• 一些艺术评论家表示裸体男人女人一个天使唱诗班围绕也意味着欧洲各国正走到一起

    Some critics have suggested that the naked figures of a man and woman surrounded by a choir of angels signify the nations of Europe coming together.


  • 林布兰名有名画家卡通里女人没有讨论艺术才能她们讨论他的长相。

    Rembrandt is a renowned artist, but the women in the cartoon are not discussing his artistic ability; they’re critiquing his appearance.


  • 关于语言沟通艺术发现女人应该善于表达男人认为愿意把情感在心底。

    An article entitled Body Language: the art of Nonverbal Communication found that women are expected to be more expressive, while men are supposed to "internalize" their emotions.


  • 亚军伊朗导演视频艺术西丽·娜沙特执导的《没有男人女人》。西丽·娜沙特现在居住纽约

    Runner-up was a film called "Women without men" by the Iranian director and video artist Shirin Neshat who lives in New York.


  • 就像前提一样,任何女人书籍艺术或者装饰允许进入图书馆。

    No books, works of art, or decorations by women were to be permitted in or about the premises.


  • 那个女人死亡当口,包含着热泪拒绝放弃视之为艺术东西,极力去证明一种她在舞台聚光灯从未达到伟大

    And that woman in the death throes refusing in tears to repudiate what she called her art gave evidence of a greatness that she never achieved behind the footlights.


  • 虽然弗雷泽塔唱片专辑封面艺术经常描绘中世纪野蛮神话也许知名是因为女人形象。

    While Frazetta’s record album art often explored the mythos of the medieval barbarian, he is perhaps better known for his portrayal of women.


  • 讨厌女人亲密关系,一旦建立这种关系,她们就会侵占私人空间慢慢扼杀我的艺术细胞。

    What I hate with women generally is the intimacy, the invasion of my innermost space, the slow strangulation of my art.


  • 这些奇异艺术作品,时常出现高级时尚杂志上作品妖娆的女人姿态各异。

    The wacky works of art show glamorous looking women in a series of poses usually found in glossy fashion magazines.


  • 是个女人也是那个时代艺术——而且把时代远远地抛在后面

    Zaha is a woman and an artist of her time - and yet she is very much ahead of it too.


  • 有一身体语言非语言交流艺术指出女人期待富于表现力男人认为他们情感内在化

    An article entitled "Body Language: the art of Nonverbal Communication" found that women are expected to be more expressive, while men are supposed to "internalize" their emotions.


  • 作为一个物件产生深远的影响,达到了演奏男人们以及创造艺术同等的高度。

    As an object, it has made a profound impact, becoming synonymous with the men and women who play it and the art it has been used to create.


  • 许多歌迷认为艺术生涯可能此结束了,个没有年龄优势的女人,一个丧失情感寄托的女人,歌坛上拼搏下去?

    Many of her fans had thought that her singing career would come to an end since then. As a female singer who had lost her youth and love, how could she still strive in her field?


  • 自己向要成为的男人女人艺术家,实干家或者学者坚信科技帮助老师每位学生制定学习计划,能更好的因材施教

    Be you male, female, arty, practical or academic, she believes that technology enables teachers to fashion a learning plan for each individual.


  • 研讨会另一个女人27岁艺术摄影师,据警方陈述说,因为迷恋工作特地阿桑奇的演讲

    Another woman at the seminar, a 27-year-old art photographer, said in her police statement that she'd come to hear Assange's lecture because of her fascination with him and his work.


  • 电影节第二大奖-银奖,授予在电影《没有男人女人(Woman Without Men)》中有出色表现的伊朗艺术西丽·娜沙特(Shirin Neshat)。

    The festival's second prize, The Silver Lion, was awarded to feminist Iranian artist Shirin Neshat, for her striking film Women Without Men.


  • 我们没有失去伟大的智者(第一承认女人),一位有天赋艺术或是一位远见卓识天才

    We have not lost a great intellect (as she would have been the first to admit) a gifted artist or a visionary genius.


  • 我们没有失去伟大的智者(第一承认女人),一位有天赋艺术或是一位远见卓识天才

    We have not lost a great intellect (as she would have been the first to admit), a gifted artist or a visionary genius.


  • 女人之间千丝万缕的定势关联注定女性艺术对花情有独钟。

    Between the flower and the woman this very complicated connection was doomed the feminine artist to have only one in mind to the flower.


  • 一个女人试图破译艺术作品,于是被反复出现的幻觉纠缠

    A woman is haunted by the same repetitive visions as she tries to decipher answers through her artwork.


  • 艺术最近引发了争论,争论的内容是:女人裙子长度能否说明这个女人什么样的人。

    An artist has sparked a debate about what women's skirt lengths say about the wearer.


  • 他们拍下来,”女人一脸茫然丈夫,“觉得俩人是艺术。”

    "Oh, take their picture, " said the woman to her bemused husband, "I think they're artists. "


  • 没有男人女人没有女人的男人都是不完整半个球体使两个球体“合二为一快乐地向前滚动吗?那就要学会夫妻相处艺术

    Women without men and men without women are incomplete half sphere, make two and a half sphere rolling forward happily "together"? Learn the art of husband and wife get along with.


  • 人们似乎通常忘记了这样事实原始女人女裁缝师刺绣工, 一个织布者, 一个艺术,从事着各种精细美丽的工作

    The fact that primitive woman was a seamstress, an embroiderer, a weaver, an artist in all sorts of fine and beautiful work, appears to have been generally forgotten.


  • 下次见到女人后腰难懂部落艺术时,要说好酷编织品”。

    Say "Cool tat" the next time you see intricate tribal art on the small of a woman's back.


  • 阎真坚持艺术本位的作家,可以说,《因为女人艺术取得了成功。

    Yan is really an arts-based writers insist, can be said, " Because You are a Woman " has been successful in art.


  • 茨威格的小说《一个陌生女人来信》因中国艺人“创造性”接受再次产生巨大反响,这中外文化艺术交流史上具有特殊重大的意义。

    Letter from a Strange Woman has obtained a special recognition and found a resonant echo, which has important significance in the history of Chinese and foreign culture communion.


  • 茨威格的小说《一个陌生女人来信》因中国艺人“创造性”接受再次产生巨大反响,这中外文化艺术交流史上具有特殊重大的意义。

    Letter from a Strange Woman has obtained a special recognition and found a resonant echo, which has important significance in the history of Chinese and foreign culture communion.


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