• 西里尔女孩们

    Cyril said to the girls.


  • 就是那些老外过亲密的女孩的话

    That's what we say to our girls when they go out too much with foreigners.


  • 所有女孩们点头:“你好。”

    All the girls nodded and said "Hi."


  • 女孩们,”约翰着,红了。“谁信啊,”莉萨

    "I only kiss girls," said John. Then he blushed. "I'll bet," said Lisa.


  • 妈明智地什么也没,只是:“好了,女孩们,你可以走了。”

    Mom wisely didn't say anything except, "Okay girls, you can go now."


  • 强盗女孩:“今晚动物一起。”

    "You shall sleep with me to-night, with all my animals," said the little robber maiden.


  • 我这么不是诋毁女孩,也不是批判追求她男生,直到今日,琳达还是生命中的一部分自己也是琳达灵一部分。

    This is not to denigrate that girl by the way or the men who are drawn to her in anyway because she's still part of me and I'm part of her.


  • 只有处在青春期女孩才能看成件又囧又丑陋的事情,安娜总是在吃午饭桌子四周围徘徊,有时发呆有时朋友扯淡,对着桌子大声宣布“查理,克莱尔给我们说你有个巨大的弟弟啊!”

    Only a teenage girl could turn that revelation into a source of shame and embarrassment. Anna sauntered up to my lunch table where I sat, witless and surrounded by friends.


  • 男孩喜欢独自一起,因为女孩欣赏玩笑并且认为男孩太不整洁还有就是她害怕

    The boys like being on their own, they say, because girls don’t appreciate their jokes and think boys are too messy, and are also scared of snakes.


  • 也许是因为女孩善于谈论问题或者是因为女孩们有机会扮演关怀者角色帕蒂亚-沃克

    This may be because girls are better at talking about problems or are more likely to take on a caregiver role, Padilla-Walker says.


  • 和这些女孩家长,他医生第一反馈就是,“女孩不大可能是孤独症不仅仅是全科而且是儿科学医生的观点。”

    I have spoken to parents of girls who have said that the first response from the doctor has been, 'She is a girl, it is highly unlikely to be autism'. Not just GPs but paediatricians too.


  • 强调如果不是医生这么警觉女孩孩子出生会遇到很多危险:“母亲一样,这名孩子可能接下来年沦为一名受害者。”

    He emphasised the risks to the girl's baby after it had been born if the doctors had not been so alert: "Like the mother, the baby could have ended up a victim for years to come."


  • 女孩们如何这么进入青春期。”

    "This is an indication of how girls are going into puberty uncommonly early," he says.


  • 所以现在减肥药类固醇种类越来越多,并且容易隐藏如果被记者追问的话女孩们可以处方吃药。

    So now it's more diet pills and steroids; they are easier to hide and, if pressed, the girls can say that they have a prescription.


  • 1953年格·丽特一对双胞胎男孩一个女孩朋友是以最高效率就组成一个家庭

    In 1953 Margaret gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl-an instant family that her friends cite as the ultimate in efficiency.


  • 但是医生反对如果父母发言权,那些女孩就不会诊所会选择某条小巷子里做一个非法危险人流

    But doctors argue that, if parents have a say, teenagers may be put off going to health clinics and end up seeking an illegal and risky backstreet abortion instead.


  • 社会条件,就是女孩妈妈通常和女孩谈话才决定女孩长大后比男的讲话多。可是对此还没有让人信服研究证据

    There is no convincing evidence that social condition - ing, the fact that girls' mothers talked to them more, is the reason why girls talk more than boys.


  • 科学家发现新的动物物种——秘鲁偏远地区一个小女孩鼻子内发现了有着锋利牙齿水蛭

    And scientists say they've found a new animal species - a leech with razor-sharp teeth in the nose of a girl in a remote region of Peru.


  • 奈恩,“女孩不喜欢芭比直接一个原因就是觉得芭比孩子气,就自己童年时的样子,觉得自己已经不再是女孩了,芭比娃娃已经不适合自己。”

    "The most readily expressed reason for rejecting Barbie was that she was babyish, and girls saw her as representing their younger childhood out of which they felt they had now grown," she said.


  • 大多数人都没有上孩子不管男孩女孩学校

    They tell me that most of them did not get an education, but that their children - girls and boys - are enrolled in school.


  • 女孩觉得花露斯这个地方跳舞不雅观,”解释

    The maids don't think it respectable to dance at "The Flower-de-Luce", ' he explained.


  • 遇到了相同境遇的女孩,并之交往,这让她真正走出了自我。”她的母亲劳拉

    "She met girls that were more like her, that she could associate with, and it just really brought her out," her mother, Laura says.


  • 亲戚桩婚姻尚未完婚,女孩还是母亲在一起。

    Relatives said the marriage had not been consummated and that the girl was still living with her mother.


  • 中国著名古典红楼梦》中,贾宝玉女孩们

    In the famous Chinese classical novel Dream of Red Mansions, Jia Baoyu says that girls are made of water.


  • 当然也可以女孩从全场紧逼中学到了重要的东西---努力可以战胜能力可以战胜那些本就该挑战的成规。

    Of course, you could as easily argue that in playing the press a twelve-year-old girl learned something much more valuable—that effort can trump ability and that conventions are made to be challenged.


  • 当然也可以女孩从全场紧逼中学到了重要的东西---努力可以战胜能力可以战胜那些本就该挑战的成规。

    Of course, you could as easily argue that in playing the press a twelve-year-old girl learned something much more valuable—that effort can trump ability and that conventions are made to be challenged.


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