• 奋斗性格成功是我目标

    Struggle is my personality, success is my goal.


  • 奋斗性格成功是我目标! !

    Struggle eis my personality, success is my target!


  • 奋斗信念任何事情不能打倒

    Struggle is my belief that anything can't bring me down!


  • 奋斗必修课

    The struggle is my required course.


  • 告诉如何保住公司奋斗的。

    I told him how we had fought to hold on to the company.


  • 不断奋斗已经成为一个时间管理魔术师不过他们教给生活宝贵的经验

    It is a constant struggle and I have become a time and management juggler but they are the ones who teach me the most valuable lessons in life.


  • 接受治疗一项持续奋斗需要实验忍耐。它疾病经验自身一样

    I am coming to accept that care is a constant struggle to experiment and persevere, just like the illness experience itself.


  • 特尔爵士的儿子伊恩:“许多年来父亲努力奋斗证实喷气式飞机技术可行的。 英国皇家空军对此缺乏兴趣很沮丧,并且怀疑他的脑子有问题这更加深了他的伤害,但惠特尔的设计图触发了德国的灵感,建造德国版本的喷气式飞机。

    Whittle's son Ian said: 'For many years, my father battled to prove that his idea for jet engine technology was attainable.


  • 最后想说的话如果儿子或者女儿正在为学习奋斗明了,不要智力或者聪明这些词激发小孩

    The bottom line is this, if you have a son or daughter who is struggling academically, be cognizant not to use the words, intelligent or smart to motivate your child.


  • 这里要向你们说明人民继承了自由奋斗的传统,一个永不气馁民族。

    But I come before you to say that we are heirs to a struggle for freedom. We are a people of improbable hope.


  • 不断奋斗已经成为一个时间管理魔术师不过他们教给生活宝贵的经验

    Yes, it is a constant struggle and I have become a time and management juggler but they are the ones who teach me the most valuable lessons in life.


  • 如果所效力公司成功奋斗或者感觉停滞不前脱离(跟不上)时代,那么难为工作而兴奋的,还不谈论那些明显问题——赤字裁员

    It's hard to be thrilled with your job if the company you work for is struggling to succeed, or feels stuck and irrelevant. I'm not talking about obvious problemsred ink and layoffs.


  • 看到人们的拼搏奋斗巨大的力量

    Where I have seen struggle, I have seen great strength.


  • 如果所效力公司成功奋斗或者感觉停滞不前、脱离(跟不上)时代,那么你难为工作兴奋的,谈论那些明显问题——赤字裁员

    It's hard to be thrilled with your job if the company you work for is struggling to succeed, or feels stuck and irrelevant.I'm not talking about obvious problemsred ink and layoffs.


  • 打动不仅仅这些男女奋斗精神,其实,他们决心,他们的自力更生,面对艰难困苦时不屈不挠乐观深深地感动了

    It wasn't just the struggles of these men and women that had moved me. Rather, it was their determination, their self-reliance, a relentless optimism in the face of hardship.


  • 十分珍惜这一点因为所享有广阔选择余地奶奶的妈妈,乃至千千万万个中国妇女几十年艰苦奋斗的结果。

    I will treasure it because the abundance of choice that I enjoy came only after decades of efforts made by my granny, my mum, and millions of other Chinese women.


  • 认为婚姻让人感到幸福地方个人一起勤奋工作,一起为人生目标而奋斗。”新浪网络门户BBS的一则留言中写道。

    I think the most joyful part about marriage is that two people work hard to achieve every goal of life together, " read a post on the BBS of the popular web portal of Sina.


  • 奋斗争取的原则而不个人私利

    It is the principle I contend for, not individual or private benefit.


  • 别人一直都在告诉阿森纳个不错的俱乐部,自己认为这个俱乐部十分适合,在球场上奋斗

    From what they told me I think Arsenal were quite impressed with my athleticism - the fact that I can get up and down the pitch.


  • 重要的你们今天告诉你们传递下去,下一代可以坚持奋斗直到胜利

    And above all, pass on this message of mine to those who come after you, so that future generations shall carry on the struggle until it is victorious.


  • 当然不会有人疯狂认为所有书本真的东西,《奋斗》也本书

    None of us are so mad as to suppose that all books are really good things. Mein Kampf was a book.


  • 也许减肥奋斗意志力薄弱的表现。

    Perhaps my own losing struggle with weight reflects a failure of willpower.


  • 书名叫:52,52张沙发里面包含如何在好莱坞奋斗(没有任何人同住),希望这本书热卖。

    I'm calling it 52 Weeks, 52 Couches: How I Slept my Way Through Hollywood (Without Sleeping with Anybody) and I hope to sell it soon.


  • 还有别的鲜明原因保持童贞当然了:明白自己未来奋斗达到目的方式做出明智的选择

    There were other, more significant reasons to stay a virgin, of course: I learned that I had to fight for the future I wanted, and the way to do that was by making wise choices.


  • 如此辛苦工作奖赏人生总的所有日夜辛苦奋斗时,安静下来,一个到位父亲

    The reward for working so hard was that for eight years in the middle of my life, when most people were working night and day, I was chilled out and was a completely present father.


  • 这里所讲观念不仅仅针对妇女相信乐观主题每天影响着每个在生活中奋斗个体的。

    The concept of this post isn’t targeted at women only; I believe the subject of optimism affects every individual going/living through life’s struggles each day.


  • 自然》杂志补充说明道:“真的相信报道科学结果真实刺激值得奋斗的。”

    Nature also reported him as adding in a statement, "I truly believe that the reported scientific effects are real, exciting and worth working for."


  • 当成生命精彩中的一部分所以剩下这儿孤独地奋斗并且享受孤独带给

    I look upon that as part of the splendor of my life, so what I should do in order to achieve it is just striving alone for it and enjoying the beauty of loneliness.


  • 因为罗恩·保罗公共生活极少数能够真正理解这个问题愿意治愈这个顽疾奋斗之一,十分荣幸能为这本小册子作序

    Because Ron Paul is one of the few men in public life who truly understands the problem and is willing to fight to cure it, it is truly a pleasure for me to write the preface to this booklet.


  • 因为罗恩·保罗公共生活极少数能够真正理解这个问题愿意治愈这个顽疾奋斗之一,十分荣幸能为这本小册子作序

    Because Ron Paul is one of the few men in public life who truly understands the problem and is willing to fight to cure it, it is truly a pleasure for me to write the preface to this booklet.


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