• 德迪·加斯的广告片大获成功,这使得三菱公司紧接着兰达”越野车也制作了一部广告片,即一支所谓电子单曲呼吸》。

    The Dirty Vegas commercial was such a hit that Mitsubishi followed it up with a spot for the Outlander featuring another so called electronic song, "Breathe."


  • 前后保持一致所有问题两边讨好"(佛罗里达)兰多采访到麦凯恩时,微笑这样说

    "He has made a consistent point of taking both sides of every issue, " a smiling McCain told me when I caught up with him in Orlando.


  • 美国国家气象局表示,在佛罗里达兰多郊区每年都会遭受大规模的雷电袭击。

    South Florida, Tampa Bay and suburbs around Orlando are tied for seeing the most bolts per year, the National Weather Service said.


  • 中北部佛罗里达特别是兰多所在橘子过去十年里遭遇了频繁旱灾

    North-central Florida, especially Orange County where Orlando is located, has experienced frequent droughts in the last decade.


  • 新的地点佛罗里达兰多华特迪士尼世界海豚度假酒店

    The new venue is the The Walt Disney World Dolphin Resort in Orlando, FL.


  • 火箭队季前赛的揭幕战安排了当地时间周二晚上在希达举行,对手兰多魔术队。

    The Rockets preseason officially started Tuesday evening as Houston opened its first game in Hidalgo, Texas against the Orlando Magic.


  • 大约2013年,兰多不能增长佛罗里达含土水层抽水速度该市唯一的淡水来源

    As of 2013, Orlando will no longer be able to increase the rate at which it USES water from the Floridan aquifer, the city's main source of fresh water supply.


  • 佛罗里达兰多----人们炎热的八月,尽情沐浴阳光照射中时,他们得到的可能不仅仅是健康的棕色皮肤。

    ORLANDO, Florida (AP) -- When people soak up the rays in August, they could be working on more than a tan.


  • 可是罗里达这些资金事实上帮助建立起连接Tampa兰多铁路线,火车条铁路上高达168英里小时的速度奔驰。

    In Florida, however, the money will in fact help build a new stretch of track between Tampa and Orlando, which will allow trains to travel at speeds up to 168 M.P.H.


  • 研究结果呈交美国心脏协会”(American Heart Association)佛罗里达兰多召开的科学会议

    The results of the research are being presented at the American Heart Association scientific meeting in Orlando, Florida.


  • 兰多佛罗里达年前RobinBoyle出于工作热爱人间天堂般的新生活的向往来到FloridaKeys

    ORLANDO, FLA. – Robin Boyle arrived in the Florida Keys two years ago, enthused about her new job and new life in paradise.


  • 看起来兰多·布鲁姆兰达·科尔仅确认订婚1个他们走进婚礼的殿堂。

    Looks like just a month after Orlando Bloom and Miranda Kerr confirmed their engagement, they walked down the aisle.


  • 沙滩(格调轻松愉悦的休闲类书籍)也是一个因素佛罗里达唯一3城市名单上的,这三个城市是:迈阿密市兰多市,还有佛罗里达大学所在地盖恩斯维尔市。

    Beach books also may have been a factor. Florida was the only state with three cities on the list: Miami, Orlando and University of Florida's home, Gainesville.


  • 不过1987年4月22日,NBA还是决定把这个城市划入自己的版图。一起的还有迈阿密明尼苏达兰多

    Nevertheless, Charlotte was admitted to the league on April 22, 1987, along with Minnesota, Miami, and Orlando.


  • 火箭队季前赛的揭幕战安排了当地时间周二晚上在希达哥举行,对手是兰多魔术队。 虽然火箭队输掉了首场比赛,但是季前赛的重要性在于如何使球队常规赛做准备。

    The Houston Rockets released their regular season schedule for the 2011-2012 season, which includes an opener against Utah and new starts times for home games.


  • 由于田纳西州洪水(译者注:5月初,田纳西州遭遇暴雨,引发洪水,受灾严重),我们重新安排了会议地点,佛罗里达兰多的华特迪士尼世界海豚度假酒店(Walt Disney World Dolphin Resort)。

    Due to the flooding in Tennessee we have relocated the conference to Walt Disney World Dolphin Resort in Orlando, Florida.


  • 继弗罗里达·兰多同性俱乐部大规模枪击事件许多想:为防止可怖悲剧事件我们不够吗?

    After the mass shooting at a gay club in Orlando, Florida, many people are wondering: Why haven't we done more to prevent this kind of horrific tragedy?


  • 佛罗里达法官表示莉萨·诺瓦克可以除去踝关节上监视脚镯。这次宇航员被控兰多机场袭击情敌

    Florida judge says Lisa Nowak can remove the monitoring bracelet from her ankle. The former astronaut stands accused of attacking a romantic rival at the Orlando Airport.


  • 那时兰多中部弗罗里达大学,因为火警警报响了,所以我开门看看发生出了什么

    I'm in the University of Central Florida in Orlando, the fire alarm went off, I opened the door to see what's going on.


  • 请前来佛罗里达兰多加入22,000多个商务专业人士的行列,感受推动全球XXX行业潮流各种革新型XXX产品服务技术

    Join more than 22,000 business professionals in Orlando, Florida to experience the most innovative XXX products, services, trends and technologies moving the global XXX industry forward.


  • 佛罗里达兰多俱乐部举办阿诺玛邀请赛第三一位志愿工作者注视着米克尔森15号洞的发球

    Phil Mickelson hits a shot on the 15th tee as a volunteer looks on during the third round of the Arnold Palmer Invitational at the Bay Hill Club and Lodge in Orlando, Florida.


  • 拔大蒜那天遇到了一些来自佛罗里达兰多市的学习农业硕士研究生。

    At that day, I met some Agriculture master students came from Orlando, Florida.


  • 兰达·收到礼物是伊欧文服装丽芙·泰勒收到的亚雯将要死去时穿的衣服,兰多·布鲁姆收到的是莱格拉斯的张弓

    Miranda Otto received one of Eowyn's dresses and her sword, Liv Tyler received Arwen's "dying dress", Orlando Bloom got one of Legolas' bows.


  • 据官方绝大部分伤者轻微烧伤其中三却在星期日晚上佛罗里达橘子体育场送往兰多医院

    Official say most of the injuries were minor burns. But three people were taken from the Florida Citrus Bowl Stadium to an Orlando hospital Sunday night.


  • 美国佛罗里达东部城市,位于兰多以东设立于1886年,一个商业中心居住中心人口39,394。

    A city of eastern Florida east of Orlando. Incorporated in 1886, it is a commercial and residential center. Population, 39,394.


  • 2004年元月17周六佛罗里达同修参加每年兰多举行农历新年园游活动。

    On Saturday, January 17, 2004, Florida center initiates attended the annual lunar New Year fair held at orlandos Florida state fairgrounds.


  • 俩可迅速的!兰多·布鲁姆女友兰达可儿宣布订婚一个就闪电结婚了

    That was fast. Only a month after their engagement was confirmed Orlando Bloom and Miranda Kerr have married.


  • 俩可迅速的!兰多·布鲁姆女友兰达可儿宣布订婚一个就闪电结婚了

    That was fast. Only a month after their engagement was confirmed Orlando Bloom and Miranda Kerr have married.


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