帮助女性改变她们生活发挥她们难得潜在力只需要一个小小的团体

    It might take a village to raise a child, but it certainly takes a small community of life mentors to help women transform and reach their full God-given potential in life.


  • 作为一个团体女性评价男性显示苗条强壮这些特征的一致偏好研究很多男性吸引力程度的评价很难达成一致。

    As a group, the women rating men showed some preference for thin, muscular subjects, but disagreed on how attractive many men in the study were.


  • 早在史前时期,女性充当的是繁衍后代角色因此她们脆弱,需要依靠团体保护才能生存下去

    Dating back to pre-history, a woman’s more vulnerable role as childbearer meant she had to depend on the support of the group for security and survival.


  • 现在科勒着走出家门,外面接触女性参加了即兴戏剧表演男女混合足球队踢球,还一个跑步团体一起锻炼

    Now, Mr. Koleba tries to meet women when he is out and about -- taking improvisational comedy classes, playing on a co-ed intramural soccer team, exercising with a runners group.


  • 不过美国商界的左撇子团体似乎一个“女士止步”的男士联谊会研究表面,尽管男性的左撇子商人撇子盈利更多但是这条规律却不适合于女性

    But the club seems to be a guys-only fraternity-- research suggests that while left-handed men tend to earn more than their right-handed colleagues, there is no similar advantage for women.


  • 女性员工社交团体“川流”,主要功能组织顾问指导、沟通咨询活动

    Vaahini is a women's networking group that supports mentoring, communication, and counseling events.


  • 艾滋病女性支持团体的人们成为了朋友学习成为一个裁缝

    She has made friends through an HIV women's support group and says she wants to learn to be a tailor.


  • 这个团体女性没有一个什么正规医学训练。不过,中心的工作领域广泛阅读她们获得了女性保健的基本妇科知识

    None of the women in the group had any formal medical training, but they learned about basic well-woman gynecology by working in their clinics and reading widely in the field.


  • 发现表明阿迪科的男性黑猩猩,狒狒大猩猩不同,他们争夺女性配偶的过程中已不再齿相向,而且已经形成了一个更具协作精神的社会团体

    The finding suggests that unlike chimpanzees, baboons and gorillas, the male did not bare its teeth in battles over females and was already part of a more cooperative social group.


  • 女性生于1971年,坚信自己收养,她加入了团体希望自己的生身父母

    A woman, born in 1971 and believing herself to have been adopted, joined the association in the hopes of simply locating her biological parents.


  • 利比里亚妇女缝纫项目的从业女性来自于利比里亚首都蒙罗维亚大妇女团体,目前公司第一30名员工已于2010年1月底之前培训完毕

    Selecting women from various women's groups around Liberia's capital, Monrovia, LWSP had its first round of 30 employees ready and trained by January 2010.


  • 项目计划各种利益相关者特别是女性或者弱势团体,有什么影响

    What is the impact of the project or program on the various stakeholders, particularly on women and vulnerable groups?


  • 几年Hiyale太太遇到了一个宣扬男女平等的慈善团体——StreeMuktiSanghatana这个团体旨在女性拾荒者(拾荒者中的大多数)提供更多稳定性以及安全性上的保障。

    A few years ago Mrs Hiyale came across Stree Mukti Sanghatana, a feminist charity that seeks to provide female rag-pickers (the vast majority) with more stability and security.


  • 这个团体能说服他们再版专门面向女性文学作品。 。

    The group wasn'table to interest them in reproducing literature specifically for women.


  • 加入行业组织俱乐部同行团体例如公司女性少数族裔网络

    Join industry associations, clubs and affinity groups, such as corporate women's or minority networks.


  • 此外耶鲁有许多业余团体满足女性需求

    Moreover, many extracurricular and support groups exist at Yale to serve the needs of women.


  • 跟一个在那里从事团体治疗商谈的“关怀团体承认这个团体治疗商谈一位女性治疗师领导

    A man is admitted to a 'caring community' where he undertakes group therapy sessions which are led by a female therapist.


  • 跟一个在那里从事团体治疗商谈的“关怀团体承认这个团体治疗商谈一位女性治疗师领导

    A man is admitted to a 'caring community' where he undertakes group therapy sessions which are led by a female therapist.


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