• 奥运会历史奥运圣火非常重要标志它代表和平团结友谊

    The Olympic flame is an important symbol in the history of the Olympic Games, representing peace, unity and friendship.


  • 奥运会历史上,兴奋剂官员做出的这一请求即便不是前所未有,也非同寻常

    Thee request by anti-doping officials was extraordinary, if not unprecedented, in the historyof the Olympics.


  • 北京奥运会将会成为奥运会历史拥有最多火炬手一届,数目达21,888。

    With 21,888 torchbearers, the Beijing Olympic Games will have the largest number of torchbearers in the history of the Olympic Games.


  • 虽然有人指出运营不够完美,但是具备奥运会历史最好设施而受到极力推崇。

    Although someone said the operation of the Olympic Games is not perfect, the Seoul Olympic Games is highly recognized for its best facilities in the Olympic history.


  • 1972年慕尼黑奥运会吉祥物沃尔蒂只惹人喜爱的腊肠,它是奥运会历史第一个官方吉祥物

    "Waldi", the first official mascot to appear for the 1972 Munich Games, was a Dachshund.


  • 为了庆祝英国队在本届奥运会历史胜利下周英国一家电视台白屏一小时鼓励人们走出家门、多运动

    UK's television screens will go blank next week to encourage people to get outside and play sport as part of the official celebrations of Team GB's historic Olympic success.


  • 洛杉矶,洛佩斯在34.5公里后开始加速,并且仅14分33随后的五公里,最终以35秒的优势夺得奥运会马拉松冠军,成为奥运会历史第一位小时八分之内跑完马拉松的运动员。

    He went on to win the race by 35 seconds. The following year, Lopes became the first runner to complete a marathon in less than 2 hours and 8 minutes.


  • 作为一个有着光荣历史队伍(有无数奥运会奖牌世界20顶级选手中占据11名),亚运会东道主仍然可以他们国球项目中横扫所有奖牌。

    With a chest full of Olympic medals and 11 of the world's top 20 players, the host could still make it a clean-sweep of the medals in what Chinese consider their national pastime.


  • 北京奥运会开幕式有一场华丽盛大表演呈现了中国几千历史

    The opening ceremony for the Beijing Olympics involved a lavish and elaborate performance that presented thousands of years of Chinese history.


  • 地处海湾地区阿联酋派出名运动员参加本届北京奥运会阿联酋历史派出最大奥运体育代表团

    The UAE will send a team of eight athletes to Beijing Olympics, which is the largest delegation sent by the Gulf country to the Olympic Games.


  • 残奥会历史追溯到1948年,当时伦敦奥运会正在召开,Stoke Mandeville医院神经科大夫ludwig Guttman爵士医院内组织第一次轮椅运动会

    The Paralympic Movement has its origins here when neurologist Sir Ludwig Guttman organised the first wheelchair Games at Stoke Mandeville Hospital to coincide with the 1948 London Olympics.


  • 中国女曲在刚刚结束一场比赛中靠小将李红侠的2个进球,2:2战平澳大利亚队,凭借2个净胜球优势排名A组第二,历史上第二次闯入奥运会女曲比赛四强

    The sixth-ranked China squeezed their way into the semifinals of the Olympic women's hockey tournament when they drew 2-2 with three-time Olympic titlists Australia here on Monday.


  • 迪亚•科马内奇罗马尼亚体操明星,也是1976年加拿大蒙特利尔夏季奥运会明星。 1976年7月18日,蒙特利尔奥运会的赛场,14岁的用自己完美的表现征服了场上的所有裁判,赢得了10的满分,成为奥运会体操比赛的第一个满分,也是体操比赛历史的第一个满分。

    Romania's Nadia Comaneci was the star of the Montreal Olympics in 1976 when she became the first gymnast in Olympic history to be awarded the perfect score of 10.0.


  • 这个距离历史依据的,的数值正好是1908年英国主办奥运会英国的温莎城堡皇家包厢距离

    This distance was based on the historical fact that it was that far from Winsor Castle to the royal viewing box during the 1908 Olympics in England.


  • 历史告诉我们,这次奥运会是否中国提供了信心不仅是继续发展壮大的信心,也是解决很多重要社会问题的信心。

    And while history will tell us whether or not the Olympics provided China with the confidence to not only build on its considerable strengths, but also to address its considerable problems.


  • 回收材料第一被运用在生产奥运会奖牌中,历史的奖牌是从矿藏中提取精炼商用材料。

    This is the first time that recycled materials have been added to Olympic medals, which historically have been made from mined mineral deposits refined for commercial use.


  • 本届奥运会不仅参赛人数创出历史纪录,前来观看的各国领导人也超过以往历届奥运会

    The Games have also drawn a record number of participants and more world leaders than any previous Olympics.


  • 火炬锥形设计象征伦敦举办三届奥运会,分别在1908年、1948年2012年,堪称奥运历史上的辉煌成就。

    The triangular shape of the torch also symbolises the three times that London has staged the Games - 1908, 1948 and 2012.


  • 上周四的奥运会男子110决赛中,世界纪录保持者古巴名将戴龙罗伯斯以12秒93的成绩摘得冠军一成绩仅次于奥运历史该项目的最好成绩。

    Cuba's world record holder Dayron Robles won the 110m hurdles Olympic title Thursday, clocking 12.93 seconds — the second fastest time in Olympic history.


  • 上周四的奥运会男子110决赛中,世界纪录保持者古巴名将戴龙罗伯斯以12秒93的成绩摘得冠军一成绩仅次于奥运历史该项目的最好成绩。

    Cuba's world record holder Dayron Robles won the 110m hurdles Olympic title Thursday, clocking 12.93 seconds — the second fastest time in Olympic history.


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