• 一杯卡布·奇诺一些甜点

    Yes, I want a cup of Cappuccino and some dessert.


  • 好。一杯卡布奇诺一些甜点。

    And I'd love a cappuccino.


  • 想要一杯卡布·奇诺一个甜甜圈。

    I want a cup of cappuccino and a doughnut.


  • 经典装修高尔夫球我们软组织棉花奇诺定制抛光留意链接摆动球员

    Classic-fitting golf short, tailored in our soft tissue cotton chino and embroidered with swinging players for a polished look out on the links.


  • 卡普奇诺阿纳森猜测,可能是因为土生土长的食者外来物种所具有的防御机制有时产生“预适应”,有时又产生。

    Dr Cappuccino and Dr Arnason suspected this might be because native predators are sometimes "pre-adapted" to the aliens' defences, but in other cases they are not.


  • 选定下列人员参加沃茨克斯

    The following have been chosen to take part: Watts, Hodges and Lennox.


  • 欧洲中东一些地区有种叫摩卡奇诺术语用来形容加入可可巧克力的拿咖啡。

    A term moccaccino is used in some regions of Europe and the Middle East to describe Café Latte with cocoa or chocolate.


  • 水系意大利人贝尔纳•帕乌拉•威佳想法巴黎像是块摆开的“海绵”,水路正是新的高速公路

    Water is also an idea the Italians Bernardo Secchi and Paola Vigano have developed: their Paris is laid out as a "sponge" in which waterways are the new motorways.


  • 他们可以以下目的地进行一次虚拟徒步观光旅行伦敦加的夫贝尔法斯特爱丁堡以及南安普敦阿伯丁布里斯托尔

    They will be able to take a virtual walking tour of destinations such as London, Cardiff, Belfast and Edinburgh, and from Southampton to Aberdeen, Bristol to Norwich.


  • 于是,开始思念美味的卡---仍然还算合理定价住处很近的距离---并且意识到他的这种抵制多少有点荒谬

    Then he started to miss his delicious cappuccinosstill reasonably priced and a short walk from his house—and realized how irrational his boycott had been.


  • 并不着迷城市生活他们清楚地知道在城市里生活的好处

    Ochkhuu and Norvoo feel no great affinity for city life, but they see its advantages.


  • 我们节课起始年代十七世纪除了伦敦这个巨型城市英国最大城市埃克塞特以及北部约克

    In the time we're starting this course in the seventeenth century, besides London, which is this gigantic place, the biggest cities in England were Norwich and Exeter, and York in the north.


  • 胡格银匠阿波罗·里维尔黛博拉·儿子,他还没读父亲的程度就获得了基本的写作结业证书。

    The son of a Huguenot silversmith, Apollos Rivoire, and Deborah Hitchbourn, Revere received a rudimentary "writing-school" education before turning to his father's trade.


  • 加入一点鲜艳色彩反衬深灰色就像这个莫斯·奇诺男模:戴着一顶紫红色圆顶高礼帽,搭配与之相衬的手套手帕

    Introduce a cheeky dash of colour to contrast against a charcoal grey like this Moschino man with his Burgundy bowler hat, matching gloves and handkerchief.


  • 烟囱木桩都运送进屋之后,奥打开了低矮的木门,跟着进屋的是妻子乌,小儿子乌拉卡,六岁的女儿卡。

    Once his stovepipe was raised and the stakes driven in, he opened the low wooden door for his wife, Norvoo; their baby boy, Ulaka; and their six-year-old daughter, Anuka.


  • 因为失去咖啡起泡卡布·奇诺大豆拿铁咖啡生活可能继续的。

    Because life without black coffee, frothy cappuccinos, soy lattes, and espresso shots is simply not possible.


  • 石炭纪有着茂盛沼泽地森林,这是最适合的地形”,英国英吉利大学的蒂姆·莱顿表示

    "The Carboniferous had lush swampy forests, perfect for burying carbon" says Tim Lenton of the University of East Anglia in Norwich, UK.


  • 所以上午一杯卡布奇诺可能你带来的是愉快的好心情,对有些来说,可能就是烦躁坏脾气。

    So, while a mid-morning cappuccino will give one person a pleasant buzz, it could make another person edgy and irritable.


  • 牧民们肯定不想箱子里乌他们别无选择

    Nomads were never meant to live in a box, but Ochkhuu and Norvoo weren't there by choice.


  • 尽管我们知道这些没有什么不对不管怎样,这份意式早餐只有卡布奇诺咖啡羊角面包。

    (Although there’s nothing wrong with having them for breakfast you know) Either way an Italian eats on the run with a ‘cappuccino e cornetto’ aka a cappuccino and croissant.


  • 对于克斯索莱托来说,他们监狱里已经渡过时光,谈不上所谓的公正;对梅雷迪一家来说,他们至今仍然知道盖德是否参与了谋杀,如果不是,那么究竟是杀害了梅雷迪思,对于他们一家也还谈不上公正。

    Not for Knox and Sollecito, who've spent four years in jail, nor Meredith Kercher's family who still don't know if Rudy Guede had an accomplice or not, and if so, who it might have been.


  • 电影导演加布里尔.穆奇诺——他只是许多表达类似观点知识分子艺术家中的一个

    “I have to say that I see no alternative to Silvio Berlusconi, ” declared Gabriele Muccino, a film director and one of several intellectuals and artists who have recently voiced similar opinions.


  • 电影导演加布里尔.穆奇诺——他只是许多表达类似观点知识分子艺术家中的一个

    “I have to say that I see no alternative to Silvio Berlusconi,” declared Gabriele Muccino, a film director and one of several intellectuals and artists who have recently voiced similar opinions.


  • 艾米丽·布朗宁吉娜·马龙杰米·钟联合主演批住在残忍精神病院里的可怜妹子,她们要在疯狂的女医生(卡拉·古奇诺饰)指引杀出一片狂野复仇之旅。

    Vanessa Hudgens, Emily Browning, Jena Malone and Jamie Chung co-star as ferocious loony-bin inhabitants who unleash wild revenge fantasies under the guidance of a mad doctor (Carla Gugino).


  • 内马尼亚·维迪克里斯·司马林依旧不大可能对阵的比赛中复出,不过就算主队防线发挥很糟糕,似乎也似乎没有足够机动性穿越

    Nemanja Vidic and Chris Smalling are still out but it is unlikely Norwich have enough mobility in forward areas to overly worry the home defence.


  • 菲舍尔17轮比赛唯一败局。尽管如此,费舍尔还是取得了第一名领先科奇诺斯密斯·洛夫(彼得·罗森落后他俩)两分。

    It was Fischer s only loss in the 17-round tournament, and he finished first, two points ahead of Korchnoi and Smyslov (Petrosian was half a point behind them).


  • 布鲁·马斯特里(BrunoMascitelli)埃米利亚·(Emiliano Zucchi) 2007年8月当代欧洲研究杂志》上散布的正是这一理论

    Bruno Mascitelli and Emiliano Zucchi floated precisely that theory in the Journal of Contemporary European Studies in August 2007.


  • 此之后的几年里,尼博士雷利博士其他研究者发现大量间接证据支持所谓突触自稳态假说

    In the years since, Dr. Tononi and Dr. Cirelli, along with other researchers, have found a great deal of indirect evidence to support the so-called synaptic homeostasis hypothesis.


  • 此之后的几年里,尼博士雷利博士其他研究者发现大量间接证据支持所谓突触自稳态假说

    In the years since, Dr. Tononi and Dr. Cirelli, along with other researchers, have found a great deal of indirect evidence to support the so-called synaptic homeostasis hypothesis.


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