• 那些两个的。

    These are for my two daughters.


  • 爱情喜剧真人真事真情改编

    Four sections of female female romantic comedy, true story indeed adaptation.


  • 而且因为里面直接把群信息屏蔽了。

    But I also because female group, the group of information directly blocked.


  • 国王一个美丽良多圆里都极了她亲。

    The king had a beautiful daughter who was like him in many ways.


  • 句地曲译是:那个狠毒要获得石头

    The wicked woman and her daughter wanted a gold stone of their own.


  • 不要忽视感受关系中,不要问诸如“那么哪个男性角色哪个是性角色

    Try not to disregard her feelings; in a fem/butch relationship, there is no “Okay, who is the man and who is the woman?


  • 郁达夫小说》,以相恋为题材,是理解颓废风格的一个切入口。

    Yu Dafu 's novel, SHE is a WEAK WOMAN, is a key point to the understanding of his decadence style.


  • 公婆当然希望能生个仔仔而不是能理解老人家心愿,一切只能顺其自然

    It's quite normal that my parents-in-law desire a grandson instead of a granddaughter. I understand this very well, but all things can just go naturally.


  • 这项研究英国老龄化纵向研究协会研究人员完成。他们2002年以来就对1万年龄50岁以上的男性

    The study, carried out by researchers from the English Longitudinal study of Ageing, tracked more than 10,000 men and women aged over 50 since 2002.


  • 玛丽安发出一阵叹息,表示了同样的担心丽诺爱德华感到痛心,不顾他母亲威胁硬要一个不会带来报偿

    Marianne sighed out her similar apprehension; and Elinor's heart wrung for the feelings of Edward, while braving his mother's threats, for a woman who could not reward him.


  • 不由得它们另一个热门”联系起来,2005年“超”这个词几乎风靡全国。

    I cannot help associating them with another hot word "supergirl", which almost swept over every Chinese in the year 2005.


  • 假如这么几个被告在那里的话——村民们不能制服几个看守并且他们自己打开教堂大门吗?

    If the defendants had been the only ones there-could villagers not have overpowered the few women and unlocked the church doors themselves?


  • 因此,就了这样解释:为什么有那么几个科学教授首席执行官内阁成员的主要原因——一般而言男人聪明

    So, here goes: one of the main reasons why there are not more female science professors or chief executives or Cabinet ministers is that, on average, men are more intelligent than women.


  • 没有告诉那个男人可能是个,而那个肯定男的——我们这个公寓那些饰边也已经的了。

    I didn't tell him that the man was probably a woman and the woman surely a man? We had enough drag there among the apartment's ruffles.


  • 她们创造了很多新的机会成百上千万医生护士艺术家作家们她们追随了这四位士。

    And they opened many new doors for millions of female doctors and nurses and artists and authors, all of whom have followed them.


  • 模特售货员一样沮丧有一个售货员道:“我们绝对赶不上了!”

    I was as gloomy as my models and salesgirls. "We'll never make it," one of them cried.


  • 就这样,坐在驾驶位上另外士在后面使劲着,汽车不停地来回倒车、前进总算是能够松动了。

    With one of them at the wheel, me and the other pushing, the car backed up and went forward a few times, and sure enough, it gained some maneuverability.


  • 幸运外科医生人数增多因此更多的人可以娶外科医生妻。

    Luckily, there are more female surgeons than there have been before, so there are more around to marry.


  • 可是一个被告那天清晨遇见发言人或者哪个被告扮演了那个发言人角色他们回忆起来了。

    But which of the defendants had been the spokeswoman at the early-morning encounter, or if anyone had played the role of spokes-woman, they could not recall.


  • 很多一点上住了,因为他们品味大相径庭——曾经一对夫妻聊,当时就是其中的男的喜欢的有纹身穿刺,但是其中的的喜欢拉拉队员

    Some people get stuck at this point because they have very different tastesI've spoken with a couple once where he liked women with piercings and tattoos and she wanted a cheerleader type.


  • 美国张图片上显示的是名员工围着一张会议桌坐着,其中的是白种人,男的有一名是黑种人,一名是亚洲人。

    In the US, the image featured three employees sitting around a meeting table - one white woman, and two men, one black and one Asian.


  • 心理学家迈克.路易斯博士,《社会行为语言获得》一书的作者进行实验研究发现,和男宝宝相比妈妈们宝宝谈话,看宝宝时间多。

    Psychiatrist Dr Michael Lewis, author of Social Behaviour and Language Acquisition, conduct ed experiments that found mothers talked to, and looked at, baby girls more often than baby boys.


  • 对于米莉塞勒斯来说,主演迪斯尼流行电视连续剧乖乖是大明星以及根据改变电影《乖乖大明星:电影版》和她的真实生活并不远。

    LOS ANGELES, California (CNN) -- For Miley Cyrus, star of Disney's popular television series "Hannah Montana" and its big-screen adaptation "Hannah Montana: The Movie," art is not far from real life.


  • 研究发现每个朋友圈中,通常明确角色定位,比如知心大姐、家居、职场强人、社交名媛乖乖

    The study also found that within each group there are usually clearly defined roles such as the agony aunt, the homemaker, the career girl, the socialite and the quiet one.


  • 水瓶天平的配对指数真的很高正是星座推动着他们冒险分享各自生活

    The Aquarius woman and Libra man compatibility rating is really good and astrology actually pushes them to take the plunge and share each other's lives.


  • 水瓶天平的配对指数真的很高正是星座推动着他们冒险分享各自生活

    The Aquarius woman and Libra man compatibility rating is really good and astrology actually pushes them to take the plunge and share each other's lives.


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