• 菲茨杰拉德说:“做了一些调查发现天是各种文化公认幸运日。”索普家乡比较的新泽西州桑迪城结婚

    "I did some research and saw that there were two or three days that every culture agrees on as lucky days," said Fitzgerald, who will wed in Sandy Hook, N.J., near her and Allsopp's hometown.


  • 安德雷·里学会·迪诺沟通送给了本类似于自传东西,里面讲述了岁起发生事。

    Andrenio, after learning to communicate with Critilo, gives him a highly elaborate autobiography of his soul from the age of three days or so.


  • 如果贝拉·巴马最新提名认可七个联邦储备委员会成员中,只有经济学家两个律师。

    If Barack Obama's latest nominees are approved, only three of the seven governors will be economists; two will be lawyers.


  • 伊利诺伊州奥克布鲁办公,办公室附近有一家麦当劳,也是她午餐的地点,午餐菜谱通常烤鸡明治士堡,并搭配少量法式薯条

    Lunch, at the McDonald's next to her office in Oak Brook, Illinois, is usually a grilled chicken sandwich or a cheeseburger, with a few French fries and iced tea.


  • 罗德还消费者保护更加靠谱。正是巴马北卡罗来纳州洛利大会上着重谈到的问题。

    Mr. Axelrod added that 'consumer protections are a lot more tangible,' and that's what Mr. Obama focused on Wednesday at a town-hall meeting in Raleigh, n.c..


  • 上赛季一共出场13次,打进6新赛季,科洛普有可能利用瑟尔本杰明-格贝尔前锋战术。

    Thurk scored six goals in 13 games and Juergen Klopp is likely to play him as part of a three-man forward line, along with Benjamin Auer and Fabian Gerber.


  • 纳齐斯只是填补由于罗伯特·(Robert Zoellick)离任后空缺职位而已。佐作为美国特使帮助通过谈判5月达成了一份局部和平协定,之后离任就职华尔街

    Mr Natsios fills a post that was left vacant for three months, after Robert Zoellick, the American envoy who helped to negotiate a partial peace deal in May, left for a job on Wall Street.


  • FACEBOOKCEO.扎伯格)2011年76位于加利福尼亚帕罗总部发布会期间观看视频通话的演示PaulSakuma /APPhoto

    Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, left, watches a demonstration of Video Chat during an announcement at Facebook headquarters in Palo Alto, Calif., Wednesday, July 6, 2011. , Paul Sakuma / AP Photo


  • 这些卡片早先英国广告商埃利收藏,而埃利特已于2005年去世。 人们预计张贺卡各自拍卖价从4500英镑(约合7064.67美元)10,000英镑(约合15,698.09美元 )不等。

    Previously collected by British advertising entrepreneur Jock Elliott, who died in 2005, these cards are expected to cost between 4, 500 ($7, 064.67) and 10, 000 pounds ($15, 698.09) each.


  • 菲尔-杰经过短暂退役之后又回到了教练席上,率领湖人拿到连冠开始十年这次他们的核心叫-尼尔。

    Phil Jackson returned from his brief retirement to lead the Lakers to three consecutive championships to open the decade, this time leaning on center Shaquille O'Neal.


  • 希望说实话谎。

    Leo: I wish Clark would just tell me the truth! He's lied to me three times.


  • 天后阿尔塞斯的随从们正在国王路的十字路口旁等待着一个的到来。

    Three days later in Alterac, Arthas and his men wait near a crossroads along the King's Road.


  • 最后周里巴马竞选活动播放了斯·罗德更多电视广告

    In those final three weeks, Obama's campaign ran several more of Axelrod's television ads.


  • 我们晚宴上欣赏帕·塞尔·弗里人乐队的演出。

    We are going to be hearing from the Parker Ossel Folish (ph) Trio, who will be playing during dinner.


  • 1安东尼兰空军基地我们一个地方赶到另一个地方去理发、照相领制服

    1during our first three days at Lackland air Force Base in San Antonio, we were herded from place to place for haircuts, shots and uniforms.


  • 范吉名卡尔·之间抵达终点差距超过了一分钟

    In the race both streaked away from the chasing pack, with the gap between Fangio and third-placed Karl Kling over a minute by the time they reached the flag.


  • 墨西哥经历文化冲击,分别是玛雅文明尔梅文明以及发生·特帝国年代的托尔铁文明。

    The Mexican civilization has experienced three major civilizations in the course of its existence. These are the Mayas, the Olmecs and the Toltecs who happened to have preceded the Aztec empire.


  • 安东尼兰空军基地我们一个地方赶到另一个地方去理发、照相领制服

    During our first three days at Lackland air Force Base in San Antonio, we were herded from place to place for haircuts, shots and uniforms.


  • 符号安排样式符合古老文化文字书写,大致公元世纪的文字要

    The arrangement and pattern of the symbols suggest the ancient Olmec civilization was using written language roughly three centuries earlier than previously proposed.


  • 不同主题篮球场设立代表风格尼尔拜伦-戴维斯何塞·卡尔德隆分别

    Three different thematic basketball courts will be set up representing the styles of Shaq O'neal, Baron Davis and Jose Calderon respectively.


  • 不同主题篮球场设立代表风格尼尔拜伦-戴维斯何塞·卡尔德隆分别

    Three different thematic basketball courts will be set up representing the styles of Shaq O'neal, Baron Davis and Jose Calderon respectively.


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