• 进入奈卡洞穴探险需要工业水泵更多的防护。

    Exploring the Naica caves requires more than just industrial strength water pumps.


  • 位于墨西哥吉娃娃矿地水晶山洞2000年在矿地钻井兄弟发现以后一直受到世界的关注。

    The Cave of Crystals, located in the working Naica mine of Chihuahua, Mexico, has captivated the world since it was first discovered in 2000by two brothers drilling in the Naica lead and silver mine.


  • 位于墨西哥吉娃娃矿地水晶山洞2000年在矿地钻井兄弟发现以后一直受到世界的关注。

    The Cave of Crystals, located in the working Naica Mine of Chihuahua,Mexico, has captivated the world since it was first discovered in 2000by two brothers drilling in the Naica lead and silver mine.


  • 59月其他潜水员在距离意大利诺里海岸150英尺地中海花园工作

    From May through September, Luca and other divers are working on Nemo's Garden in the Mediterranean Sea, 150 feet from the coast of Noli, Italy.


  • 保加利亚系列节目1频道播出。

    In Bulgaria, the series is broadcast on Kanal 1.


  • 比尔这次交谈中,给了很多有用提示

    Nabil: Wow Arkady you gave some very helpful tips during our conversation.


  • 旗,代表夏威夷群岛主要岛屿:尼华、考艾岛、瓦胡岛、毛伊岛、莫洛凯、拉岛、霍奥拉维岛以及大岛等

    The state flag has eight stripes representing the Hawaiian archipelago’s major islands: Nihau, Kauai, Oahu, Maui, Molokai, Lanai, Kahoolawe and the Big Island of Hawaii.


  • 此外布罗迪还告诉陪审团,2009年杜根大脑扫描,说明不了当年杀死·尼·里科的大脑是个什么样子

    Moreover, Brodie told the jury, Dugan's brain scan in 2009 says nothing about what his brain was like when he killed Jeanine Nicarico.


  • 其它国家也有类似智能,比如近期生活中见到的波士顿查理惠灵顿

    Other countries have similar smart cards. A couple that I've come across in real life recently were Boston's CharlieCard and Wellington's Snapper card.


  • 斯特先生将肾脏捐献给父亲尔·顿小镇61岁的菲尔·斯特,他已经历了10个月透析治疗。

    Kaster donated his kidney to his father, Phil Kaster, 61, of Canal Fulton, who was on dialysis for 10 months.


  • 其它国家也有类似智能,比如近期生活中见到的波士顿查理惠灵顿

    Other countries have similar smart CARDS. A couple that I've come across in real life recently were Boston's Charlie card and Wellington's Snapper card.


  • 美国银行约翰萨奇克(John Suchane)指出,虽然美国600万家运营场所接受信用贷记,但接受非接触只有100万。

    John Suchanec, of Bank of America, says that whereas debit and credit cards are accepted at 6m locations in America today, only 1m sites accept contactless cards.


  • 内基梅隆大学语言技术研究所主任尔(JaimeCarbonell)表示:“如果可以使用母语与外国人交流,种语言独大趋势就会减弱”。

    “It decreases the drive to consolidate into one dominant language if you can use your own, ” says Jaime Carbonell, head of Carnegie Mellon’s Language Technologies Institute.


  • 内基梅隆大学语言技术研究所主任尔(JaimeCarbonell)表示:“如果可以使用母语与外国人交流,种语言独大趋势就会减弱”。

    “It decreases the drive to consolidate into one dominant language if you can use your own,” says Jaime Carbonell, head of Carnegie Mellon’s Language Technologies Institute.


  • 两个孩子的27岁摩的司机希图比路说道每日收入已经以前的2500拉(折合16.5美元)下降到了1000拉。

    Shittu Kabiru, a 27-year-old rider with two children, says his daily earnings have already fallen from 2,500 naira ($16.50) to 1,000.


  • 甘肃升sushengGan大学分子生物学家,改组使用变异物种稍微推迟了树叶衰老表象不是理想的模型

    And Susheng Gan, a molecular biologist at Cornell University, says the mutant type used by the group shows only slightly delayed leaf senescence, making it a less-than-ideal model to work with.


  • 我伸长头颈观望,就是犹太中心芮门大楼,布鲁克林来比伽弗雷。霍尓兹伯格妻子就是在这儿杀害的。

    That was the Nariman House, where a rabbi from Brooklyn, Gavriel Holtzberg, and his wife, Rivka, were killed.


  • 礼堂的吗?

    Does this line go to Carnegie Hall?


  • 州德杜克大学研究人员为了了解加法这样能力进化了多少,他们关注了和人类有点远亲关系的--猕猴

    To see how far back more advanced capabilities such as addition might go, researchers at Duke University in Durham, N. C. , focused on somewhat distant relatives of humansrhesus monkeys.


  • 本文运用美国精神分析学派学者伦·霍尔人际防御策略理论对张爱玲作品不同人物类型进行分析。

    This paper , by means of the scholar of new Psychoanalysis , Karen Horney"s defensive tactics among people approach , discuss different types of personality in Eileen Chang"s novel.


  • 需求发明动力,万般万伯顿不得不研发一种不含酒精的可饮料,由此诞生我们熟知的可口可乐前身。

    Necessity being the mother of invention, Pemberton was forced to develop a non-alcoholic version of his drink, and the forerunner to what we know as Coca-Cola was born.


  • 目的观察瑞格列、阿波糖联合治疗老年性2糖尿病患者临床疗效安全性

    Objective: To observe the clinical efficacy and safety of combined treatment of repaglinide and acarbose in aged patients with diabetes type 2.


  • 梅多克最早重植赤霞珠地区,这里酿造出很多世界顶级的红葡萄酒。

    The Médoc is the land of the Cabernet Sauvignon variety and produces some of the world's greatest wines.


  • 旗,代表夏威夷群岛主要岛屿:尼华艾岛、瓦胡岛、毛伊岛、莫洛凯岛、拉岛、霍奥拉维岛以及大岛等

    The state flag has eight stripes representing the hawaiian archipelago ' s major islands : nihau, kauai, oahu, maui, molokai, lanai, kahoolawe and the big island of hawaii.


  • 传票完了之后,就执照登记退司机

    Neri finished writing in his summons book and gave the driver back his registration and license.


  • 目的:观察几种常用药物安定盐酸福泮、地塞米松、利多)配伍,用于妇科小手术中的镇痛效果

    Objective:To consider the effect of several medicine combined such as Diazepam injection, Nefopam Hydrochloride injection, Dexamethasone injection, Lidocaine Hydrochloride injection.


  • 目的:观察几种常用药物安定盐酸福泮、地塞米松、利多)配伍,用于妇科小手术中的镇痛效果

    Objective:To consider the effect of several medicine combined such as Diazepam injection, Nefopam Hydrochloride injection, Dexamethasone injection, Lidocaine Hydrochloride injection.


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