• 两个同族兄弟,富足和法塔基,计划2013年告别塔朗加去组建位于新西兰奥拉纳野生动物公园,组建第一个培育基地。

    Kibabu and two of his male offspring, Fuzu and Fataki, are scheduled to leave Taronga in 2013 to form a bachelor group at Orana Wildlife Park in New Zealand.


  • 坐落地中海马雷·蒂斯之间古城马格纳克里·欧佩·时代有名港口城市

    Located between the Mediterranean and Lake Mareotis, the ancient city of Taposiris Magna had been a prominent port town during Cleopatra's time.


  • 列说:“本法庭认定哈拉迪纳伊先生无罪。”因此,本法庭判定对你的所有指控无效。

    "The chamber finds you Mr. Haradinaj not guilty and therefore acquits you of all counts," he said.


  • 海湾盐水向法半岛推进去年记忆第一,海水漫入了伊拉克最大港口城市巴士拉甚至到了交汇的科纳地区。

    The salt water of the gulf now pushes up the Faw peninsula. Last year, for the first time in memory, it extended beyond Basra, Iraq's biggest port city, and even Qurna, where the two rivers meet.


  • 具有讽刺意味的是巴萨现在的主教练瓜迪位列曼联队中的教练人选之一,一起还有英格兰国家队的教练法比·卡佩罗、胡斯希丁克、马丁·尼尔阿瑟纳·温格

    Ironically Barca boss Pep Guardiola is one of those who will be on United's radar along with the likes of England boss Fabio Capello, Guus Hiddink, Martin o 'neill and Arsene Wenger.


  • 另一个大众选项,卡纳山谷位于向东大约四小时车程同时还有一种完全不同的小气候,纳帕维拉·米特山谷的那种。

    Another popular getaway is Okanagan valley, about a four-hour drive east with a completely different microclimate - more like Napa or Willamette valleys.


  • 调查者表示,如果她们可以化身为小说中的女主角,她们大都愿意成为伊丽莎白·班纳特(《傲慢偏见》的女主角),而《》的女主角斯嘉丽·哈拉她们眼中富有魅力主人公

    If they were to be a character in a book, most women would be Elizabeth Bennett. Gone with the Wind's Scarlett O'Hara was voted the most glamorous female character.


  • 据印度税务部长达尔马纳·普拉萨达·拉(Dharmana PrasadaRao)邻近安得拉邦有60遇难还有100万人暂时安身在100顶援助帐篷里。

    In neighbouring Andhra Pradesh, 60 people had died and more than 1 million had sought shelter in 100 relief camps, Dharmana Prasada Rao, the state's revenue minister, said.


  • 2003年8月几名窃贼假扮游客进入苏格兰德拉姆兰里戈,盗走了纳多的名作《纺车圣母》后乘一辆白色的大众高尔夫逃之夭夭。

    In August 2003, thieves disguised as tourists visiting Drumlanrig Castle in Scotland ran off in a white Volkswagon Golf with Leonardo's "Madonna of the Yarnwinder."


  • 据悉,帕拉蒂科根据过去年里相关文献研究,撰写了《莱纳尔多??芬奇意大利文艺复兴迷失中国学者一书

    Mr Paratico said documentation he has uncovered during two years of research forms the basis of his latest book Leonardo Da Vinci: A Chinese scholar lost in Renaissance Italy.


  • 转会前线切尔西继续埃辛紧追不舍阿森纳沮丧签约-巴蒂斯塔追逐中败给皇马后仍急于寻求维埃拉的替代者。

    On the transfer front Chelsea continue the chase for Essien whilst Arsenal seek to make a signing to replace Vieira after sadly losing out to Real Madrid for the signature of Julio Baptista.


  • 拉·辛眼睛部位暗色条纹向《银杀手》中的里尔·致敬——片中达里尔·汉纳也画着一个相似的妆。

    The dark strip of makeup across Aurra Sing's eyes is an homage to a similar look worn by Daryl Hannah in Blade Runner.


  • 纳穆特兵站之行,拉被星际海盗绑架,并被他们抹黑绝地谎言蒙骗。

    While on a trip to Ord Namurt, Aurra was kidnapped by star pirates, who fed her lies regarding the Jedi.


  • 约克斯吉特并不满足一名阿罗过滤公司的安全系统技术员,为了发财,把提班纳气体秘密卖给巴拉格温武器设计师赫米·尔,德尔再将提班纳气体注入爆能枪能量夹。

    Not content as a security systems technician at A'roFilter, Yoxgit supplemented his income by secretly selling Tibanna gas to the Baragwin weapons designer Hermi Odle for infusion in blaster packs.


  • 麦达纳正在鲁迪·佩雷兹训练,佩雷兹先前训练过莫拉·雷斯的职业对手,马可·安东尼·巴雷拉

    Maidana is now being trained by Rudy Perez, who previously trained Morales' career rival, Marco Antonio Barrera.


  • 黛丽开始生活纳不久后,写邮件遇见年轻男人——约翰尼经营一种出租服务提供摩托后座给人搭乘

    Not long after Audrey started living in Barahona she emailed that she had met a young man, Johnny, who ran a kind of taxi service, offering rides on the back of his motorcycle.


  • 贝洛里藏首都米纳斯吉拉斯州一个国家大于法国中产阶级家庭喜欢在热闹的商店服装巴罗·普雷托。

    In Belo Horizonte, the capital of Minas Gerais, a state larger than France, middle class families like to shop in the lively clothing district of Barro Preto.


  • 拉迦·主题风格语言方面都既与安纳德和纳拉扬不同绝大多数印度国内外英语作家不同。

    Raja Rao is not only different from Anand and Narayan as regards subject, style and language, but also from the majority of the Indian English writers both at home and abroad.


  • 周纳德艺术学院现在加州艺术学院)毕业就在历史悠久洛杉矶集市尔维拉铅笔绘画人像为生

    After graduating from Chouinard Art Institute(now the California Institute of Arts), he began making a living drawing pen cilportraits on Olvera Street, a historic Los Angeles marketplace.


  • 位于沃云纳省坎帕尼·拉庄园意大利最好葡萄酒生产商首屈一指的出口商。产品质优,价廉获奖品牌阿马罗内为代表。

    Campagnola is based in Verona and is Italy's finest producer and leading exporter of affordable wines including their award winning Amarone.


  • 阿森纳突袭式得从法国下了年轻后卫阿曼德·特拉

    Arsenal have raided France to sign young defender Armand Traore.


  • 来自墨西哥小伙成名2005年U-17世青赛,被阿森纳一月份达拉亚拉队签来这个赛季他被租借到了西班牙萨苏纳队。

    The Mexican, who starred in the Under-17s World Cup in 2005, signed from Guadalajara in January and is spending this season on loan at Spanish side Osasuna.


  • 维格里非洲70%艾滋病病毒感染者得了肺结核无法获得有效治疗他们几个就会死亡

    La Weige Leonard said that 70% of Africa's HIV-infected persons contracted tuberculosis after the lack of access to effective treatment, they will die a few months later.


  • 多纳多尼放在后卫位置上卡莫拉内西中场一边托尼前锋

    Donadoni put Massimo Oddo in the right fullback position, while Camoranesi was positioned on the same side of the midfield line and Toni was the single striker.


  • 多纳多尼放在后卫位置上卡莫拉内西中场一边托尼前锋

    Donadoni put Massimo Oddo in the right fullback position, while Camoranesi was positioned on the same side of the midfield line and Toni was the single striker.


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